An Extra Ordinary Minute with Robert White


Robert White is an extra ordinary personality keeping a lot of love and affection to the humanity.

At a time when I was in a deep problem he lifted me from the pain I suffered through his personal e mails to me. 

Robert White looks at why some people live fulfilled, successful lives, while for others, contentment and real success always seem to be just out of reach. How is it that some people know what they want and go for it, while others flounder and struggle and never seem to discover their real goals and purpose in life? Why are some people able to live extraordinary and joyful lives while, for others, life seems repetitive, flat, a giant yawn, an exercise in high drama or run by fear? _ Rajan P Thodiyoor

 “Living an Extraordinary Life” 

by Robert White

My personal journey is perhaps a bit like yours – starts and stops and detours with some sightseeing along the way (avoidance) and occasionally, deep and rich life experiences that I actually notice while they are actually happening.

If none of that has happened to you, perhaps it’s time to hit the delete key for this message.

We often ignore the real life feedback and potential value our physical body, our emotions and our spiritual selves offer us as tools for growth.  I’ve learned to ask “what’s my body telling me?” and “am I glad, sad, mad or afraid?” and “is this conversation, activity or circumstance I’ve created consistent with my higher purpose?”

Now if I – or we – could just ask those questions more often!


“The moments of our lives are ephemeral gifts, and we cannot afford to miss even one of them.  Happily, you don’t have to wait for a painful wake-up call.  You can notice the miracle of your life right now.  Awareness is a choice.”  

                                                   -Robert White, from Living an Extraordinary Life


Several readers have commented on how one of these quotes arrived at “just the right time.”  I assure you that this is not planned by your author – I usually select and write about these weeks or months in advance and they are then sent out automatically.

I write this in the aftermath of the tragedy last June on the Yangtze River in China where over 440 perished in an awful 60 seconds. It’s a reminder to all of the importance of staying awake to the moments – and especially the people – in our lives.

It’s really difficult to put our thoughts and feelings of the terrible events brought so vividly to us in the media into a useful context – especially to a conclusion of defying evil and renewing our positive hopes for the future. Yet that is exactly the challenge we must face and overcome.


“I am not bound to win, but I am bound to be true.  I am not bound to succeed, but I am bound to live by the light that I have.  I must stand with anybody that stands right, stand with him while he is right, and part with him when he goes wrong.”  

  • Abraham Lincoln

I’m old enough to have enjoyed an educational experience where some of those “dead white guys” and their thoughts were held up as ideals.  Abraham Lincoln’s life was a study in integrity.   We can all learn from him because he left a rich legacy of concise wisdom backed by decisive action.

The essence of his leadership philosophy would take more than our “minute” to express; however consideration of his words printed above would be an excellent beginning to a great, even extraordinary understanding of the state of being required to truly lead. – Robert White
