Research Associate – University of Kerala

Applications are invited for a Research Associate position in the Inter University Centre for Genomics and Gene Technology, Department of Biotechnology, University of Kerala, tenable for a period of one year initially and may further extended based on performance.
The centre focuses on frontier areas of research including DNA / Molecular diagnostics, recombinant vaccine, genetic engineering, Plant & Animal Tissue culture, Protein engineering and Microbial technology. Essential qualifications: Research Associate: Ph.D. in Biotechnology / Molecular Biology / Plant Sciences/Genomics/Animal Biotechnology. Candidates with independent research experience and publications in peer reviewed journals will be preferred.
Age: Below 40 years.
Successful candidate on appointment will receive a consolidated payment of Rs. 25,000 / month + admissible HRA as the University regulations.
Interested candidates may send applications on white paper along with resume and attested copies of relevant certificates within 15 days from the date of this advertisement, by post to Dr A. Jayakumaran Nair, Director, Inter-University Centre for Genomics and Gene Technology, Department of Biotechnology, University of Kerala, Kariavattom, Thiruvananthapuram-695 581, Kerala