Questions and answers on Constitution of India, Science and Technology, General Knowledge , based on previous question papers and PSC Question Bank, for graduate level exams. Our experts, Career Team, prepared following model questions and answers. You can study and check your efficiency by practicing Mock Examinations in this site that will be helpful to you. You can make enough revisions to obtain qualified marks in the exam easily.
1. What is the full form of ISD which is related to GST?
a. Input Service Distributor
b. Indian Standard Data
c. Income Strength Distribution
d. Inter State delivery
Ans: a
2. Who among the following was the Chairperson of the Provincial Constitution Committee of the Constituent
Assembly ?
a. Jawaharlal Nehru
b. Sardar Vallabhai Patel
c. Dr. B R Ambedkar
d. J B kripalani
Ans: b
3. Gender Budgeting started in India with the Union Budget of
a 1991 – 92 b. 2001 -02
c. 2005 – 06 d. 2010-11
Ans: c
4. Who among the following was the Constitutional Advisor to the Constituent Assembly?
a. Sachidananda Sinha
b. B. N. Rao
c. H. N. Kunzuru
d. V. N. Menon
Ans: b
5. On which date Indian Constitution was finally signed by the members of the Constituent Assembly?
a. January 24, 1950
b. January 26, 1950
c. January 24, 1949
d. November 26, 1949
Ans: a
6. Who among the following was the first President of Constituent Assembly of India?
a. Dr. Sachidananda Sinha
b. Dr. Rajendra Prasad
c. Dr. B R Ambedkar
d. H C Mukherjee
Ans: a
7. Which of the following words is NOT included in the Preamble of the Constitution of India?
a. Equality
b. Liberty
c. Sanctity
d. Justice
Ans: c
8. Till now the Preamble of Constitution of India has been amended for how many times?
a. Never
b. Once
c. Twice
d. Thrice
Ans: b
9. The language and ideals of the Preamble of Constitution of India is influenced /borrowed from which of the following
1. USA 2. France 3. Australia
Select the correct option from the codes given below.
a. Only 1 and 2
b. Only 2 and 3
c. only 1 and 3
d. 1, 2 and 3
Ans: d
10 . Which among the following committee recommended to setup an Equal Opportunity Commission?
a. Sarkaria Commission
b. Sachar Committee
c. Bhagawati Committee
d. Chawla Committee
Ans: b
11 . Protection of Wildlife comes under which of the following in constitution of India?
1. Fundamental Duties
2. Directive Principles
3. Seventh schedule
Select the correct answer from the codes given below.
a. Only 1 and 2 b. Only 2 and 3
c. Only 1 and 3 d. 1,2 and 3
Ans: d
12. Which of the following Articles under Part IV (Article 36-51) contain the Directive Principles of State Policy that
include scope of Gandhian Principles?
a. Article 40, 43, 44 b. Article 47 only
c. Article 40, 47, 48 d. Article 50 only
Ans: c
13. Which one of the following statements are incorrect with respect to Fundamental Duties?
a. They can be promoted only by constitutional methods
b. They can be enforced by writs.
c. They can used for interpreting ambiguous statutes
d. The performance of any particular duty comes within the sphere of constitutional law which court has to decide.
Ans: b
14. Which among the following is NOT a Fundamental Duty of a citizen?
a. Respect for the National Flag
b. Respect for the government
c. Respect for the Constitution
d. Respect for the National Anthem
Ans: b
15 . ‘We Think Digital’ is a digital literacy program of which global technology company?
a) Google b) Facebook
c) Apple d) Amazon
Ans: b
16 . Which association collaborated with NITI Aayog’s Atal Innovation Mission (AIM) to launch Artifical Intelligence based module for Indian School Students?
b) CII
d) T-Hub
Ans: a
17 . What is the original name of Antarctica’s ‘Doomsday Glacier’ which was making news recently?
a) Pine Island Glacier
b) Helheim Glacier
c) Jakobshawn Glacier
d) Thwaites Glacier
Ans: d
18 . “Thane Creek Flamingo Sanctuary”, declared as an Eco-snsitive zone by the Union Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change is located in which state?
a) Odisha
b) Gujarat
c) Maharashtra
d) Karnataka
Ans: c
19 . Siruvani hills, which has been identified as a butterfly super-hotspot is located in which state?
a) Tamil Nadu
b) Kerala
c) Karnataka
d) Andhrapradesh
Ans: a
20. ‘Arribada’ is a term used to describe the mass migration of which species?
a) Frog
b) Sea Turtle
c) Snakes
d) Butterfly
Ans: b
21. India’s first moss garden has been developed in which state/UT?
a) Himachal pradesh
b) Sikkim
c) Uttarakhand
d) West Bengal
Ans: c
22. What is the IUCN status of black softshell turtles?
a) Vulnerable b) Least concerned
c) Extinct in the wild
d) Critically Endangered
Ans: c
23. Which state has implemented a public private partnership (PPP) model for rescue and rehabilitation of leopards?
a) Gujarat
b) Haryana
c) Himachal pradesh
d) Jammu & Kashmir
Ans: a
24. Which organisation developed ‘crystal blade technology’ for aero engines?
c) HAL
d) BEL
Ans: a
25. The ‘Yudh Abhyas’ is a joint military exercise between India and which country?
a) France
b) US
c) Japan
d) Sri Lanka
Ans: b
26. What is the name of the military exercise that would involve assets of Indian Army, Navy and Air Force and coast Guard?
a) Exercise Kavach
b) Exercise Kapil
c) Exercise Himvijay
d) Exercise Darshan
Ans: a
27 . Which species has been recently named after the state of Arunachal pradesh?
a) Spider
b) Butterfly
c) Turtle
d) Gecko
Ans: d
28 . What is the name of the condition in which the human body is deprived of adequate oxygen supply at the tissue level?
a) Hypoxia
b) Typoxia
c) Myoxia
d) Hyperoxia
Ans: a
29 . Which of the following statements are correct?
a) DRDO developed India’s first indigenous machine pistol called ‘ASMI’
b) BSF organises the operation ‘Garam Hawa’ in summer season and ‘Sard Hawa’ during winter season every year.
c) Larsen and Toubro has manufactured and delivered the booster segment for Gaganyaan Launch Vehicle to ISRO
d) All the above
Ans: d
30 . Which of the following statements are correct?
1. The Quick Reaction Surface-to-Air Missile (QRSAM) was indigenously developed by the DRDO.
2 . It was tested by the Chandipur Test range, Odisha
a) 1 only
b) 2 only
c) Both 1 and 2
d) Neither 1 nor 2
Ans: c
31 . Which of the following statements are true?
1. Prithvi-2 is a short range surface to surface ballistic missile developed by DRDO
2. It has a range of 350 km and a payload of 500 kg.
a) Both 1 and 2
b) 2 only
c) Neither 1 nor 2
d) 1 only
Ans: a
32 . Which of the following statements are true?
1.India’s first advanced Hypersonic Wind Tunnel (HWT) test facility was inaugurated by Union Defence Minister Rajnath Singh
to DRDO’s APJ Abdul Kalam Missile Complex in Hyderabad
2. India is the third country to have such a large HWT Test Facility
a) only 2
b) only 1
c) None of the above
d) Both 1 and 2
Ans: d
33 . Which of the following statements are correct?
1. The Government Hospital of Ernakulam, Kerala has deployed a robot named ‘KARMI-Bot’ to serve food and medicines to
Corona Virus patients in the Covid-19 isolation wards
2. The robot has been introduced to reduce the risk of doctors and health workers from being contracted to the Corona Virus.
3. Asimov Robotics, a startup company under the Kerala Start-up mission, has developed the robot
4. It is used as a substitute for doctors in treating Covid-19 infection
a) 1, 2 and 4
b) 2, 3 and 4
c) 1, 2 and 3
d) 1, 2, 3 and 4
Ans: c
34. The portal launched by Prime Minister of India in the Indian Science Congress held at Bengaluru on Jan 2020 ?
a) 1-Space
c) 1-STEM
Ans: c
35. Which of the following statements are correct?
1.World’s largest visible light telescope called ‘Thirty Meter Telescope’ is setup in Mauna kea on the island of Hawaii
2. India’s Department of Science and Technology (DST) and Department of Atomic Energy (DAE) are involved in the project.
a) 1 only
b) 2 only
c) Neither 1 nor 2
d) Both 1 and 2
Ans: d
36. What technology has been developed by a Hong Kong Scientist to detect autism at a very early stage?
a) Brain pulse detection
b) WBC Imaging c) EEG Analysis
d) Retinal eye scanning
Ans: d
37. Covid Vaccine called ‘Covishield’ was developed by which Indian Company in Partnership with OXford University and the British-Swedish firm Astrazeneca?
a) Sun Pharma
b) Biocon
c) Serum Institute of India
d) Dr. Reddys
Ans: c
38. Indian Railway has introduced the technology of “Push – Pull Mode’ (attach one engine in the front and one in the rear) in which
train ?
a) Tejas
b) Rajadhani
c) Shatabdi
d) Uday
Ans: b
39 . What is ‘Black fungus’, a serious fungal infection seen in human beings affected with Covid-19 in some states of India is medically called?
a) Onychomycosis
b) Cutaneous candidiasis
c) Mucor mycosis
d) None of the above
Ans: c
40 . What is ‘Covid Kavach Elisa’ ?
a) Mask
b) Testing kit
c) Disinfectant
d) Personal protective Equipment (PPE)
Ans: b
41 . Which one is included in the calculation of national income?
a. New Final Goods and Services
b. Earned income of Indian Companies in Abroad
c. Expenses made by Foreign Tourists in the Country
d. All the above
Ans: d
42 . Which of the following statement is /are correct about NITI Aayog ?
1. The aim of NITI Aayog is to achieve Sustainable Development Goals and to enhance Co-operative
Federalism in the Country
2. The Prime Minister of India is the ex – officio Chairman of NITI Ayog
3. There are five full time members and two part time members in NITI Ayog
a. 1 and 2 only
b. 2 and 3 only
c. 1 and 3 only
d. 1, 2 and 3
Ans: d
43. Consumer Protection Act is significant to
a. Movable goods
b. Immovable goods
c. Particular goods and services
d. All Goods and Services
Ans: d
44 . To protect themselves what do consumers need?
a. Consumer Forums
b. Consumer Protection Councils
c. Consumer movement
d. Consumer awareness
Ans: d
45 . Which mark should you look for while buying honey?
a. ISI b. ISO
c. Agmark d. BIS
Ans: 28 (c)
46 . The organisation which lays down standards of products at the International level is called
a. ISI
c. ISO
d. WCF
Ans: c
47. Which Article of the Constitution envisages budget?
a. Article 280
b. Article 110
c. Article 360
d. Article 112
Ans: d
48. When expenditure exceeds total tax revenue it is called
a. Surplus budget
b. Balanced budget
c. Deficit budget
d. None of these
Ans: c
49. A duty levied on goods when they are entering a town
a. Income Tax b. Octroi
c. Agricultural tax d. Professional tax
Ans: b
50. Who among the following headed the Advisory Committee on Fundamental Rights Minorities and Tribal and Excluded
Areas, a Committee under the Constituent Assembly?
a. Jawaharlal Nehru
b. Sardar Vallabhai Patel
c. H. C. Mukherjee
d. Maulana Azad
Ans: b
- Prof. RK Pillai
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