For the LDC exam normally ask questions from the school syllabus up to class 10. The syllabus includes Current Affires, General Knowledge, General Science, Arithmetics, Mental Ability, General English, Malayalam Grammer, Literature, Facts about India, Facts about Kerala, Geography, Cinema…
Question Paper
The question paper for LDC exam would prepare by the experts in different fields. It will be Different type of questions will be prepared for each districts. There will be 100 questions and each carry 1 mark. Each question will have four answer options, a,b,c,d and the candidate can opt his answer. The right answer will get 1 mark and the wrong one will lose 0.33 marks. There is no compulsion for answering all questions.
How to write
From the official web site of KPSC ( ) candidate should download the LDC hall ticket through the one time profile and take a print out of it. It should submit before the invigilator in the exam hall. Candidate will get an OMR sheet for answer the questions. Before answering the questions, candidate must write the name of the test, date of test, date of birth, register number of the candidate etc in the OMR sheet. To write the exam, candidate must concentrate both on the questions and options and bubble the right answer. Use black / blue ball point pen for answering. Obey the instructions from the PSC. After the exam time the invigilator will collect the answer sheets on time.
Answer key
The answer key of the LDC exam will be published by different private website soon after the completion of the examination. But the official key from the PSC will come in the PSC site within 2-3 days after the test. Candidates can examine the answers and compare with their answers. If there are any complaints they can send the complaints to the PSC. After checking the complaints PSC will publish the final answer key. With the help of this candidates can finalize their mark in the LD Clerk exam.
Cut off Mark
For each PSC exam the cut off mark will be decided by considering the future vacancies and the level of toughness of the question paper. The candidates who achieved the mark above the cut off mark will be including in the LDC main list.
Rank list
PSC will publish the LDC probability list and rank list in the website soon after the valuation of the answer sheets. The probability list will come first and it includes the register numbers of the candidates who have the chance for getting in the rank list based on their mark. After publishing probability list there is a certificate verification process. If the officers from the PSC, find out any problem with the qualification and any other area the candidate will get out of the list. Then the rank list will publish. It has 2 parts. Main list and the supplementary list. Main list includes the candidates who had got the mark above the cut off mark in the LDC exam. and the supplementary list is for the candidates enjoying reservation facilities.
The listed candidates will get the advice memo from the PSC according to the vacancies and as per rotation chart for the LDC.The advised rank holders will get the appointment as the Lower Division Clerk in any government department within 3 months from the advice .
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