Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission: Invites application for the post of Ombudsman

Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission for the state of Goa and union territories invites application for the post of Ombudsman.
The appointment of Ombudsman will be for the term of 3 years or till the date he/she attains the age of 65 years, whichever is earlier.
A person willing to apply for the post of Ombudsman shall be a person of integrity, repute and standing in any of the areas of law, management, engineering, finance, economics, commerce, public administration and shall either be a former judge not below the rank of District Judge, or a retired civil servant not below the rank of Additional Secretary to the Government of India or Principal Secretary to a State Government or equivalent, or a person who has worked for at least three (3) years as member of a regulatory body or Chief Executive Officer/Functional Director of an electricity or electricity related utility.
Detailed description regarding eligibility criteria is available on the official link :
Last date for the receipt of application is on : 15.05.17