TIME MANAGEMENT : Driving force behind the success….

- Rishi P Rajan
Time management is the process of planning and controlling how much time to spend on specific activities. Good time management enables an individual to complete more in a shorter period of time, lowers stress, and leads to career success.
We’ve all heard of time management. After all, it is one of the driving forces behind the success stories of any high achiever. However, how many of us really know what time management skills actually are?
Time management is a skill required by a person in order to plan and divide their time between specific activities. A person, who is good at managing their time, is more likely to achieve their goals, as they are automatically much more efficient and organized than their peers.
It may seem silly to focus on learning diligently, on how to manage one’s time, but there are several benefits to it:
- Greater productivity and efficiency
- Less stress
- Better reputation surrounding your professionalism
- Greater opportunities to advance your career, as you get recognized
A person, who can manage their time efficiently, is always seen in a new, bolder, and much more positive light by their peers, and their supervisors, and thus, helps to create a positive impact in their place of work.
So, now that we know why it is so important, the next question arises: How does one learn to manage their time efficiently?
Well fret not, as that is exactly what we are trying to teach!
Here are a few simple steps which can help you start a better approach at both life and work:
- Write your tasks down: What better way is there to plan all your tasks, than to list them down! Keep a planner, or a small journal, which will help you to cross them out once you complete them, as well. Isn’t it fun and satisfactory to cross your “to-dos” out!
- Delegate your tasks: In order to be able to complete all your tasks without over exerting yourself, it is important to know your limits. Making a list of the things you must do, helps you to analyze, and then further arrange them in the order of their priority. This will also automatically help you to not burn yourself out.
- Set deadlines: Deadlines are perhaps the best and worst gift for procrastinators. However, you need to definitely learn how to set your own deadlines if you want to get any other work, as well. It might be as easy measly as folding your fresh laundry, but it is the little things that amount to you forming a habit.
- Start early and avoid procrastination: Procrastination is perhaps the most deteriorative part of one’s progress. It can be frustrating to be stuck to work the entire day. In order to be productive, and avoid procrastinating, the most important aspect is perhaps to start early. Starting your day early, in a soothing and calm environment, helps your brain boost more serotonin, which in turn energizes you. It also helps to trick your brain by using the “Might as well” method. In order to fold an entire of laundry, your brain definitely feels bored and sluggish. So you can try to tell your brain, “Well, might as well fold this one shirt”, and repeat it, so your brain doesn’t really acknowledge that you’re doing a chore. This is also a great way to keep you up and moving, and complete your tasks within a set time.
- Learn to say “No”: The important, yet overlooked aspect of time management is perhaps learning to say no. It is necessary to know where your limits lie, and to draw a clear and distinctive boundary. Learn to say no, and avoid taking on unnecessary tasks on your plate. It is also a very quick way to burn yourself out, if you overload yourself constantly.
Good time management skills come only by practice, and though these points might help one to strategize your events and priorities; one must also learn to adopt a personal way to manage their daily tasks. Once you start learning how to utilize your time efficiently, you will be surprised at just how much of stress you can actually reduce in your life.
- rishiprajan@gmail.com