Questions and answers based on Constitution of India, Kerala History , General English and General Knowledge , based on previous question papers and PSC Question Bank, for graduate level exams. Our experts, Career Team, prepared following model questions and answers. You can study and check your efficiency by practicing Mock Examinations in this site that will be helpful to you. You can make enough revisions to obtain qualified marks in the exam easily.
1. The Parliament of India consists of
(A) President and Prime Minister
(B) Rajya Sabha and Lok Sabha
(C) President, Rajya Sabha and Lok Sabha
(D) President, Prime Minister and Council of Ministers
Ans: C
2. The Charter of Fundamental Rights in Indian Constitution is adopted from the Constitution of
(A) America (B) Canada
(C) Britain (D) France
Ans: A
3. To whom a Governor address his resignation ?
(A) President (B) Prime Minister
(C) Chief Minister (D) Chief Justice of High
Ans: A
4. Largest Union Territory in India in area is
(A) Chandigarh (B) Lakshadweep
(C) Daman and Diu
(D) Andaman and Nicobar Islands
Ans: D
5. The retirement age of Supreme Court Judges is
(A) 62 (B) 65
(C) 60 (D) 70
Ans: B
6. Choose the Central Service among the following :
(A) Indian Administrative Service
(B) Indian Police Service
(C) Indian Railway Service (D) Sales Tax Officers
Ans: C
7. The Chairman and members of Union Public Service Commission are appointed by
(A) Prime Minister (B) President
(C) Governor
(D) Chief Justice of Supreme Court
Ans: B
8. Identify the Constitutional Amendment through which a List of Fundamental Duties was inserted to Indian Constitution.
(A) 38th Amendment (B) 44th Amendment
(C) 52nd Amendment (D) 42nd Amendment
Ans: D
9. The Provision regarding the appointment and conditions of service of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India are laid down in
(A) Article – 148 (B) Article – 324
(C) Article – 74 (D) Article – 280
Ans: A
10. Directive Principles of State Policy are enumerated in
(A) Part III (B) Part II
(C) Part IV (D) Part IX
Ans: C
11. Father of mutation theory
(A) Hugo De Vries (B) Gregor Mendel
(C) Stanley Miller (D) Morgan
Ans: A
12. The frequency of ultrasound wave is typically
(A) Above 20,000 kHz (B) Below 20 kHz
(C) Above 20 kHz (D) Below 2 kHz
Ans: C
13. How much quantity of CO2 reaches atmosphere, when 1 kg methane is burnt ?
(A) 3.03 kg (B) 3.50 kg
(C) 1.25 kg (D) 2.75 kg
Ans: D
14. The Hormone that regulates the rhythm of life is
(A) Prolactin (B) Auxin
(C) Cortisol (D) Melatonin
Ans: D
15. Speed of sound is higher in which of the following mediums?
(A) Liquids (B) Solids
(C) Gases (D) All of these
Ans: B
16. Which type of light waves/rays used in remote control and night vision camera ?
(A) Ultraviolet (B) X-rays
(C) Infrared (D) Microwaves
Ans: C
17. Archaeopteryx is a connecting link of the following animals :
(A) Pisces and Amphibians (B) Reptiles and Ayes
(C) Ayes and Mammals (D) Amphibians and Reptiles
Ans: B
18 . Name the hill station founded and settled by the British during the course of Gurkha War 1815-16.
(A) Shimla (B) Mount Abu
(C) Darjeeling (D) Nainital
Ans: A
19. Refrigeration is a process which
(A) Kills bacteria (B) Inactivates the bacteria
(C) Slows down the bacterial growth
(D) Plasmolysis the bacteria
Ans: C
20. Reduction is addition of
(A) Hydrogen (B) Water
(C) Oxygen (D) Benzene
Ans: A
21. Who wrote ‘Calcutta Chromosome’ ?
(A) Anita Nair (B) Vikram Seth
(C) Shashi Tharoor (D) Amitav Ghosh
Ans: D
22. Which country has declared 2019 as year of Tolerance ?
(A) Japan (B) France
(C) UAE (D) Spain
Ans: C
23. The National Farmer’s Day is celebrated on
(A) December 23 (B) November 20
(C) November 12 (D) December 22
Ans: A
24. Which state in India set up Adhyatmik Vibhag (Spiritual department) ?
(A) Uttar Pradesh (B) Madhya Pradesh
(C) Assam (D) Gujarat
Ans: B
25. Who is the author of the book ‘Changing India’ ?
(A) Ramnath Kovind (B) Venkaiya Naidu
(C) Manmohan Singh (D) Arun Jaitley
Ans: C
26. F.W. Stevens designed which railway station in India ?
(A) Char Bagh, Lucknow (B) Dudhsagar, Goa
(C) Victoria Terminus, Bombay
(D) Ghum, West Bengal
Ans: C
27. `Poduvaipu Era’ commenced on
(A) 1330 (B) 1341
(C) 1342 (D) 1345
Ans: B
28. The natural western boundary of the Indian Subcontinent :
(A) The Hindukush mountain
(B) Kanchenjunga
(C) Gouri-Sankar (D) Nanga Parbat
Ans: A
29. The tributary of lost river Saraswati :
(A) Beas (B) Ravi
(C) Jhelum (D) Sutlej
Ans: D
30. Tsunami affected Kerala on
(A) 26th December, 2005
(B) 26th December, 2004
(C) 28th December, 2004
(C) 28th December, 2005
Ans: B
31. 65% of soils of Kerala
(A) Red soil (B) Black Soil
(C) Acid saline (D) Laterite
Ans: D
32. Biological park in Kerala
(A) Thattekkad (B) Agastya Mountain Region
(C) Silent Valley (D) Chinnar
Ans: B
33. Not a feature of New Economic Policy
(A) Privatisation (B) Liberalisation
(C) Socialisation (D) Globalisation
Ans: C
34. Roof of the world
(A) Pamir (B) Karakoram
(C) Aksaichin (D) Godwin Austin
Ans: A
35. The population of India has been growing continuously and rapidly after which year ?
(A) 1931 (B) 1926
(C) 1885 (D) 1921
Ans: D
36. Not a feature of horizontal diversification of crops
(A) Value added products of low agricultural goods
(B) Cultivation of good variety of crops
(C) Mixed crop farming
(D) Cultivate more than one crop
Ans: A
37. Karve Committee is related to
(A) Public sector (B) Small scale industry
(C) Basic and heavy industry
(D) Agriculture
Ans: B
38. A stone image of Buddha discovered in Kerala from
(A) Kottayam (B) Karumadi
(C) Karakkal (D) Kallil
Ans: B
39. None of them———— lazy
(A) are (B) is
(C) were (D) has
Ans: B
40. No sooner did he catch the train————–
(A) when the old man slipped from the compartment
(B) than the old man slipped from the compartment
(C) than the old man had slipped from the compartment
(D) When the old man had slipped from the compartment
Ans: B
41. When the father retired, the son———– the business.
(A) took after (B) took over
(C) took in (D) took to
Ans: B
42. The Comparative form of ‘little’
(A) least (B) littler
(C) less (D) more little
Ans: C
43. He——————–if he had nodded positively
(A) would have selected
(B) would have been selected
(C) would be selected
(D) will have been selected
Ans: B
44. They ordered——————-a pair of shoes
(A) for (B) to
(C) in (D) no preposition needed
Ans: D
45. The nation————-everyman to help the needy
(A) expects (B) expect
(C) is expecting (D) expected
Ans: A
46. The —————– action of the children made the dog to attack them.
(A) Provocatory (B) Provocative
(C) Provocating (D) Provoking
Ans: B
47. The soldier died————-several wounds.
(A) of (B) from
(C) into (D) through
Ans: B
48. The man tried—————- to rectify the defect
(A) hardly (B) hardy
(C) hard (D) harder
Ans: C
49. When I first met the Principal, he ———— a meeting.
(A) has been presiding (B) had been presiding
(C) was presiding (D) will be presiding
Ans: C
50. The passive form of ‘put out the fire’
(A) Let the fire be put out
(B) The fire may be put out
(C) The fire was put out
(D) The fire has been put out
Ans: A
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- Career Team