Questions and answers on General Knowledge , based on previous question papers and PSC Question Bank, for graduate level exams. Our experts, Career Team, prepared following model questions and answers. You can study and check your efficiency by practicing Mock Examinations in this site that will be helpful to you. You can make enough revisions to obtain qualified marks in the exam easily.
1 . During the period of which Governor General / Viceroy was the Indian Civil Service introduced
A. Dalhousie B. Curzon
C. Bentick D. Cornwallis
Ans : D
2 . In Computer Science data hazard occurs when
A. Pipeline changes the order of Read /Write access to Operands
B. Performance Loss
C. Machine size is Limited
D. Some functional unit is not fully pipelined
Ans : A
3 . The minimum age limit for the membership of the Vidhan Parishad is ………
A. 21 Years B. 25 Years
C. 30 Years D. 35 Years
Ans : C
4 . The World Trade Organisation, which replaced GATT has its headquarters in
A. Vienna B. Brussels
C. New York D. Geneva
Ans : D
5. In human beings the process of digestion of food begins in
A. Stomach B. Food Pipe
C. Mouth D. Small Intestine
Ans : C
6. Which of the following organism have Parasitic Mode of Nutrition?
A. Pencillium B. Plasmodium
C. Paramecium D. Parrot
Ans : B
7. Name the first enzyme that mixes with food in the digestive tract
A. Pepsin B. Trypsin
C. Amylase D. None of the above
Ans : C
8. Which of the following is a Constitutional body ?
A. National Development Council
B. NITI Aayog
C. Finance Commission D. None of the above
Ans : C
9. Which of the following term is correctly used for the flat plain along the Sub- Himalayan Region in North India ?
A. Tarai B. Doon
C. Khadar D. Bhabar
Ans : D
10. Webbed Neck is a characteristic of
A. Down’s Syndrome B. Turner’s Syndrome
C. Klinefelter’s Syndrome D. Cri – du – chat Syndrome
Ans : B
11. The first Commercial Civilian Aircraft developed by India is :
A. Pawen Hans B. Tejas
C. Gajraj D. Saras
Ans : D
12. Which of the following is the uppermost layer of the atmosphere ?
A. Stratosphere B. Mesosphere
C. Ionosphere D. Exosphere
Ans : D
13. Which term is not associated with Sound Wave?
A. Hertz B. Decibel
C. Candela D. Mach
Ans : C
14. Taoism is an ancient tradition of Philosophy and religious belief deeply rooted in
A. Taiwanese Custom and World View
B. Chinese Custom and World View
C. Japanese Custom and World View
D. Vietnamese Custom and World View
Ans : B
15. Which Committee was constituted by the Union Government to lay down standards for Metro Rail Systems in the
Country ?
A. K S Mehta Committee B. E.Sreedharan Committee
C. Sushil Mehta Committee
D. Baba Kalyani Committee
Ans : B
16. Which of the following statement is true about Ionic Compounds?
1. Ionic Compounds conduct electricity when dissolved in Water
2. Ionic compounds are not soluble in Water
3. Ionic compounds are Crystalline Solids
A. Both 1 and 3 B. Both 1 and 2
C. Both 2 and 3 D. All the three
Ans : A
17. Consider the following
1. It was the first India’s Civil Disobedience Movement launched by Mahatma Gandhi
2. It was protest against the injustice meted out to tenant farmers in Champaran district of Bihar.
Which of the above statement (s) is/ are correct about Champaran Satyagraha?
A. Only 1 B. Only 2
C. Both 1 and 2 D. Neither 1 nor 2
Ans : C
18. Which one of the following is the Hang Printer which turns room into a 3D – Printer?
A. RiP Rap Printer B. Open Source Prototype
C. Spring Cleaning Printer D. No such Printer available
Ans: B
19 . If an Electron and a Proton have the same wavelength, they will have the same
A. Velocity B. Linear Momentum
C. Angular Momentum D. Energy
Ans : B
20. The founder of Bachpan Bachao Andolan (Save Child movement) is
A. Malala Yousafzai B. Sane Guruji
C. Salman Khan D. Kailash Satyarthi
Ans : D
21. The largest Producer of Lac in India is
A. Chattisgarh B.Jharkhand
C. West Bengal D. Gujarat
Ans : B
22. National Anthem of Bangladesh ‘Amar Sonar Bangla’ was written by
A. Rabindranath Tagore B. Sarojini Naidu
C. Kazi Nazrul Islam D. Taslima Nasrin
Ans : A
23. Select the correct order:
A. Vasanta, Grishma, Varsha, Sharad
B. Vasanta, Varsha, Grishma, Sharad
C. Vasanta, Varsha, Sharad, Grishma
D. Vasanta, Grishma, Sharad, Varsha
Ans : A
24. Defence Research and Development Organisation was formed in:
A. 1960 B. 1958
C. 1962 D. 1964
Ans : B
25. ‘Carborandum’ is a compound of carbon and:
A. Silicon B. Calcium
C. Iron D. Silver
Ans : A
26. In which century Alexander Pope was born?
A. 16th B. 17th
C. 18th D. 19th
Ans : B
27. The film ‘Ben Hur’ won 11 Oscars in the year:
A. 1963 B. 1956
C. 1959 D. 1961
Ans : C
28. The character ‘Ebenezer Scrooge’ was created by:
A. Mark Twain B. Charles Dickens
C. Shakespeare D. Lewis Carol
Ans : B
29. The noise scale of normal conversation:
A. 10 db B. 60 db
C. 50 db D. 30 db
Ans : D
30. ‘Guten Tag’ is the term used for greeting people in…… language.
A. English B. French
C. Italian D. German
Ans : D
31. ‘Tirich Mir’ is a mountain peak in:
A. India B. Pakistan
C. Nepal D. Bhutan
Ans : B
32. ‘Dome of the Rock’ is the holy place of:
A. Muslims B. Christians
C. Parsis D. Bahai Religion
Ans : A
33. In which country ‘Mount Communism’ is situated?
A. China B. Russia
C. Tajikistan D. Poland
Ans :C
34. ‘Where one can watch ‘the Dolphin’s nose’?
A. Munnar B. Thekkady
C. Yercaud D. Kodaikanal
Ans : D
35. April 17 is observed as:
A. World TB Day
B. Anti-Leprosy Day
C. World Haemophilia Day
D. None of these
Ans : C
36. ‘Wolf Prize’ is presented by the Wolf foundation of:
A. Sweden B. Israel
C. Switzerland D. United Kingdom
Ans : B
37. Poona Pact was signed in:
A. 1931 B. 1932
C. 1933 D. 1934
Ans : B
38. Vellore Mutiny was in:
A. 1805 B. 1806
C. 1807 D. 1809
Ans : B
39. The importance of September 2,1945 in the world history:
A. End of Second World War
B. Bombing of Nagasacki
C. Pearl Harbour Attack
D. Foundation of U.N.O.
Ans : A
40. To which mineral ‘Raniganj’ is associated?
A. Coal B. Copper
C. Diamond D. Gold
Ans: A
41. The day which is known as ‘D-Day’ in world history:
A. June 6, 1944 B. October 24,1945
C. September 2,1945 D. August 6,1945
Ans: A
42 . Triplumbic tetroxide is also known as:
A. Yellow cake B. Red lead
C. Blue vitriol D. White lead
Ans: B
43. The stimulating agent in Cocoa:
A. Reserpine B. Serpantine
C. Morphine D. Theobromine
Ans : D
44. ‘Betel palm’ is the other name of:
A. Areca palm B. Coconut palm
C. Oil palm D. Palmyra
Ans : A
45. The name of India’s first manned Ocean Mission
A. Samudrayaan B. Jalyaan
C. Ocean-Expo
D. Operation Ind-Ocean
Ans : A
46 . “Heard Melodies are sweet but those unheard are sweeter” Who said this?
A. Ludwig Van Beethovan
B. William Wordsworth
C. John Keats D. P B Shelley
Ans : C
47 . The first U S President to appear in Indian Postal stamp
A. George Washington
B. Abraham Lincoln
C. Barack Obama D. John F Kennedy
Ans : B
48 . A British Citizen staying in India cannot claim the Right to
A. Freedom of religion
B. Equality before Law
C. Freedom of trade and profession
D. Protection of life and personal liberty
Ans : C
49 . Consider the following statements about Ezhimala Naval Academy
(1) It is regarded as the biggest officers training institute in Asia
(2) Ezhimala Naval Academy was inaugurated on 8th January 2019 by Dr. Man Mohan Singh
(3) Motto of Ezhimala Naval Academy is “Vidyayaa Amruthem Ashnuthe.”
Which of the above statements are correct?
A. 1 and 3 B. 2 and 3
C. 1 and 2 D. 1,2 and 3
Ans : D
50 . Which one amongst the following has the largest livestock population in the world?
A. Brazil B. China
C. India D. USA
Ans : C
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