Model Questions for Secretariat Asst. and other Graduate level PSC exams

Based on previous question papers and PSC Question Bank for graduate level exams, our experts, Career Team, prepared following model questions and answers. You can study and check your efficiency by practicing Mock Examinations in this site that will be helpful to you. You can make enough revisions to obtain qualified marks in the exam easily.
. Career Team
1 . Which University has its seat at Kalady?
(a) Kannur (b) Kerala
(c) Calicut (d) Sri Sankara
Answer: d
2 . The second highest law officer in India.
(a) Attorney General (b) C&AG
(c) Solicitor General
(d) Home Secretary
Answer: c
3 . In which subject Marie Curie got Nobel Prize in 1903?
(a) Chemistry (b) Physics
(c) Medicine (d) Peace
Answer: b
4 . Commonwealth countries are mainly the former colonies of:
(a) Britain (b) France
(c) Portugal (d) USA
Answer: a
5 . India’s first eco-sensitive zone on a major river was declared in connection with:
(a) Yamuna (b) Ganga
(c) Kaveri (d) Godavari
Answer: b
6 . The headquarters of Indian Oil Corporation:
(a) New Delhi (b) Mumbai
(c) Noida (d) Dehra Dun
Answer: a
7 . WWW stands for:
(a) Web Wide World
(b) World Wide Web
(c) Wide Web World
(d) World Web Wide
Answer: b
8 . Amyl acetate has the smell of:
(a) Grapes (b) Orange
(c) Pineapple (d) Banana
Answer: d
9 . Which one of the following is not applicable to metals?
(a) High Melting point
(b) High Boiling point
(c) High density
(d) Low melting point
Answer: d
10 . Anacardium occidentale is the scientific name of:
(a) Cashew tree (b) Mango tree
(c) Palm tree (d) Teak
Answer: a
11 . The political guru of Gandhiji:
(a) MG Ranade (b) G K Gokhale
(c) Tagore (d) Dadabhai Navroji
Answer: b
12 . Who was called ‘Guruji’?
(a) Aurobindo Ghosh (b) MS Golwalker
(c) Gokhale (d) Tagore
Answer: b
13 . Identify the capital city situated on the banks of Danube?
(a) Bonn (b) Berlin
(c) Belgrade (d) London
Answer: c
14 . Christina is now known as:
(a) East Timor (b) Stockholm
(c) Istanbul (d) Oslo
Answer: d
15 . Wellington Trophy is related to:
(a) Polo (b) Rowing
(c) Cricket (d) Table Tennis
Answer: b
16 . The Treaty of Versailles was signed in:
(a) 1918 (b) 1919
(c) 1920 (d) 1921
Answer: b
17 . Study of Algae:
(a) Mycology (b) Phycology
(c) Pomology (d) Nomology
Answer: b
18 . …….measures strength of electric current:
(a) Altimeter (b) Anemometer
(c) Bolometer (d) Ammeter
Answer: d
19 . Who formulated electro magnetic theory of light:
(a) Max Plank (b) Hertz
(c) Christian Huygens
(d) James Clark Maxwell
Answer: d
20 . Karnataka is the largest producer of:
(a) Tea (b) Coffee
(c) Jute (d) Tapioca
Answer: b
21 . The monument where the Prime Minister of India raises the flag of India every year on Independence Day.:
(a) Taj Mahal (b) India Gate
(c) Gateway of India (d) Red Fort
Answer: d
22 . The first city in India where western education was introduced:
(a) Kolkata (b) Mumbai
(c) Chennai (d) Delhi
Answer: a
23 . The oldest news agency in the world:
(a) A P (b) Reuters
(c) AFP (d) PTI
Answer: c
24 . ‘Peace on Earth’ is the message of:
(a) Idul Fitr (b) Christmas
(c) Muharram (d) Pongal
Answer: b
25 . Which plant has the largest single leaf:
(a) Plantain (b) Victoria regia
(c) Lily (d) Lotus
Answer: b
26 . Haemocyanin imparts …… colour to blood:
(a) Red (b) Green
(c) Blue (d) Yellow
Answer: c
27. The main food of Koala is …….. leaves:
(a) Bamboo (b) Eucalyptus
(c) Pinus (d) Palm
Answer: b
28 . The only planet whose English name does not have any connection with Greek and Roman mythology:
(a) Mercury (b) Earth
(c) Saturn (d) Uranus
Answer: b
29 . In which planet is Carl Sagan Space Station?
(a) Mars (b) Saturn
(c) Neptune (d) Uranus
Answer: a
30 . The longest tributary of Indus, flowing through India:
(a) Jhulum (b) Chenab
(c) Sutlej (d) Beas
Answer: c
31 . “ Duty unto Death” is the motto of:
(a) CRPF (b) BSF
(c) NSG (d) Assam Rifle
Answer: b
32 . The most populous island in India:
(a) Majuli (b) Kavarati
(c) Salsette (d) Middle Andaman
Answer: c
33 . The highest peak in Indian territory is K2. In which range it is located?
(a) Central Himalayas
(b) Trans-Himalayas
(c) Karakoram Range
(d) Kumaon Himalayas
Answer: c
34 . Who was the patron of the first of Buddhist council?
(a) Ajatasatru (b) Bimbisara
(c) Asoka (d) Mahakassapa
Answer: a
35 . Who is called ‘Indian Machiavelly’?
(a) Asoka (b) Chanakya
(c) Chandragupta Maurya
(d) Bindusara
Answer: b
36 . Which slave ruler reigned for the longest period?
(a) Balban (b) Qutubddin Aibek
(c) Razia (d) Iltutmish
Answer: d
37 . Akabr was born in 1542 at:
(a) Agra (b) Baghdad
(c) Amarkot (d) Kalanaur
Answer: c
38 . The year of Battle of Talikota or Battle of Bannighati in which Vijayananagar empire was defeated by the joint forces
of the Muslim states of Deccan:
(a) 1565 (b) 1556
(c) 1572 (d) 1576
Answer: a
39 . Who became the CM of Kerala for the most number of times:
(a) K.Karunakaran (b) EMS
(c) EK Nayanar (d) AK Antony
Answer: a
40 . The Viceroy during the partition of Bengal:
(a) Hardinge II (b) Minto I
(c) Curzon (d) Reading
Answer: c
41 . Who wrote ‘Why Iam an Atheist’?
(a) Jawaharlal Nehru
(b) Maulana Azad
(c) Bhagat Singh
(d) Lala Lajpath Rai
Answer: c
42 . In which year Gandhiji went to South Africa for the first time?
(a) 1892 (b) 1893
(c) 1894 (d) 1895
Answer: b
43 . Interim Government with Jawaharal Nehru as the Vice President assumed power in:
(a) 1945 (b) 1946
(c) 1947 (d) 1944
Answer: b
44 . Who was the prime minister of India when voting age was lowered from 21 to 18 through the 61st amendment?
(a) Indira Gandhi (b) VP Singh
(c) Narasimha Rao (d) Rajiv Gandhi
Answer: d
45 .The process of readjusting the representation of electoral constituencies is known as:
(a) Delimitation (b) Filibustering
(c) Decommissioning (d) Assignment
Answer: a
46 . Annual Financial statement is the other name of:
(a) Budget (b) Money bill
(c) Demand for grant (d) Cut motion
Answer: a
47 . How many times a person can become the President of India?
(a) One time (b) Twice
(c) Thrice (d) No legal limitation
Answer: d
48 .Who discovered the art of vulcanisation of rubber?
(a) Dunlop (b) Waterman
(c) Charles Goodyear (d) Daimler
Answer: c
49 . The father of Novel:
(a) Belzac (b) Giovanni Boccassio
(c) Shakespeare (d) Victor Hugo
Answer: b
50 . Who authored ‘Pilgrim’s Process”?
(a) John Bunyan
(b) William Shakespreare
(c) Charles Dickens
(d) Jonathan Swift
Answer: a
51 . World Tourism Day:
(a) September 26(b) September 27
(c) January 26 (d) January 25
Answer: b
52 . The king of Travancore who encouraged Tapioca cultivation:
(a) Marthandavarma(b) Dharma Raja
(c) Visakham Tirunal (d) Ayilyam Tirunal
Answer: c
53 . In which district of Pazhassi dam?
(a) Kannur (b) Wayanad
(c) Kozhikode (d) Malappuram
Answer: a
54 . The first Malayali to become the president of the Indian National Congress:
(a) G.P.Pillai (b) K.Kelappan
(c) K.P.Kesavamenon
(d) C.Sankaran Nair
Answer: d
55 . The National Park which is famous for Nilgiri Tahr:
(a) Silent Valley (b) Iravikulam
(c) Pampadumchola
(d) Mathiketan Chola
Answer: b
56 .The final resting place of Jehangir is now in:
(a) Bangladesh (b) Pakistan
(c) Maldives (d) Afghanistan
Answer: b
57 . “….Seditious fakir striding half naked up the steps of the Viceregal Palace there to negotiate and parley on equal terms with the representative of the King Emperor” – Who made this statement?
(a) Lord Irwin
(b) Clement Atlee
(c) Mountbatten
(d) Winston Churchill
Answer: d
58 . Who is related to Junargarh inscription?
(a) Pulikesin II (b) Rudradaman
(c) Dantidurga (d) Humayun
Answer: b
59 . Ravikirti lived in the court of:
(a) Harsha (b) Yasovarman
(c) Samudragupta(d) Pulikesin
Answer: d
60 . Greek Mathematician who is regarded as ‘the Father of Geomety’:
(a) Archemedes (b) Pythagorus
(c) Euclid (d) Epicurus
Answer: c
61 . Of the two leading parties …… party got a majority in the election:
(a) no (b) which
(c) neither (d) either
Answer: c
62 . The phrase ‘the fourth estate’ conveys more or less the same meaning as:
(a) A dense forest (b) The press
(c) Grave yard (d) The parliament
Answer: b
63 . We must have ……. to good books.
(a) axes (b) access
(c) excess (d) axis
Answer: b
64 . The policeman ……. the thief:
(a) ceased (b) seized
(c) catched (d) caused
Answer: b
65 . Identify the wrongly spelt word:
(a) Deceive (b) Receive
(c) Conceive (d) Releive
Answer: d
66 . He was arrested, and now out on…….
(a) custody (b) bale
(c) bail (d) none of the above
Answer: c
67 . I am sorry ……. his misfortune.
(a) for (b) about
(c) to (d) on
Answer: a
68 . Choose the correctly spelt word:
(a) Skilfull (b) Skillfull
(c) Skillful (d) Skilful
Answer: c
69 . Ganesh …… come here every day:
(a) always (b) often
(c) hardly (d) used to
Answer: d
70 . He has hardly …… money.
(a) any (b) some
(c) a little (d) a lot of
Answer: a
71 . Dead body of a human being:
(a) Corps (b) Crops
(c) Corpse (d) None of these
Answer: c
72 . Rising prices …….. immediate measures:
(a) call over (b) call for
(c) call in (d) call forth
Answer: b
73 . Hundred rupees ……. all that he wants.
(a) are (b) were
(c) was (d) is
Answer: d
74 . Choose the correctly spelt word:
(a) Governer (b) Governor
(c) Govorner (d) Govornor
Answer: b
75 . The word that is more or less similar in meaning to ‘SOLACE’:
(a) Sleep (b) Relaxation
(c) Holiday (d) Consolation
Answer: d
76 . One who supports the claims of women for rights:
(a) Womenish (b) Feminist
(c) Pessimist (d) Feminize
Answer: b
77 . Choose the correctly spelt word:
(a) Grammer (b) Gramer
(c) Gramar (d) Grammar
Answer: d
78 . Since 1980 women’s fashions ….. a lot.
(a) changed (b) have changed
(c) are changing (d) will have changed
Answer: b
79 . The wind blew …….. the leaves fell.
(a) when (b) with
(c) and (d) so
Answer: c
80 . They are not …… all the facts.
(a) beware of (b) aware for
(c) aware of (d) beware for
Answer: c
81 . Find the commission on Rs.800 at 2.5%:
(a) Rs.10 (b) Rs.20
(c) Rs.30 (d) Rs.40
Answer: b
82 . How much is the greatest number of three digits less than the smallest number of three digits?
(a) 1 (b) 99
(c) 899 (d) 999
Answer: c
83 . Find the principal when the simple interest for three years @ 5% is Rs.90?
(a) Rs. 300 (b) Rs.400
(c) Rs.500 (d) Rs.600
Answer: d
84 . The floor of a room 9 metre square is covered with a carpet prized at Rs.5 per square metre. Find the cost of the
(a) Rs. 45 (b) Rs. 225
(c) Rs. 400 (d) Rs. 405
Answer: a
85 . In a certain code MAIN is written as ‘9364’ and DEAR is written as ‘8532’. How is MEND written in the same
(a) 9548 (b) 9458
(c) 9538 (d) 9528
Answer: a
86 . The square root of 0.0016 is:
(a) 0.4 (b) 0.004
(c) 0.04 (d) 0.0004
Answer: c
87 . If Paleontolgy related to Fossils, Pedagogy is related to:
(a) Secret writing (b) Religion
(c) Ethics (d) Education
Answer: d
88 . 25% of 25% is:
(a) 6.25 (b) 0.625
(c) 0.0625 (d) 0.00625
Answer: a
89 . The speed of a car is 30kmph. How many hours will it take to travel a distance of 135 kms?
(a) 3.5 (b) 4
(c) 4.5 (d) 5
Answer: c
90 . A train moves with a speed of 108 kmph. Its speed in meter per second is:
(a) 18 (b) 30
(c) 28 (d) 32
Answer: b
91 . Fact: Historian :: Fiction : ?
(a) History (b) Novelist
(c) Scientist (d) Mathematician
Answer: b
92 . The highest 3 digit number divisible by 11:
(a) 121 (b) 990
(c) 991 (d) 999
Answer: b
93 . Select the odd one:
(a) Love (b) Pity
(c) Charity (d) Envy
Answer: d
94 . 7829 X 999= ?
(a) 7829381 (b) 7832001
(c) 7821171 (d) 7827171
Answer: c
95 . Guava: Mango (Select the pair with similar relationship)
(a) Juice : Fruit
(b) Bhils: Nagas
(c) Badminton: Shuttlecock
(d) Book : Read
Answer: b
96 . The average of 16,26,42 is:
(a) 26 (b) 28
(c) 24 (d) 18
Answer: b
97 . Complete the series:1,4,9,16,25,?
(a) 33 (b) 36
(c) 30 (d) 56
Answer: b
98 . Wood: Furniture :: Gold 😕
(a) Chair (b) Ring
(c) Ornament (d) Decoration
Answer: c
99 . Which one of the following is related to Cruelty in the same manner as Hot is related to Cold?
(a) Patience (b) Temperature
(c) Kindness (d) Haste
Answer: c
100 . 20% of 10 plus 10% of 20= ?
(a) 12 (b) 20
(c) 22 (d) 4
Answer: d
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