Q & A General English

Questions and answers on General English , based on previous question papers and PSC Question Bank, for graduate level exams. Our experts, Career Team, prepared following model questions and answers. You can study and check your efficiency by practicing Mock Examinations in this site that will be helpful to you. You can make enough revisions to obtain qualified marks in the exam easily.
1 . Propogate the notification (Change into passive voice):
(a) The notification be propogated
(b) The notification has to be propogated
(c) The notification to be propogated
(d) Let the notification be propogated
Ans: d
2. ‘Have the face’ means:
(a) Hide oneself (b) Oppose
(c) Be bold enough
(d) Say plainly
Ans: c
3. The meaning of ‘Rivalled’:
(a) Hatred (b) Revised
(c) Competed (d) Contradicted
Ans: c
4. Choose the correctly spelt word:
(a) Embarrassing (b) Embarassing
(c) Embarrasing (d) Embbarassing
Ans: a
5. The meaning of ‘BECKON’:
(a) Signal (b) Hear
(c) Light (d) Beg
Ans: a
6. He …to all his friends that he was getting married.
(a) told (b) related
(c) announced (d) called
Ans: c
7. The song had a SOPORIFIC effect on the child (Select the synonym of the word
given in CAPITAL letters)
(a) Soothing (b) Terrific
(c) Supreme (d) Sleep-inducing
Ans: d
8. I don’t mind helping you with your home work. The gerund in the sentence is:
(a) mind (b) you
(c) helping (d) homework
Ans: c
9. The correctly spelt word:
(a) Vorecious (b) Varocious
(c) Voracious (d) Varoceous
Ans: c
10.The former minister is under a cloud now. ‘Under a cloud’ means:
(a) In a sad situation
(b) Under suspicion (c) Bed-ridden
(d) In oblivion
Ans: b
11. A new edition of the book _____ in 2019.
(a) has been published
(b) was published
(c) had been published
(d) was being published
Ans: b
12. The word meaning ‘tolerate’ is:
(a) endure (b) enormous
(c) eternal (d) emphasise
Ans: a
13. ‘The tempest’ is supposed to be Shakespeare’s swan song (meaning of the
phrase underlined).
(a) last achievement
(b) chief work
(c) most popular work
(d) most interesting work
Ans: a
14. There is no cure _____ common cold.
(a) of (b) to
(c) from (d) for
Ans: d
15. I am very tired. I cannot help you (Use so …that).
(a) So that I am tired I cannot help you
(b) I am too tired so that I cannot help you
(c) I am tired so that I cannot help you
(d) I am so tired that I cannot help you
Ans: d
16. Choose the one which best expresses the meaning of the word ‘CANDID’:
(a) Sweet (b) Dishonest
(c) Frank (d) Able Plus Points
Ans: c
17. The noun of ‘rely’:
(a) Reliance (b) Relience
(c) Relevant (d) Relied
Ans: a
18. I congratulate him ——— his success.
(a) for (b) about
(c) on (d) in
Ans: c
19. My sister speaks to me (use never at the appropriate place):
(a) never my (b) never speaks
(c) never to (d) me never
Ans: b
20. An expert in choice of food:
(a) Gourmand (b) Gourmet
(c) Glutton (d) Garrulous
Ans: b
21. The place where bricks are baked:
(a) Foundry (b) Mint
(c) Cemetery (d) Kiln
Ans: d
22 . Raju could not get ____ sugar.
(a) few (b) the few
(c) little (d) any
Ans: d
23. Policemen riding on motor cycles as guards to a VIP:
(a) Outriders (b) Servants
(c) Commandos (d) Attendants
Ans: a
24. The antonym of ‘Diligent’:
(a) Committed (b) Sharp-witted
(c) Slumber (d) Lazy
Ans: d
25 . An animal who preys on other animals:
(a) Pachyderm (b) Parasite
(c) Predator (d) Hermaphrodite
Ans: c
26. The antonym of ‘Adversity’ is:
(a) Diversity (b) Misfortune
(c) Prosperity (d) Calamity
Ans: c
27. She ____ for eight hours last night.
(a) has slept (b) slept
(c) is sleeping (d) has been sleeping
Ans: b
28. A ___ of bats.
(a) Colony (b) Crowd
(c) Pack (d) Flock
Ans: a
29. ‘Over and above’ means:
(a) Repeatedly (b) Comprehensively
(c) In addition to (d) Concisely
Ans: c
30. Use the collective noun : Fish
(a) Shoal (b) Flock
(c) Herd (d) Pool
Ans: a
31. ___ doctor should be humane.
(a) The (b) An
(c) All (d) A
Ans: d
32. Tendency to quarrel or fight:
(a) Pugnacity (b) Sagacity
(c) Mendacity (d) Peasantry
Ans: a
33. A time or day that is pleasantly noteworthy or memorable.
(a) Red letter day (b) Eleventh hour
(c) Dead line (d) Bottom line
Ans: a
34. Which is not an adjective synonym of NASTY:
(a) Mean (b) Malicious
(c) Lazy (d) Spiteful
Ans: c
35. We are driving ____ a tunnel.
(a) beyond (b) above
(c) through (d) in between
Ans: c
36. We feel sympathy for people afflicted ___ leprosy.
(a) for (b) of
(c) at (d) with
Ans: d
37. Which is the correct spelling?
(a) Hindrance (b) Hinderance
(c) Hindrence (d) Hinderence
Ans: a
38. I shall go there ____ you like it or not.
(a) if (b) but
(c) before (d) whether
Ans: d
39. One who speaks less:
(a) Intestate (b) Reticent
(c) Fatalist (d) Veteran
Ans: b
40. One who does not care for literature or art:
(a) Primitive (b) Barbarian
(c) Philistine (d) Illiterate
Ans: c
41. I am content ___ what I have.
(a) for (b) with
(c) to (d) in
Ans: b
42. Chloroquin is specific ____ malaria.
(a) in (b) on
(c) with (d) for
Ans: d
43. Do you like ____dance?
(a) classical (b) classic
(c) classy (d) class
Ans: a
44. The girl is very keen ____
(a) for cycling (b) in cycling
(c) over cycling (d) on cycling
Ans: b
45. Can’t you brush yourself up a little (Choose the meaning of the idiom in italics):
(a) Rest (b) Reconsider your views
(c) Rejuvenate yourself (d) Improve your appearance
Ans: d
46. A presentation with exaggerated features for comic effect :
(a) Pantomime (b) Caricature
(c) Panorama (d) Comedy
Ans: b
47. The murder was committed in cold blood. ‘In cold blood’ means:
(a) by mistake (b) innocently
(c) with a knife (d) deliberately
Ans: d
48. A group of people ___ waiting outside to see you.
(a) are (b) have
(c) be (d) is
Ans: d
49. The thief together with his accomplice _____ into the strong room.
(a) have broken (b) have been broken
(c) is broken (d) has broken
Ans: d
50. I look forward to _____ you again.
(a) seeing (b) saw
(c) have seen (d) see
Ans: a
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