UPSC CMS – Combined Medical Services Exam 2016


UPSC conducts computer based combined medical examination for recruitment to the services and posts of Assistant Medical Officer in railways, Indian Ordinance Factories Health Service, Junior scale posts in central health services, etc.
Important Dates

Notification Date: 5 March, 2016
Last Date to Apply: 1 April, 2016
CMS Exam Date: 12 June, 2016

Eligibility Criteria

Age limit: You must not have attained the age of 32 years as on 1 January of year of exam. Age relaxation for reserved category is applicable as per the norms.

Educational qualification: For admission to the examination, you should have passed the written and practical parts of the final MBBS examination.
CMS Exam Pattern

Part I is written examination of 500 marks. The written exam for two objective papers is conducted as Computer based mode. You have to take the written examination in two papers, each carrying a maximum of 250 marks. Each paper is of 2 hours duration. There is negative marking of 1/3 of mark for each incorrect answer.
More details : www.upsconline.nic
