Selected Q & A for Degree level Exams

General Knowledge is an important part in degree level competitive exams. Following type of questions are frequently asked in all PSC Exams. Aspirants who are in search of the General Knowledge questions can fetch the model Q&A here. We have updated the top and important General Knowledge questions and answers for the examination aspirants. You can improve your knowledge to attempt the Test Series.
1. Which of the following statements is correct about the President of India?
a. Addresses first session of parliament after each General Election
b. Addresses first session of parliament at the beginning of each year.
c. Addresses every session of parliament
d. Never addresses parliament
Ans: a
2. In a Parliamentary form of government
a. The Legislature is responsible to the Judiciary
b. The Executive is responsible to the Legislature
c. The Legislature is responsible to the Executive
Ans: b
3. Which part of brain is also known as ‘’little brain’’?
a. cerebrum b. cerebellum
c. Thalamus d. Hypothalamus
Ans: b
4. The point where total mass of a body is supposed to be concentrated is known as
a. Dead Centre b. Centre of mass
c. Centre of gravity d. Centre of motion
Ans: b
5. Global warming is expected to result in
a. Increase in sea level b. Change in crop pattern
c. Change in coastal line d. All of these
Ans: d
6. Hriday Scheme launched by Urban Development Ministry aims at?
a. Education of girl child b. Development of smart cities
c. Urban sewage treatment
d. Development of heritage sites
Ans: d
7. Who introduced the ‘’Doctrine of Lapse’’ to expand British territories in India?
a. Lord Hastings b. Lord Wellesley
c. Lord William Bentinck d. Lord Dalhousie
Ans: d
8. In which mode can the computers that are associated send frames directly to each other?
a. Adhoc mode b. Infrastructure mode
c. Structural mode d. Anonymous mode
Ans: a
9. The colour of the ocean appears to be blue because the sunlight falling on it is
a. reflected b. refracted
c. diffracted d. scattered
Ans: d
10. Where do the electrical charges reside in a charged conductor?
a. at the core
b. throughout the body
c. dependent upon the nature of the body
d. Outer surface of the body
Ans: d
11. Charles Correa is a renowned Indian
a. Freedom fighter b. Painter
c. Architect, Urban planner d. Award winning doctor
Ans: c
12. Which of the following is the name of US Parliament?
a. Diet b. Senate
c. Congress d. House of Commons
Ans: c
13. Ajanta -Ellora caves are situated near which of the following cities?
a. Mount Abu b. Aurangabad
c. Bijapur d. Madurai
Ans: b
14. Which Indian city has the world’s worst traffic, as per the Global Traffic Index?
a . Bengaluru b . Mumbai
c. Chennai d . Delhi
Ans: a
15. Who was the first women Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh?
a. Annie Bessant b. Mayawati
c. Vijayalekshmi Pandit d. Sucheta Kripalani
Ans: d
16. Sullage water is …….
a. Waste water released from kitchen
b. Waste water released from toilets
c. Waste water released from factories
d. Waste water released from hospitals
Ans: a
17. A cartel is an association of manufacturers or suppliers with the purpose of maintaining prices at high level and restricting competition. Which of the following is an example of Cartel?
a. OPEC b. IMF
c. WTO d. UNO
Ans: a
18. The book entitled ‘Playing it my way’ has been authored by
a. Sachin Tendulkar b. V.V.S Laxman
c. Saurav Ganguly d. Chetan Chauhan
Ans: a
19. One of the following is also called as World Bank
a. IMF b. IBRD
c. WTO d. IDA
Ans: b
20. Which one of the following weeds is effective in controlling water pollution caused by industrial effluents?
a. Parthenium b. Elephant grass
c. Water hycinth d. Mogar grass
Ans: a
21. …………………………changes each time it is installed to avoid detection by antivirus software
a. Polymorphic virus b. worm
c. logic bomb d. Trojan horse
Ans: a
22. Which of the following is not true about x rays?
a. Have low penetrating power
b. Travel with speed of light
c. Can be reflected or refracted
d. Can affect photographic plates
Ans: a
23. Stars twinkle but planets do not twinkle because
a. They emit light of a constant intensity
b. Their distance from the earth does not change with time
c. They are very far away from the earth resulting in decrease in intensity of light
d. They are nearer to the earth and hence we receive a greater amount of light and therefore minor variations in intensity are not noticeable
Ans: d
24. The sexual reproductive organs of Aspergillus are:
a. Spermatium and Oogonium
b. Antheridium and Oogonium
c. Spermatium and Ascogonium
d. Antheridium and Ascogonium
Ans: d
25. Punjab has a large number of inundation canals drawing water from
a. Jhelum river b. Chenab river
c. Beas river d. Sutlej river
Ans: d
26. Which title, given by the British Government to Mahatma Gandhi, was surrendered during the non-co-operation movement?
a. Hind kesari b. Rai-Bahadur
c. Rt. Honorable d. Kaiser-e-Hind
Ans: d
27. Who referred to Mahatma Gandhi as ‘Father of the Nation’’ for the first time?
a. Jawaharlal Nehru b. Sardar Vallabhai Patel
c. Rajagopalachari d. Subhash Chandra Bose
Ans: d
28. What is net neutrality?
a. Internet service providers and governments should treat all data on the internet equally
b. Piracy in internet must be curbed
c. Internet users must give out balanced opinions in social media sites
d. Internet should be kept free from malware and virus
Ans: a
29. Excise duty is levied on
a. Sale of goods b. Production of goods
c. Import of goods d. Export of goods
Ans: b
30. Golden Revolution in India’s refers to the growth of
a. Militancy in the north east
b. Oil seeds production c. Horticulture
d. Increased import of gold
Ans: c
31. Water is used in a hot water bag because
a. it is easily available b. It has high specific gravity
c. It has high specific heat d. It is a liquid substance
Ans: c
32. What is the meaning of ‘’Public Interest Litigation’’?
a. Anything of public Interest
b. A case brought by victim to court, involving public interest
c. A case brought by anyone to court involving public interest
d. A directive issued by Supreme Court involving public interest.
Ans: c
33. Chalukya temples (Jain temples) at Dilwara are situated in
a. Madhya Pradesh b. Uttar Pradesh
c. Rajasthan d. Haryana
Ans: c
34. The most pure form of carbon among the options is
a. Anthracite b. Lampblack
c. Graphite d. Wood Charcoal
Ans: a
35. The residuary powers of legislation under Indian constitution rests with
a. President b. Prime Minister
c. Parliament d. States
Ans: c
36. A wide inlet of the sea usually concave in shape, is termed as a
a. Strait b. Sound
c. Bay d. Fjord
Ans: c
37. Which of the following is not guaranteed by Indian constitution?
a. Right to equality b. Right of religious freedom
c. Right to constitutional remedies
d. Right to free education for all
Ans: d
38. What situation would result if Govt expenditure exceeds the Government revenue on Current Account?
a. Deficit budgeting b. Zero based budgeting
c. Performance based budgeting
d. Surplus budgeting
Ans: a
39. Mission Indradhanush , a programme introduced by the Union Govt is related to
a. Systematic immunization of children against disease
b. Providing insurance cover to farmers against crop failure
c. Development of fisheries in rural areas
d. Development of multiple cropping in hilly region
Ans: a
40. Which of the following periodicals is not correctly matched with its editor?
a. Bande Mataram – Aurobindo Ghosh
b. New India- Bipin chandra pal
c. Yugantar – Bhupendranath Dutta
d. Sandhya- Barindra Ghosh
Ans: d
41. The ideal region for the cultivation of cotton in India is
a. The Brahmaputra valley b. The Deccan plateau
c. The Indo-Gangetic Valley d. The Ran of Kutch
Ans: b
42. Which of the following groups of rivers have their source of origin in Tibet?
a. Brahmaputra, Indus & Sutlej
b. Ganga, Sutlej & Yamuna
c. Brahmaputra, Ganga and Sutlej
d. Chenab, Ravi & Sutlej
Ans: a
43. Money market is market for……….
a. Short term fund b. Long term fund
c. Negotiable instruments d. Sale of shares
Ans: a
44. India shares longest international boundary with which country?
a. Bangladesh b. China
c. Nepal d. Bhutan
Ans: a
45. ‘Ushnamekhala’ is a novel by
a. Kakkanadan b. M Mukundan
c. Thakazhy d. Parappuram
Ans: a
46. Appointments for All India Services are made by
a. UPSC b. President
c. Prime minister d. Parliament
Ans: a
47. In Bio fortification technique plant breeders use breeding to overcome
a. Loss due to insect pests
b. Decrease in food production
c. Deficiencies of micro nutrients and vitamins
d. Loss due to plant diseases
Ans: c
48. The people of the Indus valley civilization worshipped….
a. Vishnu b. Pasupati
c. Indra d. Brahma
Ans: b
49. The Upanishads are the……………….
a. Great epics b. Story books
c. Source of Hindu Philosophy
d. Law books
Ans: c
50. Tsangpo is the other name in Tibet for ………..
a. Kosi b. Gandak
c. Brahmaputra d. Ganga
Ans: c
– Prepared by: Prof. Mathew Antony
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