Questions and answers on General Knowledge , based on previous question papers and PSC Question Bank, for graduate level exams. Our experts, Career Team, prepared following model questions and answers. You can study and check your efficiency by practicing Mock Examinations in this site that will be helpful to you. You can make enough revisions to obtain qualified marks in the exam easily.
1. The Constitution of India derives its ultimate authority from
a. Supreme Court of India b. Parliament of India
c. People of India
d. Constituent Assembly of India
Ans: c
2. In which year Parliament passed the Citizenship Act?
a. 1950 b. 1955
c. 1960 d. 1965
Ans: b
3. For how many years, a person of Indian Origin must have been an ordinary resident of India before making
application towards getting citizenship by registration ?
a. 3 Years b. 5 Years
c. 7 Years d. 10 Years
Ans: c
4. Which of the following are the conditions for acquiring Indian citizenship ?
a. Domicile and Descent
b. Domicile, Descent and Registration
c. Domicile, Descent, Registration and Holding property
d. None of the above
Ans: b
5. Which among the following Article deals with the rights of Citizenships of certain persons of Indian Origin residing
outside of India ?
a. Article 6 b. Article 7
c. Article 8 d. Article 9
Ans: c
6. The Mandal Commission was constituted during the tenure of which among the following Prime Ministers?
a. Morarji Desai b. Indira Gandhi
c. Rajiv Gandhi d. V P Singh
Ans: a
7. Supreme Court has made Right to Free Education as the part of which among the following rights?
a. Right to life
b. Right against exploitation
c. Right to freedom of speech and expression
d. Cultural and Educational Rights
Ans: a
8. Which among the following Article of the Constitution of India says that all public places are open to all Citizens?
a. Article 16 (2) b. Article 17
c. Article 18 d. Article 15 (2)
Ans: d
9. Which among the following authorities decided how far the fundamental rights can apply to the members of the armed
forces in India?
a. President of India b. Parliament of India
c. Arms Forces themselves d. Arms Forces Tribunal
Ans: b
10. Which among the following is correct regarding Directive principles?
a. Positive Injunctions b. Negative Injunctions
c. Justifiable Injunctions d. None of the above
Ans: a
11. The ideals of Liberty, Equality and Fraternity in the Preamble are borrowed from the Constitution of which
a. French Constitution b. Australian Constitution
c. British Constitution d. USSR Constitution
Ans: a
12. What is the name of the mobile application launched by the Indian government to track the risk of coronavirus infection?
a) Corona Suraksha b) Corona Raksh
c) Corona Kavach d) Corona Sevak
Ans: c
13. The Transiting exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) which discovered a new habitable exoplanet known as ‘TOI 700 d’,
belongs to which space Agency?
Ans: b
14. The Department of Science and Technology has released Rs. 1 crore to a Pune based company named ‘Scitech Park’ for
manufacturing which product?
a) Air purifier b) Ventilator
c) Hand Sanitiser d) Masks
Ans: a
15. Which Indian company has launched the world’s first CRISPR Cas-9 based diagnostic tool ‘CHECK’?
a) Biocon b) Wipro
c) Infosys
d) Tata Medical and Diagnostics
Ans: d
16. DRDO established Biodigester MK-II Technology in which state’s metro rail network?
a) Kerala b) Maharashtra
c) Tamil Nadu d) Karnataka
Ans: b
17. First ever radish crop has been grown in space by which organisation?
c) European Space Agency
d) Russian Space Agency
Ans: a
18. Which type of eclipse is also known as the ‘Beaver moon’?
a) Full Lunar Eclipse
b) Solar Eclipse
c) Partial Lunar Eclipse
d) Penumbral Lunar Eclipse
Ans: d
19. Falcon 9 rocket is used by which space agency?
c) Space X d) ESA
Ans: c
20. What is “B 1.617” ?
a) COVID-19 Variant b) Air to Air Missile
c) New Planet d) Hydrogen fuel cell
Ans: a
21. ‘Unicorn’ is the name of which space body, that was discovered at 1500 light years away from the Earth?
a) Exo-planet b) Black hole
c) Asteroid d) Satellite
Ans: b
22. With reference to astronomy, what is ‘Osiris’ ?
a) Meteor b) Exo planet
c) Blackhole d) Asteroid
Ans: b
23. With reference to DRDO, what is ‘Rakshita’ ?
a) Air Ambulance b) Water Ambulance
c) Bike-based Ambulance
d) Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
Ans: c
24. Navy Day is celebrated by India every year on 4th December to commemorate which
a) Operation Tornado
b) Operation Blue Star
c) Operation Black Thunder
d) Operation Trident
Ans: d
25. SIMTEX was a trilateral Naval exercise between India, Singapore and which country?
a) Thailand b) Switzerland
c) Sweden d) Saudi Arabia
Ans: a
26. Brah Mos Aerospace is a joint venture company setup by Russia’s Mashinos troyenia
and which other company of India?
c) HAL d) BEL
Ans: a
27. In context with the Supreme Court Judgement on granting permanent Commission to female Navy officers in Indian Navy, for how many years they can serve in permanent commission?
a) 8 years b) 15 years
c) 10 years d) 14 years
Ans: d
28. Which central Armed Police force has launched an e-office application called ‘eKaryalay’ for the digital movement of files
amid Covid-19 Pandemic?
c) SSB d) CISF
Ans: d
29. Which Ministry is responsible for calculating GDP in India?
a. Ministry of Finance
b. Ministry of Commerce and industry
c. Ministry of Central Statistical and Programme Implementation
d. Ministry of Consumer Affairs
Ans: c
30. Which State of India currently has the highest Per Capita income ?
a. Goa b. Punjab
c. Kerala d. Delhi
Ans: a
31. If the contribution of the agricultural sector is decreasing in a Country’s Economy, then what conclusion can be drawn?
a. The Country is growing in the direction of being a Developed Nation
b. The Country is moving towards becoming Developing Nation
c. The Country is moving towards becoming less Developed Nation
d. The Economic Growth rate of the Country has stopped
Ans: a
32. Which is not added in the calculation of National Income of India?
a. The value of Goods and Services
b. The sold value of the old fridge
c. Services rendered by the housewive’s
d. both b and c
Ans: d
33. Which Indian State gives highest income tax collection to the Government of India?
a. Kerala b. Uttar Pradesh
c. Goa d. Maharashtra
Ans: d
34. The value of which work is added in the calculation of GDP?
a. Housewive’s works
b. A teacher teaching his own child
c. The value of resale of old shares
d. Construction of a new house by an artisan
Ans: d
35. What is the base year for calculating India’s GDP ?
a. 2004-05 b. 2011-12
c. 2010-11 d. 2014-15
Ans: b
36. Which of the following statement is correct ?
a. GDP at factor cost = Net Value Addition +Depreciation
b. GDP at factor cost = Net Value Addition – Depreciation
c. GDP at factor cost= Net Price Increases+ indirect tax
d. GDP at factor cost = Net Price Increase + direct tax
Ans: a
37. The total amount of Income from economic activities across the country in a year is called ………..…
a. Personal Income
b. Disposable Income
c. National Income
d. Private Income
Ans: c
38. Which of the following is not a method to calculate the Gross Domestic Product (GDP)?
a. Product Method b. Income Method
c. Expenditure Method d. Diminishing Cost Method
Ans: d
39. Why are the intermediate goods not included in the National Income while measuring National Income?
a. To avoid double counting
b. It decreases income
c. Intermediate goods are not good
d. All of these
Ans: a
40. The Covid-19 sample collection kiosk (COVSACK) was developed by the laboratory of which institution?
a) DRDO b) HAL
c) BEL d) BHEL
Ans: a
41. What is the name of the first social media super-application, to be launched in India?
a) Inspire b) Ignite
c) Incorporate d) Elyments
Ans: d
42. ‘Jiuzhang’, the world’s first light based quantum computer was developed by which country?
a) India b) US
c) China d) Japan
Ans: c
43. Which one is included in National Income?
a. Rent, Wages, Interest
b. Rent, Wage, Salary
c. Rent, Profit, Interest
d. Rent, Wage, Salary, Interest, Profit
Ans: d
44. Which one is included in Primary Sector?
a. Land b. Forest
c. Mining d. All these
Ans: d
45. Name the court to which a consumer can approach, having a claim of Rs 40 lakhs
a. National Consumer Court
b. State Consumer Court
c. District Consumer Court
d. None of the above
Ans: b
46. Which of the following statements is /are correct about COPRA 1986 ?
1. National level Consumer Court hears cases amounting to more than Rs 1 crore
2. State level Consumer Court hears cases amounting less than Rs 1 crore
3. District level Consumer Court hears cases amounting upto Rs 20 lakhs
a. 1 and 2 b. 1 and 3
c. 1,2 and 3 d. 2 and 3
Ans: c
47. Consumers International was created by
c. UNICEF d. World Bank
Ans: b
48. Marketing of Goods and Services which are hazardous to life and property is covered under
a. right to be protected b. right to be assured
c. right to seek redressal d. right to be informed
Ans: a
49. Which one of the following does not provide certificate of standardisation in India?
a. ISI b. Agmark
c. Hallmark d. COPRA
Ans: d
50. NITI Aayog has a Memorandum of Understanding with which country for building capacities in implementation of
the Urban Rejuvenation Mission ?
a. Singapore b. Sweden
c. USA d. Australia
Ans: a
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