PSYCHOLEARNING – How You Can Get Richer…. Quicker !

You Can Get Richer Quicker In
Hundreds Of Various Occupations!
In the last chapter you learned that people amassed personal fortunes of from $1 billion to $50 million
within a recent five-year period-in 34 different, but very commonplace, kinds of businesses.
As you look down the list of 34 businesses, you will realize that you are qualified to obtain employment, at
some level, in everyone of those 34 businesses in which others became super-rich in five years.
By looking at all of the business classifications in your telephone directory, you probably can find at least
a hundred other kinds of businesses which offer equal or better profit opportunities.
And by checking the net worth and profits of the corporations listed on the N ew York Stock Exchange,
you will find many more (and different) business classifications in which other people are getting richer quicker.
The fact is that you don’t have to discover gold or strike oil or invent an indispensable product to get
richer quicker.
You merely have to do the following simple things-all of which are easily within your capabilities:
( 1) Start-at whatever level you presently are qualified-in any reliable company which is energetically
devoted to:
( a) Providing products or services which give people more of what they want, or
(b) Providing products or services which enable people to avoid or eliminate what they do not want.
(2) Be sure to select a company which is a “growth” company-ready, eager and able to expand to
whatever size is required to supply an increasing demand for its products or services.
( 3) Be sure to select a company which is not “frozen” into “seniority promotions” but which offers you
instant promotions accompanied by earned wage increases based on your increasing usefulness and value to the company so your every improvement is promptly rewarded.
( 4) Having thus assured yourself the unlimited opportunity to succeed, use the PROVEN SUCCESS
METHODS in this series. Knowing how to succeed is much more important than your selecting a specific company or occupation.
Specialists in the forecasting of economic and technological changes predict that in the immediate future employment availabilities and requirements will change so rapidly and drastically that the average person will have
seven different careers!
The only way you can prepare yourself for seven different careers is to learn PROVEN SUCCESS
METHODS which will enable you to succeed in any and every kind of career.
The word “career” as used here includes each change to a new position which may be in the same company or the same type of business. It does not imply a complete change of vocation.
Nevertheless, each new position becomes, in effect, a new “career” with new and changing opportunities to which can be applied proven success methods.
In the following several chapters, we shall look at these rapidly changing employment opportunities and
their occupational impact on your future.
In the next chapter, you will learn about the kind of education you will need to capitalize on the rapidly changing employment opportunities in this rapidly changing world.
So that you can get richer … quicker!
- MR Kopmeyer (C) Rajan P Thodiyoor , Career Communications , Kollam , Kerala