Ordnance Depot Allahabad Recruitment 2017 : Apply for 152 posts on official website

Government of India, Ministry of Defence Unit, Ordnance Depot Fort, Allahabad has released a notification on its official website for the recruitment of 152 posts of Material Assistant, Lower Division Clerk, Civilian Motor Driver (Ordinary Grade), Fireman, Tele Optr, Vender, Multi Tasking Staff (MTS) (Messenger), Messenger, Safaiwala & Tradesman Mate. The recruitment will be done on temporary basis. The interested candidates fulfilling the eligibility criteria can apply in prescribed application format.
A total of 152 vacancies will be filled by the recruitment process. The selection of candidates will be done on the basis of written test, physical/ practical/ trade/ typing test.
Ordnance Depot Allahabad Vacancy Details
Total No. of Posts: 152
Name of the Post:
1. Material Assistant: 06 Posts
2. Lower Division Clerk: 23 Posts
3. Civilian Motor Driver (Ordinary Grade): 01 Post
4. Fireman: 05 Posts
5. Tele Optr: 01 Post
6. Vender: 04 Posts
7. Multi Tasking Staff (MTS) (Messenger): 01 Post
8. Messenger: 01 Post
9. Safaiwala: 03 Posts
10. Tradesman Mate: 107 Posts
Age Limit: Candidates should refer official notification for details.
Educational Qualification: Candidates should refer official notification for details.
Selection Process: The selection of candidates will be done on the basis of written test, physical/ practical/ trade/ typing test.
For other details such as age limit, eligibility criteria, selection process, application process etc. candidates should refer official website: https://indianarmy.nic.in