Kerala Psc Job Vacancies.

A.C Plant Operator /Laboratory Technician/ Nurse
Eligibility : Diploma
Location : Thiruvananthapuram
Last Date : 18 May 2016
Hiring Process : Written-test, Face to Face Interview
Kerala PSC – Job Details
A.C Plant Operator /Laboratory Technician/Nurse Jobs recruitment in Kerala Public Service Commission (Kerala PSC)
Category No: 70/2016
Name of Firm : Kerala State Film Development Corporation Ltd.
A.C Plant Operator/Muslim – 1
Qualifications: Diploma in Mechanic Refrigeration and Air Conditioning and two years experience in the maintenance of A.C. Plant acquired from Government/ Quasi Government or registered Company. OR Certificate awarded by the ITI (18 months course) in the trade of Mechanic Refrigeration and Air Conditioning and five years experience in the maintenance of A.C. Plants acquired from Government /Quasi Government or registered Company.
Scale of Pay : Rs.335-5275
Age : 18-39(Only candidates born between 02/01/1977 and 01/01/1998
Category No: 71/2016
Laboratory Technician Gr II
Qualifications: (a) General: A pass in Pre-Degree or equivalent examination with not less than 50% marks or B grade in Science subject. Relaxation of 10% marks will be allowed to those belonging to Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe and 5% marks to Socially and Educationally Backward Communities who come under the purview of G.O (P) 208/66/PD dtd 21.05.1966 and subsequent orders/amendments. SSLC or equivalent for Ex-servicemen who have passed Class I Blood Transfusion Assistant Test and have put in not less than 15 years service in the Armed Forces. (b) Technical: A pass in one year Medical Laboratory Technician’s Training Course conducted by the Medical Colleges in Kerala or by the Public Health Laboratory, Thiruvananthapuram, or any qualification equivalent thereto. Note: In the case of persons who have completed Degree Course in Science `B’ Grade in Pre-degree examination will not be insisted. Note : KS&SSR Part II Rule 10 (a) (ii) is applicable for selection to this post.
Scale of pay : Rs.11620 – 20240
Number of vacancies : District wise Wayanad -OX-01 (One)
Age Limit : 18-41yrs
Category No: 72/2016 to 75/2016
Nurse Grade – II (Ayurveda)
Alappuzha – 01 (One) Kottayam -01 (One), Muslim Kottayam-01 (One) , Viswakarma Kannur -01 (One) , Scheduled Caste Kasaragod -01 (One)
Qualifications: (1) SSLC or equivalent qualification. (2) Certificate in Ayurveda Nurses course recognised by the Government of Kerala.
Age limit : i) 18-39yrs
Scale of pay : Rs.10480 – 18300.