Kerala PSC Doubts and facts


Q.1. How can a person apply for the selection to a post.

One can apply for the selection to a particular post when the selection is notified by the Kerala Public Service Commission in the Kerala Gazette or in the PSC Bulletin, News papers etc. The applicant s candidature in the said selection is valid only if he/she satisfies all the eligibility criteria specified for the selection as well as the modalities for applying for the said selection.

Q.2. When does the Commission notify a selection?

The Commission notifies the selection to a post after vacancy for the post is reported to the commission by the respective Appointing Authority.

Q.3. What are the conditions to be satisfied by a person for applying to a selection to a post?

A person applying for a selection shall satisfy all the eligibility criteria given under the Notification concerned and General Conditions under part II of part IB Kerala Gazette.

Q.4. What are the age limits prescribed for the selection to posts conducted by the Kerala Public Service Commission?

The age limits (upper&lower) for a particular post are given in detail under the selection/Notification for that post. Normally, 5 years relaxation is given to SC/ST Candidates and 3 years to OBC Candidates.

Q.5. Which is the date based on which the age of an applicant is calculated?

The day of reckoning age of an applicant for a selection is the 1st day of January of the year in which the Commission published the Notification for that particular Selection. If the applicant is found underaged/overaged as on the date aforesaid he will be ineligible for he selection.

Q.6. If an applicant acquired the Qualifications prescribed subsequent to the last date of receipt of application for the selection concerned, will his application be admitted for the said selection?

No, the applicant shall acquire all the prescribed educational qualification for the post within the last date fixed in the notification for the receipt of the application prescribed.

Q.7. If an applicant sends applications to more than one District Office of the Commission applying for the same post , the selection for which is District-wise and published under the same Category number in the same Notification, what will be the fate of his candidature in the said selection?

All such applications will be rejected. If the applicant was included in the Short List/Ranked List, his Register Number/Name would be deleted for the said list. In case, such an applicant got appointment to the post, his Advice for appointment would be cancelled by the Commission and he will be terminated from service by the appointment authority.

Q.8. How many years will a Ranked List published by the Commission be alive?

The Ranked Lists published by the Commission remain in force for a period of one year from the date on which it was brought into force provided that the said list will continue to be in force till the publication of a new list after the expiry of the minimum period of one year or till the expiry of 3 years whichever is earlier. For more details go to VALIDITY OF RANKED LISTS

Q.9. Give the details of percentage of Reservation given to the OBC and SC/ST candidates?
Reservation Group For Last grade post Posts other than
last grade
Ezhava 11 14
Muslim 10 12
Latin Catholics/AI 4 4
Viswakarma 2 3
Nadar 3 2
Dheevara 2 1
Other Xian 2 1
(except those mentioned above) 6 3
Scheduled Caste 8 8
Scheduled Tribe 2 2

Q.10. How are the Ranks of candidates in a selection assigned while preparing the Ranked List concerned?

The Ranks are assigned based on the descending order of total marks secured in the W/T and interview by each candidate. If more than one candidate secures equal mark, then respective Rank position of such candidates are assigned in the descending order of their age. If the age is also same, then their names are arranged in the Ranked List alphabetically.

Q.11. The Backward Class Rank holders in a PSC rank list will be advised for appointment against Reservation turns alone. Is it true?

No. The BC Rank Holders are considered for Advice against either Open Competition (OC) turn or Backward Class (BC) turn while working out Rotation .

Q.12. Which are the documents to be attached with the application?

No documents need be attached along with the application.

Q.13. Will the Commission accept a Non Creamy Layer Certificate issued prior to a period of 3 months?

Certainly. The Commission accept the Non-Creamy Layer Certificate issued any time.

Q.14. Will the Commission accept a Non-Creamy Layer Certificate issued in relation to jobs under Central Government?

Yes. The Commission accept such NCLCs also.

Q.15.How are the vacancies filled up between SC & ST Candidates in respect of Special Recruitment for SC & ST?

20% of the total vacancies for Special Recruitment for SC and ST only are reserved for the Scheduled Tribes and the places allotted to SC and ST are decided out of every 5 vacancies. That is, out of every 5 vacancies, one will be filled up from ST.

Q.16.When does the Commission accept equivalent qualifications in selections?

If there is no provision to accept in a selection the equivalent qualification in the Special Rule, qualification other than those prescribed in the Rule cannot be accepted. Qualification can be accepted as equivalent only after it is declared by executive orders and proper amendments are issued to Special Rules.

Further questions of general nature may be addressed to: Public Relations Officer, Kerala Public Service Commission, Thulasi Hills, Pattom, TVPM 695 004. The questions will be answered through PSC Bulletin, the official fortnightly publication of the Commission.

Courtesy: KPSC
