Questions related to facts about India is an important part in the Secretariat Asst and other examinations. Questions connected with Constitution of India, Freedom Struggle, National Movement, Geography of India- Physical Features- Climate-Soils- Rivers- Famous Sites , Demography- Economic and Social Development-Poverty Alleviation-Economy and Planning-, History of India, Culture, Cinema, Books and writers etc may be asked.
Prof. Karthikeyan
1. Which is the highest mountain peak in India?
Ans: Kangchenjunga
2. Which is the largest museum in India?
Ans: Indian Museum, Kolkata
3. Who is regarded as the first great leader of modern India?
Ans: Raja Ram Mohan Roy
4. Who became the President of Indian National Congress for the longest continuous period before independence?
Ans: Maulana Abul Kalam Azad
5. Which is India’s smallest state by area?
Ans: Goa
6. Which is the most populated state of India as per 2011 census?
Ans: Uttar Pradesh
7. What was the post held by Gandhiji in Natal Indian Congress in South Africa?
Ans: Honorary Secretary
8. Who authored Gandhiji’s favourite prayer ‘Vaishnava Janato’?
Ans: Narasimha Mehta
9. Who was the Viceroy when Indian Penal Code was brought into effect?
Ans: Lord Canning
10. In which year Mahathma Gandhi became the president of Indian National Congress:
Ans: 1924
11. Which is the largest prison in India?
Ans: Tihar jail
12. Which is India’s largest state by area?
Ans: Rajasthan
13. Jawaharlal Nehru attended Congress session as a delegate for the first time in 1912. It was held at:
Ans: Bankipur
14. Jawaharlal Nehru became the President of the Indian National Congress for the first time in:
Ans: 1929
15. Who was the Viceroy when Queen Victoria was declared as the Empress of India in 1877?
Ans: Lytton
16. In India, the death anniversary of Gandhiji is observed as:
Ans: Martyrs day
17. The famous leader whose birth day falls on the birth day of Lal Bahadur Shastri:
Ans: Gandhiji
18. Who was the Congress president when Jawaharlal Nehru was appointed as the chairman of the National Planning Committee constituted by INC?
Ans: Subhas Chandra Bose
19. Who was selected as the second person to observe individual satyagraha in 1940:
Ans: Jawaharlal Nehru
20. Jawaharlal Nehru Port is situated at:
Ans: Mumbai
21. Who founded Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan?
Ans: K.M.Munshi
23. Which is the largest freshwater lake in India?
Ans: Kolleru lake, Andhra Pradesh
24. Which is the largest library in India?
Ans: National library of India, Kolkata
25. The first modern paper mill in India was established in Saharanpur in ……….. in 1832.
Ans: West Bengal
26. Who repealed the Vernacular Press Act?
Ans: Lord Ripon
27. Jawaharlal Nehru was born in 1889 at:
Ans: Allahabad
28. Which state was given the status of ‘Associate State’ in 1974?
Ans: Sikkim
29. Who was the President of Indian National Congress during the Quit India movement?
Ans: Maulana Abul Kalam Azad
30. Which was the first General Post Office opened in India?
Ans: Chennai
31. Which is the largest General Post Office (GPO) in India?
Ans: Mumbai
32. Which commission was enquired into the assassination of Indira Gandhi?
Ans: Thakkar Commission
33. Which portfolio was taken over by Jawaharlal Nehru from VK Krishna Menon in the wake of Chinese aggression of 1962?
Ans: Defense
34. Birla House, where Gandhiji was assassinated, is in:
Ans: Delhi
35. Which is the largest planetarium in India?
Ans: Birla Planetarium, Kolkata
36. Which is the largest plateau in India?
Ans: Deccan plateau
37. For how many days Gandhiji was imprisoned in South Africa?
Ans: 249
38. In his life, Gandhiji was undergone imprisonment for ……….. days.
Ans: 2338
39. Jawaharlal Nehru met Gandhiji for the first time at the Lucknow session of Indian National Congress held in the year ………….
Ans: 1916
40. Subash Chandra Bose became the President of Indian National Congress for the first time in:
Ans: 1938
41. The journals ‘Al Hilal’ and ‘Al Balal’ were launched by:
Ans: Abul Kalam Azad
42. In which railway station of South Africa, Gandhiji was thrown out of a train?
Ans: Petermaritzberg
43. Who was the president of India when Bangladesh was formed in 1971:
Ans: V.V.Giri
44. Lal Bahadur Shastri is the first Prime Minister to born in 20th century. He was born in:
Ans: 1904
45. The jurist who gave verdict in Gandhi assassination Case:
Ans: Atmacharan Aggarwal
46. The second President of Indian National Congress:
Ans: Dadabhai Navroji
47. The Mauryan emperor who gave attention to Municipal administration:
Ans: Chandragupta Maurya
48. Which is the tallest medieval building in India?
Ans: Qutb Minar, Delhi (73 m, 239 ft)
49. Which is the largest mosque in India?
Ans: Jama Masjid, Delhi
50. The Viceroy when Rowlatt Act was passed?
Ans: Lord Chelmsford
51. Which event in Buddha’s life is symbolized by Stupa?
Ans: Mahaparinirvana
52. Green Revolution in India is also known as:
Ans: Seed, fertilizer and irrigation revolution
53. The first jute mill in India was established in 1854 at Rishra near………..
Ans: Kolkata
54. The Indo-Gangetic Plains are formed by the basins of three distinct river systems. Which are they?
Ans: The Indus, the Ganges and the Brahmaputra.
55. What forms the southern point of the Peninsular plateau?
Ans: Nilgiri Hills
56. Which among the following is regarded as a continuation of the Western Ghats?
Ans: Cardamom Hills
57. The industry which laid the foundation of industrialization in India:
Ans: Cotton textiles
58. The method of election of Indian President has been copied from:
Ans: Ireland
59. The only Indian state that has its own constitution:
Ans: Jammu & Kashmir
60. The post of speaker of Lok Sabha has been copied from:
Ans: Britain
61. The system of Parliamentary Government has been copied from:
Ans: Britain
62. The system that the head of the state is a part of parliament has been copied from:
Ans: Britain
63. The tenure of member of Legislative Assembly is …… years.
Ans: Five
64. The tenure of the president of India is …… years.
Ans: 5
65. Union Territory in South India to have Legislative Assembly:
Ans: Puducherry
66. What is referred to as an ‘epitome’ of the broad features of the Constitution?
Ans: Preamble
67. What is regarded as the corner stone of modern democracy?
Ans: Magna Carta
67. Which Article of the Constitution deals with special provisions regarding Jammu and Kashmir?
Ans: 370
68. Which Article of the Constitution is related to ‘Abolition of untouchability’?
Ans: 17
69. Which Article of the Constitution is related to ‘Equality of opportunity in matters of public employment’?
Ans: 16
70. The preamble of the Constitution begins with:
Ans: We, the people of India………
71. The preamble of the Constitution came into force on:
Ans: 26th January 1950
72. The procedure for removing the President of India, if he violates the Constitution:
Ans: Impeachment
73. The procedure of election of members to the upper house has been copied from:
Ans: South Africa
74. The idea of Fundamental Rights has been copied from:
Ans: USA
75. The idea of impeachment of President has been copied from:
Ans: USA
76. President of India is empowered to declare how many types of emergency?
Ans: 3
77. Rule of law has been copied from:
Ans: Britain
78. The distribution of powers between centre and states has been copied from:
Ans: Canada
79. The executive powers of the union of India is vested with:
Ans: President
80. The idea of advisory jurisdiction of Supreme Court has been copied from:
Ans: Canada
81. The idea of appointment of Governors of States by the centre has been copied from:
Ans: Canada
82. The idea of Parliamentary privileges has been copied from:
Ans: Britain
83. The idea of placing the residuary powers with the centre was influenced by the Constitution of:
Ans: Canada
84. The idea of post of Vice President has been copied from:
Ans: USA
85. The idea of prerogative writs has been copied from:
Ans: Britain
86. The idea of President as the nominal head of the state has been copied from:
Ans: Britain
87. Which part of the Constitution deals with Elections?
Ans: Part XV
88. Which part of the Constitution is dealt with States and Union Territories?
Ans: Part I
89. Which Schedule contains Panchayat Raj?
Ans: 11th
90. How much of the total members of Rajya Sabha is elected every two years?
Ans: 1/3
91. Which is called House of Elders?
Ans: Rajya Sabha
92. A money bill sent to Rajya Sabha should be returned to the lower house within ………days.
Ans: 14
93. The first joint sitting of Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha was held in the year:
Ans: 1961
94. Who wrote the book “What Congress and Gandhi have done to untouchables’?
Ans: B R Ambedkar
95. Which is the first iron bridge of India?
Ans: Lohe ka pul (Old Yamuna bridge), Delhi
96. The objective resolution was adopted by the Constituent Assembly on:
Ans: 22nd January 1947
97. The tenure of member of Lok Sabha is ……….years.
Ans: 5
98. As per the provisions of the Constitution the number of members of Lok Sabha is limited as:
Ans: 552
99. Who is known as the father of Indian industry:
Ans: Jamshedji Tata
100. Whom the British called ‘the father of Indian unrest’?
Ans: Bal Gangadhar Tilak