The Sure Way Yon Can Attract Favorable Attention To GET AHEAD

There is a sure way you can attract the favorable attention of those who can help you get promoted,
get ahead in life, get richer . .. quicker!
You can succeed in today’s complex business world or achieve whatever you want as your life-goal
ONLY with the goodwill, help and cooperation of others.
As I have emphasized in my other books, no longer can even the strongest men climb to the top using
only their own ability and power.
Everyone who reaches success today is lifted to success by the willing hands of those who want to help
him succeed!
You have to deserve success, of course. But deserving success is not enough. As President Calvin Coolidge said, “Nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. The world is full of educated derelicts.”
Being educated, being talented and being deserving are valuable assets, of course. But neither advanced
education nor exceptional talent nor being deserving will assure your success. Indeed, many of the most successful
people have neither superior formal schooling nor gifted natural talent. They may be no more “deserving” than
others with equal experience and job-skill.
Successful people today know and use PROVEN SUCCESS METHODS. That is the only way
to succeed.
And one of the most important proven success methods is to get other people to willingly lift you to success. Others must eagerly want to help you!
How do you get other people to want to help you succeed?
Always remember this:
You first have to put money into the bank before you can draw it out.
So you first have to give others what they want -or help them get it-before you can expect them to give
you what you want.
How do you start?
You start by attracting the favorable attention of those who can lift you to-or toward-success.
And you attract that favorable attention by expressing or demonstrating your willingness to help them
There is no surer way to attract favorable attention than to offer cooperation and help. Don’t be timid
or embarassed about offering to cooperate in helping others
accomplish what they are trying to do. Even if your assistance is not accepted at once, you will have attracted favorable and remembered attention.
That is doubly true in your employment. If you want to attract the favorable attention of top management
(as you must!), then express and demonstrate your eagerness to do more, to do better, to make yourself more useful.
Ask your employer the questions listed in the previous chapter:
“What can I do to make myself more useful ?
“How can I do my job better?”
“How can I learn more so that I can be more useful to the company? What books and trade magazines
should I read? What additional jobs can I do to enable me to learn more about the business?”
“What additional on-the-job or off-the-job training can I get?”
“What am I doing wrong or inefficiently which I can correct and improve?”
In this way, you earnestly express your eagerness to:
( 1) Give your employer more of what he wants from you as an employee, and …
(2) Give your employer less (or nothing) of what he doesn’t want from you as an employee.
( a) attract favorable attention, (b) get you promoted, (c)
win the goodwill of those who can help lift you to success,
( d) make you richer . . . quicker!
Of course, you have to use PROVEN SUCCESS METHODS in a highly profitable type of business
if you are going to get richer . . . quicker!
So, to enable you to select the kind of business -the specific business classification-in which to get
richer quicker, I have listed in the next chapter the 34 kinds of businesses in which individuals made personal fortunes of $1 billion to $50 million within a recent five year period.
So if you want to make a personal fortune of $1 billion to $50 million within five years, the next chapter
will list the 34 different kinds of businesses in which other people actually did it.