Questions and answers based on Indian History and General Science , based on previous question papers and PSC Question Bank, for graduate level exams. Our experts, Career Team, prepared following questions and answers. You can study and check your efficiency by practicing Mock Examinations in this site that will be helpful to you. You can make enough revisions to obtain qualified marks in the exam easily.
1. Which one of the following pairs is NOT correctly matched?
a) Hoyasalas : Dwarasamudra
b) Kakatiyas : Warangal
c) Pallavas : Devagiri
d) Chalukyas : Kalyani
Ans : c
2. Which one of the following is associated with the Gupta Age of Indian History?
a) Visit of Chinese pilgrim Hiuen Tsang
b) Significant contribution to Indian astronomy by Aryabhatta
c) Significant contribution to poetry and literature by Banabhatta
d) Macedonian invasion
Ans : b
3. Match list I and list II and choose the correct answer from the codes given below the list
List I List II
a. Nyaya 1.Jaimini
b. Vaisheshika 2.Badarayana
c. Sankhya 3.Gautam
d. Yoga 4.Kanada
e. Purva mimamsa 5.Kapila
f. Uttara mimamsa 6.Patanjali
(a) 5 6 4 1 2 3
(b) 4 3 2 1 5 6
(c) 3 4 5 6 1 2
(d) 1 2 3 4 5 6
Ans : c
4. Which of the following is not matched correctly?
a) Vardhamana Mahavira’s father- Siddhartha
b) Vardhamana Mahavira’s mother- Trisala
c) Vardhamana Mahavira’s Wife- Yashoda
d) Vardhamana Mahavira’s daughter- Cheiiana
Ans : d
5. In which of the following sects was Bindusara interested?
a) Buddhism b) Jainism
c) Ajivakas d) Lokayata
Ans : c
6.The correct descending order of the Maruyan officers at the district level was
a) Rajuka, Pradeshika, Yukta` b) Yukta, Rajuka, Pradeshika
c) Pradeshika, Yukta, Rajuka d) Pradeshika, Rajuka, Yukta
Ans : d
7. Harappan weapons were made of
a) Stone b) copper
c) Bronze d) all the above
Ans : d
8. Kalidas’s works include:
i. Abhijnana Shakuntalam ii. Meghadutam
iii. Raghuvamsa iv. Malavikagnimitram
v. Ritusamhara vi. Kumarsambhava
Select the correct answer from the codes given below:
a) i, ii, iii and iv b) i, ii, iv, v and vi
c) i,ii,iv and v d) all of them
Ans : d
9. Match List 1 with List II and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists
List I List II
a.Shudraka 1. Devichand rag uptam
b. Vajjika 2. Harivamsa purana
c. Vishakadatta 3. Mrichcha katika
d. Jinasena suri 4. Tilsya pannati
e. Yati vrishabha 5. Kaumudi mahotsava
(a) 3 5 1 2 4
(b) 3 4 1 5 2
(c) 1 2 3 4 5
(d) 2 3 4 5 1
Ans : a
10. With reference to the invaders in ancient India which one of the following is the correct chronological order?
a) Greeks-Sakas-Kushanas
b) Greeks-Kushanas-Sakas
c) Sakas-Greeks-Kushanas
d) Sakas-Kushanas-Greeks
Ans : a
11. Which one of the following pairs is incorrectly matched?
a) Askini- Chenab b) Sutudri- Sutlej
c) Vipas- Jhelum d) Parushni-Ravi
Ans : c
12. Which one of the following pairs does not belong to the same category?
a) Mauryas- Brihadratha b) Satavahanas-simukha
c) Sungas- Devabhuti d) Kanvas- Susaraman
Ans : b
13. Match List I (Monuments/Inscription) with List II (Persons responsible) and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists
List I List II
a) Garuda pillar (Besnagar) 1. Gautami Balasri
b) Sudharsana lake 2. Rudradaman I
c) Girnar prasati 3. Vaisya pushyagupta
d) Nasik prasati 4. Heliodorus
(a) 1 2 3 4
(b) 2 1 4 3
(c) 4 3 2 1
(d) 3 4 1 2
Ans : c
14.Match List 1 (kingdoms) with List II (capitals) and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists
List I List II
a. Chola 1. Madurai
b. paramara 2. Kanchi
c. pallava 3. Thanjavur
d. Pandya 4. Dhar
(a) 3 4 2 1
(b) 4 2 3 1
(c) 1 4 2 3
(d) 2 3 4 1
Ans : a
15. Match List 1 (temples) with List II (places) and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists
List I List II
a. Shore temple 1. Thanjavur
b. Brihdesvara temple 2. Kanchi
c. Kalisanantha temple 3. Mount Abu
d. Vimala Vasahi 4.Mamallapuram
(a) 3 2 1 4
(b) 3 1 2 4
(c) 4 2 1 3
(d) 4 1 2 3
Ans : d
16.What is the correct chronlogical sequence of the undermentioned pallava kings?
1) Nandavarman II 2) Mahendra Varman I
3) Narasimha varman I 4) Simhavishnu
(a) 1, 2, 3, 4 (b) 4, 2, 3, 1
(c) 3,1, 4, 2 (d) 2, 3, 1, 4
Ans : b
17. Which of the following statement is correct?
a) Harsha stopped the use of animal food throughout his empire
b) Harsha erected thousands of stupas
c) Harsha regularly held the quinquennial convocation
d) Harsha sent missionaries to the west to propogate Buddhism
Ans : d
18.Match List 1 (Name of rulers) with List II( their titles) and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists
List I List II
a. Harsha vardhana 1. vichitra chitta
b. Samudragupta 2. Gangaikonden
c. Rajendra I 3. Kaviraja
d. Mahendra varman-I 4. Siladitya
(a) 1 2 3 4
(b) 2 3 4 1
(c) 3 4 1 2
(d) 4 3 2 1
Ans : d
19. Match List-I (Men of letters) with List-II (Their patrons) and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists:
List-I List-II
(a) Harisena 1. Rajasimhan-I
(b) Banabhatta 2. Yasovarman
(c) Bhavabhuti 3. Harshavardhana
(d) Dandin 4. Samudragupta
a) 4 3 2 1
b) 3 4 2 1
c) 2 1 3 4
d) 1 2 4 3
Ans : a
20. Which one of the following is not correctly matched?
a) Kalidasa : Kumarasambhava
b) Shudraka : Mrichchakatika
c) Varahamihira : Brihat-samhita
d) Vishakhadatta : Kaumudi-Mahotsava
Ans : d
21. Which of the following could be associated with Buddhism?
1. Rejection of the authority of vedas
2. Denial of God
3. Belief in the categories of jiva and ajiva
4. The concept of nirvana
5. Theory of prakrithi and purusha
select the correct answer using the codes below:
a) 1, 2 and 3 b) 2, 3, 4 and 1
c) 1, 2 and 4 d) 1, 3, 4 and 5
Ans: c
22. Which of the following statements about the RigVedic Aryans is incorrect?
a) We do not find any trace of widow remarriage in the Rig Vedic period
b) We have some indications of polyandry in this period
c) There are no examples of child marriage in this period
d) The practice of levirate was known
Ans : a
23. Which of the doctrines of Jainism was added by Mahavira?
a) Do not speak a lie b) Observe continence
c) Do not commit violence d) do not steal
Ans : b
24. Match list I with list ii and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists
List I List II
a. Rock –cut Rathas 1. Ellora
b. Kailasa temple 2. Mahabalipuram
c. Brihadeshwara temple 3. Nachnakuthara
d. Parvati temple 4. Thanjavur
a b c d
(A) 1 2 4 3
(B) 1 4 2 3
(C) 2 4 3 1
(D) 2 1 4 3
Ans : d
25. Which one of the following harappan sites is NOT located in Gujarat?
a) Surkotada b) Rangpur
c) Sutkagender d) Desalpur
Ans :c
26. Which one of the following Indus cities has houses with doors on the main streets?
a) Lothal b) Surkotada
c) Chanhudaro d) Banawali
Ans : a
27. Which one of the following pair is not correctly matched?
a. Samaveda Samhita- Origins of Indian Music
b. Atharva veda samhita- Origins of indian medicine
c. Rigveda samhita-Earliest prose
d. Yajurveda samhita- Origins of rituals
Ans : c
28. In which one of the following do we come across a detailed account of the municipal administration of the Mauryas?
a) The Arthashastra of Kautilya
b) The account of Megasthenes
c) The Mudrarakshasa d) Mauryan inscription
Ans : b
29. Which one of the following mentioned divison of the Mauryan society into seven classes?
A. Ashoka’s Edicts B. Indica
C. Kautilya’s Arthashastra D. Vishnu Purana
Ans : b
30. Consider the following statement(s) what Ajanta Painting portray
i. Buddhist elements ii. Secular aspects
iii. Jain culture
Which of these statements is/are correct?
a) Only i b) Both i and ii
c) i, ii and iii d) Only iii
Ans : a
31. Which of the following statements about the Harappan people is incorrect?
a) The Harappans were phallus worshippers
b) They worshipped Gods in the form of human beings
c) They placed their Gods in temples
d) They looked upon the earth as a fertility Goddess
Ans : c
32. The most suitable metal for making electromagnets and transformer cores is
a) Steel b) Iron
c) Copper d) Aluminium
Ans: b
33. Lenz law is consistent with conservation of a) Energy b) Mass
c) Charge d) Momentum
Ans: a
34. Which of the following is not made of soft iron?
a) Electromagnet b) Core of transformer
c) Core of dynamo d) Magnet of loudspeaker
Ans: d
35. Which of the following element will have the highest electron affinity?
a) Chlorine b) Nitrogen
c) Phospherus d) Flourine
Ans: a
36. Which of the following is a pair of endangered species ?
a) Garden lizard and Mexican poppy
b) Rhesus monkey and Sal tree
c) Indian pea cock and Carrot grass
d) Horn bill and Indian Aconite
Ans: d
37. Electric potential of earth is taken to be zero, because earth is a good
a) Semi conductor b) Conductor
c) Insulator d) Dielectric
Ans: b
38. One gram mole of a gas at N.T.P occupies 22.4 litres. This
fact was derived from
a) Law of gaseous volumes b) Dalton’s atomic theory
c) Avogadro’s hypothesis d) Law of constant proportions
Ans: c
39. If an electron is brought toward another electron, the electrostatic potential energy of the system
a) Decreases b) Increases
c) Becomes zero d) Remains the same
Ans: b
40. Which of the following is not emitted by radio-active substances ?
a) Proton b) Positron
c) Gama rays d) Beta Rays
Ans: a
41. Rutherford’s scattering experiment is related to the size of
a) Electron b) Nucleus
c) Neutron d) Proton
Ans: b
42. On increasing the temperature of a conductor, its resistance increases because the
a) Relaxation time increases b) Electron density decreases
c) Relaxation time decreases
d) Relaxation time remains constant
Ans: c
43. ‘Green Muffler’ is adopted to prevent which type of pollution
a) Air b) Soil
c) Water d) Noise
Ans: d
44. Which one of the following in the world has a high density of organism?
a) Deciduous forests b) Grass lands
c) Tropical rain forests d) Savannah
Ans: c
45. “It is impossible to determine simultaneously the position and velocity of small particles such as electron” , it is a statement of
a) Hund’s rule b) Aufbau principle
c) Pauli’s exclusion principle
d) Heisen berg’s uncertainty principle
Ans: d
46. Thermocouple thermometer is based on
a) Peltier effect b) Seebeck effect
c) Photoelectric effect d) Compton effect
Ans: b
47. A galvanometer can be changed into ammeter by providing
a) High resistance in series b) Low resistance in series
c) High resistance in parallel d) Low resistance in parallel
Ans: d
48. According to Dalton’s atomic theory, the smallest particle in which matter can exist, is called
a) An electron b) An atom
c) A molecule d) An ion
Ans: b
49. Plants that can withstand wide range of temperature are called
a) Monothermic b) Stenothermic
c) Mesothermic d) Eurythermic
Ans: d
50. First clinical gene therapy was given in 1990 to a four years old child for correcting
a) Adenine deficiency b) Growth deficiency
c) Adenosine deaminase deficiency
d) Adenosine deficiency
Ans: c
51. A larger beam is used for carrying out surgery because it
a) is highly monochromatic b) it is highly coherent
c) it is highly directional d) can be sharply focussed
Ans: d
52. The hormone that controls the processes like burning of fat,
protein and cabohydrate to liberate energy in the body is
a) Cortisone b) Thyroxine
c) Adrenalin d) Insulin
Ans: d
53. DNA fingerprint technique for identification was developed by
a) Kary Mullis b) Alec Jeffreys
c) F.W. Engel mann d) Watson and Crick
Ans: b
54. Which of the following is a secondary pollutant ?
a) Carbon dioxide b) Nitrogen Oxides
c) Peroxyacyl nitrates d) Carbon monoxide
Ans: c
55. Scientists pin-pointed the location of colour processing
perception centres in human visual cortex by
a) CT Scanning b) PET Scanning
c) Ultra Scanning d) NMR imaging
Ans: b
56. Which of the following molecule has highest bond energy?
a) F-F b) N-N
c) C-C d) O-O
Ans: c
57. For a spontaneous process, the correct statement is
a) Entropy of the system always increase
b) Free energy of the system always increases
c) Total entropy change is always negative
d) Total entropy change is always positive
Ans: d
58. Internal energy does not include
a) Rotational energy b) Vibrational energy
c) Nuclear energy d) Energy gravitational pull
Ans: d
59. The one widely used as a tool in genetic engineering experiments –
a) Plastid b) Ribosome
c) Mitochondrion d) Plasmid
Ans: d
60. A tumour inducing plasmid widely used in the production of transgenic plants is that of
a) Escherichia Coli b) Bacillus thuringiensis
c) Staphylococus aureus d) Agrobacterium tumifaciens
Ans: d
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- Career Team