Q & A – General Knowledge for University Asst., Field Officer, Sub Inspector Exams

Questions and answers based on World History, Science, Indian History and General Knowledge , based on previous question papers and PSC Question Bank, for graduate level exams. Our experts, Career Team, prepared following questions and answers. You can study and check your efficiency by practicing Mock Examinations in this site that will be helpful to you. You can make enough revisions to obtain qualified marks in the exam easily.
1. Who said “Remember that time is money”:
(a) Abraham Lincoln
(b) Benjamin Franklin
(c) Mahathma Gandhi
(d) Winston Churchill
Ans : b
2. Sea of Galilee is a ……in Israel:
(a) Mountain (b) Lake
(c) river (d) Dam
Ans : b
3. Tulu is a ….. language:
(a) Indo-Aryan (b) Dravidian
(c) Sino-Tibetan (d) Austric
Ans : b
4. The city which is known as ‘Big Apple’?
(a) New York (b) Paris
(c) London (d) Moscow
Ans : a
5. The element with atomic number 100:
(a) Einsteinium (b) Germanium
(c) Fermium (d) Rutherfordium
Ans : c
6. Which bank was formerly known as ‘Imperial Bank of India’?
(a) State Bank of Travancore
(b) State Bank of India
(c) Bank of Baroda (d) Canara Bank
Ans : b
7. Chandranagar, a former European colony was added to the State of …….in 1954
(a) Andhra Pradesh (b) West Bengal
(c) Tamil Nadu (d) Orissa
Ans : b
8. The author who was called ‘the last of the Victorians’:
(a) Thomas Hardy
(b) William Shakespeare
(c) Bernard Shaw (d) Thomas Moore
Ans : a
9. Onomotology is the study of:
(a) Birds (b) Molluscs
(c) Names (d) languages
Ans : c
10. To which religion the term ‘Akal Takht’ is associated?
(a) Hinduism (b) Jainism
(c) Buddhism (d) Sikh religion
Ans : d
11. The venue of first National Games held in 1985:
(a) Pune (b) Mumbai
(c) New Delhi (d) Imphal
Ans : c
12. The first American President to live in White House:
(a) George Washington
(b) Abraham Lincoln(c) John Adams
(d) Thomas Jefferson
Ans : c
13. The number of Gospels in New Testament:
(a) 4 (b) 5
(c) 6 (d) 3
Ans : a
14. David Ben Gurion was the first Prime Minister of:
(a) France (b) Syria
(c) Poland (d) Israel
Ans : d
15. The most abundant fruit in India:
(a) Jack fruit (b) Mango
(c) Guava (d) Apple
Ans : b
16. The character in Greek mythology whose touch turned everything into gold:
(a) Apollo (b) Zeus
(c) Midas (d) Jupiter
Ans : c
17. The deity of Badrinath:
(a) Shiva (b) Srikrishna
(c) Mahavishnu (d) Brahma
Ans : c
18. The normal temperature of human body in Kelvin Scale:
(a) 300 (b) 310
(c) 320 (d) 400
Ans : b
19. The hormone produced in the body while frightening:
(a) Adrenalin (b) Ptyalin
(c) Oestrogen (d) Insulin
Ans : a
20. The architect of Victoria Memorial:
(a) William Emerson (b) Edwin Lutyens
(c) Herbert Baker (d) Le Courbusier
Ans : a
21. The maximum number of nominated members in Indian Parliament:
(a) 12 (b) 14
(c) 9 (d) 15
Ans : b
22. Nelson Mandela was released from jail:
(a) 1990 (b) 1991
(c) 1992 (d) 1993
Ans : a
23. The number of schedules in the Constitution of India when it was brought into force in 1950:
(a) 12 (b) 10
(c) 8 (d) 6
Ans : c
24. Who discovered benzene?
(a) Michael Faraday (b) Marconi
(c) Edison (d) Alexander Flemming
Ans : a
25. Gandhiji spent 2089 days in Indian prisons. Where was his last confinement?
(a) Aga Khan Palace, Pune
(b) Yervada jail
(c) Thihar jail (d) None of these
Ans : a
26. The oldest and most widely used spice in the world:
(a) Cardomamom (b) Black Pepper
(c) Saffron (d) None of these
Ans : b
27. Subash Chandra Bose established provisional government of Free India on October 21, 1943 at:
(a) Tokyo (b) Rangoon
(c) Taipei (d) Singapore
Ans : d
28. Govind Ballabh Pant University of Agriculture & Technology is the first agricultural university in India. It is in
the state of:
(a) Uttarakhand (b) Uttar Pradesh
(c) Himachal Pradesh (d) Haryana
Ans : a
29. When the Indian National Congress was split in 1969, who led the pro-Indira Gandhi faction?
(a) C.Subramanyam(b) Nijalingappa
(c) Rajendra Prasad(d) V.V.Giri
Ans : b
30. In India ballot paper was used for the first time in the …. elections
(a) 1952 (b) 1957
(c) 1962 (d) 1967
Ans : c
31. Which country is ‘the Britain of the East’?
(a) New Zealand (b) Japan
(c) Sweden (d) Srilanka
Ans : b
32. Who was normally the ex-officio chairman of the Planning Commission of India?
(a) Deputy Prime Minister
(b) Finance Minister (c) Prime Minister
(d) Minister of state for Planning
Ans : c
33. Which element is also known as ‘Wolfram’?
(a) Tungsten (b) Gold
(c) Silicon (d) Aluminium
Ans : a
34. In 1938, the National Planning Committee was set up under the chairmanship of:
(a) Jawaharlal Nehru
(b) Subash Chandra Bose
(c) Dr. Rajendra Prasad
(d) Pattabhi Seetharamayya
Ans : a
35. In India, Community Development Project was started in:
(a) October 2, 1952 (b) August 15, 1952
(c) January 1, 1952 (d) April 1, 1952
Ans : a
36. Crimea is an autonomous republic within:
(a) Russia (b) Ukraine
(c) Mongolia (d) Uzbekistan
Ans : b
37. The study of Law Making:
(a) Metrology (b) Legislation
(c) Nomology (d) None of these
Ans : c
38. Whose birthday is observed as Panchayat Day?
(a) Balwant Rai Mehta (b) Lord Rippon
(c) Jawaharlal Nehru (d) Ashok Mehta
Ans : a
39. The viceroy of India during the partition of Bengal:
(a) Dufferin (b) Curzon
(c) Hardinge (d) Chelmsford
Ans : b
40. Bangra is the dance form of:
(a) Punjab (b) Asom
(c) Bihar (d) West Bengal
Ans : a
41. Who was the Prime Minister of India when Prime Minister’s Rozgar Yojana(PMRY) was started?
(a) Rajiv Gandhi (b) Indira Gandhi
(c) Narasimha Rao (d) Jawaharlal Nehru
Ans : c
42. Beaufort scale is used to measure:
(a) Speed of sound
(b) Intensity of earth quake
(c) Speed of Wind (d) Temperature
Ans : c
43. What is known as ‘the alternative Nobel Prize’:
(a) Magsaysay Awd.
(b) Oscar Award
(c) Right Livelihood Awd.
(d) Lasker Award
Ans : c
44. The Governor General who introduced the idea of ‘Little Republics’ related to village administration?
(a) Lord Mayo (b) Charles Metcaf
(c) Lord Dalhousie (d) Lord Canning
Ans : b
45. ‘Cervantes’ is a writer in …….language:
(a) German (b) Russian
(c) Greek (d) Spanish
Ans : d
46. The National Institute of Visually Handicapped is situated at:
(a) New Delhi (b) Dehra Dun
(c) Kolkatta (d) Chennai
Ans : b
47. Which Indian state has the largest number of Loksabha seats?
(a) Uttar Pradesh (b) Bihar
(c) Maharashtra (d) West Bengal
Ans : a
48. The film ‘The Great Dictactor’ by Charlie Chaplin was based on the life of :
(a) Benito Mussolini (b) Joseph Stalin
(c) Adolf Hitler (d) General Franco
Ans : c
49 . The full form of ‘http’:
(a) Hyper text transfer protocol
(b) Hyper text transfer procedure
(c) Hyper text transport protocol
(d) Hyper text transfer programmed
Ans : a
50. The Oscar statue was designed by:
(a) Cedric Gibbons
(b) Catherine Hepburn (c) John Ford
(d) Emil Jennings
Ans : a
- Dr. Sujatha
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