Q & A based on India, History, Science and General English for Degree level examinations

Questions and answers based on India, History, Science, World History, General Knowledge and General English, based on previous question papers and PSC Question Bank, for graduate level exams. Our experts, Career Team, prepared following model questions and answers. You can study and check your efficiency by practicing Mock Examinations in this site that will be helpful to you. You can make enough revisions to obtain qualified marks in the exam easily.
1. Which of the following National Parks of India are declared as World Heritage by UNESCO?
1. Keoladeo National Park
2. Sunderbans National Park
3. Kaziraga National Park
4. Ranthambore National Park
(a) 1 and 2 only (b) 1, 2 and 3 only
(c) 3 and 4 only (d) 1, 2, 3 and 4
Answer: b
2. The audit reports of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India relating to the accounts of the Union shall be submitted to
(a) The President
(b) The Speaker of the Lok sabha
(c) The Prime Minister
(d) The Vice President
Answer: a
3. Which one of the following is not considered a part of the Legislature of States?
(a) The Governor (b) The Legislative Assembly
(c) The Legislative Council (d) The Chief minister
Answer: d
4. Which of the following is not under the powers and functions of the Election Commission of India?
(a) Superintendence, Direction and Control of the Preparation of Electoral Rolls
(b) Conduct of Elections to the Parliament and to the Legislature of each State
(c) Conduct of Election to the office of the President and the Vice president
(d) Appointment of the Regional Commissioners to assist the Election Commission in the performance of the functions conferred on the commission
Answer: d
5. Which of the following is not related to the powers of the Governor?
(a) Diplomatic and Military Powers
(b) Power to appoint Advocate General
(c) Summoning, Proroguing and dissolving State Legislature
(d) Power to grant pardons, reprieves, respites or remission of punishments
Answer: a
6. Subhash Chandra Bose started ‘Azad Hind Radio’ in which of the following countries?
(a) Japan (b) Austria
(c) Germany (d) Malaysia
Answer: c
7. The college of Fort William was established by which one of the following Governor-Generals?
(a) Warren Hastings (b) Lord Cornwallis
(c) Richard Wellesley (d) William Bentinck
Answer: c
8. What is India’s first Indigenous Aircraft Carrier (IAC) called?
(a) Vikrant (b) Virat
(c) Vaibhav (d)Varaha
Answer: a
9. Which one of the following Articles of the Constitution of India deals with the special provision with respect to the State of Assam?
(a) Article 371A (b) Article 371B
(c) Article 371C (d) Article 371D
Answer: b
10.Which one of the following schedules to the constitution of India provides for setting up of Autonomous District Councils?
(a) Third Schedule (b) Fourth Schedule
(c) Fifth Schedule (d) Sixth Schedule
Answer: d
11. A Sample of ‘Soft Soap’ contains
(a) Caesium (b) Potassium
(c) Calcium (d) Magnesium
Answer: b
12. The important source for ‘Akbar’ reign Tarikh-I-Akbari’ was written by which one of the following Persian language scholars?
(a) Arif Qandahari (b) Bayazid Bayat
(c) Abdul Qadir Badauni (d) Nizamuddin Ahmed
Answer: a
13.The class of Amar Nayakas in Vijayanagara is a reference to which of the following?
(a) Village Chieftains (b) Senior Civil Servants
(c) Tributary Chiefs (d) Military Commanders
Answer: d
14. The aristocrat Muqarrab Khan was a great favourite of which Mugal Emperor?
(a) Akbar (b) Jahangir
(c) Farrukh Siyar (d) Shah Alam
Answer: b
15. Thyroid gland produces a hormone called ‘Thyroxine’ which
(a) Controls Blood Glucose Levels
(b) Controls Ovulation
(c) Controls Metabolic rate
(d) Maintains Pregnancy
Answer: b
16. Along with Pranab Mukherjee, how many of the persons were conferred the Bharat Ratna Award in the year 2019?
(a) One (b) Two
(c) Three (d) Four
Answer: b
17. The Provisions of the Fifth schedule of the constitution of India’ shall not apply to the administration and Control of the Scheduled Areas and Scheduled Tribes in
1. Charrisgarh, Jharkhand and Odisha
2. Assam and Tripura 3. Meghalaya and Mizoram
Select the correct answer using the code given below
(a) 1 only (b) 1 and 2 only
(c) 2 and 3 only (d) 1, 2 and 3
Answer: c
18. Which one of the following elements is used as a time keeper in Atomic Clocks?
(a) Potassium (b) Caesium
(c) Calcium (d) Magnesium
Answer: b
19. Which one of the following elements is involved in the control of water content of the blood?
(a) Potassium (b) Lithium
(c) Rubidium (d) Caesium
Answer: a
20. Which one of the following Gases Dissolve in water to give an Acidic Solution?
(a) Carbon Dioxide (b) Oxygen
(c) Nitrogen (d) Hydrogen
Answer: a
21. Which one of the following elements is essential for the formation of Chlorophyll in Green Plants?
(a) Calcium (b) Iron
(c) Magnesium (d) Potassium
Answer: c
22. Why is argon gas used along with tungsten wire in an electric bulb?
(a) To Increase the life of the bulb
(b) To reduce the consumption of electricity
(c) To make the emitted light colored
(d) To reduce the cost of the bulb.
Answer: : a
23. Sound waves cannot travel through a
(a) Copper wire placed in air
(b) Silver Slab placed in air
(c) Glass prism placed in water
(d) Wooden hollow pipe placed in vacuum
Answer: d
24. Who is the author of the book ”The First Indian War of Independence 1857 – 59” ?
(a) Karl Marx (b) Syed Ahmad Khan
(c) RC Majumdar (d) S N Sen
Answer: a
25. Consider the following statements
1. Then is no net momentum on a -body which is in Equilibrium
2. The momentum of a body is always conserved
3. The Kinetic Energy of an object is always conserved
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
(a) 1, 2 and 3 (b) 2 and 3 Only
(c) 1 and 2 Only (d) 1 Only
Answer: c
26. Working of Safety Fuses depends upon
1. Magnetic effect of the Current
2. Chemical effect of the Current
3. Magnitude of the Current
4. Heating effect of the Current
Select the correct answer using the codes given below
(a) 1, 2, 3 and 4 (b) 1, 2 and 3 only
(c) 3 and 4 only (d) 4 only
Answer: c
27. In which of the following types of Connective Tissues in Animals does fat get stored?
(a) Adipocyte (b) Chondrocyte
(c) Osteocyte (d) Reticulocyte
Answer: a
28. The temperature of a place on one sunny day is 113 degrees Fahrenheit scale. The kelvin scale reading of this temperature will be
(a) 318 K (b) 45 K
(c) 62.8K (d) 335.8K
Answer: a
29. Which one of the following pairs about the organ/part that helps in Locomotion is not correctly matched?
(a) Euglena : flagellum
(b) Paramecium : cilia
(c) Nereis : Pseudopodia
(d) Starfish : Tube Feet
Answer: c
30. Lysosome is formed from which of the following Cell Organelles?
(a) Nucleus (b) Endoplasmic reticulum
(c) Golgi bodies (d) Ribosome
Answer: c
31. Bright light is found to emit from Photographer’s Flashgun. This brightness is due to the presence of which one of the following noble gases?
(a) Argon (b) Xenon
(c) Neon (d) Helium
Answer: b
32. Which of the following are correctly matched?
1. Buddha: The highest spiritual potential in every one
2. Dhamma: The teachings of Buddha
3. Sangha: Order of Monks who follow Budhism
Choose the correct option
(a) 1 and 2 (b) 1 and 3
(c) 2 and 3 (d) 1, 2 and 3
Answer: d
33. Which of the following Scientists were awarded the Nobel Prize for Medicine 2020?
1. Harvey J. Alter 2. Charles M. Rice
3. Michael Honghton 4. William G. Kaelin Jr.
Choose the correct option
(a) 1 , 2 and 3 (b) 1, 2 and 4
(c) 2, 3 and 4 (d) 1, 3 and 4
Answer: a
34. Choose the correct statement(s) related to Regur Soils or Black Cotton Soils
1. It is formed by solidification of Lava spread over large area of Deccan Plateau
2. They are very rich in minerals contents because these soils were formed due to Volcanic Activities
3. They are found in Karnataka, Maharashtra, MP, Gujarat , AP and Tamil Nadu.
(a) Only 1 (b) Only 2
(c) Both 1 and 2 (d) 1, 2 and 3
Answer: d
35. Which of the following is the river island ofBrahmaputra ?
(a) Majuli (b) Minicoy Island
(c) Netrani Island (d) Isukathippa Island
Answer: a
36. Which one of the following is not a characteristic of a compound?
(a) Composition is variable
(b) All particles of compound are of only one type
(c) Particles of compound have two or more elements
(d) Its constituents cannot be separated by simple physical methods.
Answer: a
37. When the sun is near the horizon during the morning or evening, it appears reddish. The phenomenon that is responsible for this observation is
(a) Reflection of light (b) Refraction of light
(c) Dispersion of light (d) Scattering of light
Answer: d
38. Extrusive volcanoes are not found in which one of the following mountains?
(a) Alaska (b) Rocky
(c) Andes (d) Himalayas
Answer: d
39. Which one of the following does not represent the salt calcium carbonate?
(a) Lime Water (b0 Limestone
(c) Chalk (d) Marble
Answer: a
40. Soaps clean surface on the principle based on
(a) Viscosity (b) floatation
(c) Elasticity (d) Surface tension
Answer: d
41. Which one of the following substances is not a mixture?
(a) Tin (b) Sea water
(c) Soil (d) Air
Answer: a
42. Mitochondria are able to produce their own
(a) Nucleus (b) Proteins
(c) Chloroplasts (d) Digestive enzymes
Answer: b
43. Which one of the following is correct
(a) Xylon consists of tracheids, vessels, xylem paren chyma and xylem fibres
(b) Flexibility in plants is due to sclerenchyma
(c) Parenchyma have no intercellular spaces
(d) Xylum consists of sieve, plate, sieve tube and companion cells.
Answer: a
44. Lithosphere consists of:
(a) Upper and lower mantle (b) Crust and crore
(c) Crust and uppermost solid mantle
(d) mantle and core
Answer: c
45. Which of the following was included as part of the Land Reforms initiated in India ?
(a) Tenancy reforms
(b) Abolition of intermediaries
(c) Reorganisation of Agriculture
(d) All the above
Answer: d
46. Which of the following is NOT true about Bal Gangadhar Tilak ?
(a) He wrote ‘Gita Rahasya’
(b) He started Home Rule League in 1916
(c) He started Ganpati Festival in 1893
(d) He launched a newspaper ”Kesari” in English
Answer: d
47. What was another name of ‘Quit India Movement’?
(a) Home Rule Movement
(b) Swadeshi Movement
(c) Khilafat Movement
(d) August Kranti
Answer: d
48. Which of the following provision was not included in the Nehru Report?
(a) India must be given Dominion Status
(b) The Governor General must be only the Constitutional head
(c) There was to be no separate electorate
(d) Diarchy should be introduced both at the centre as well as provinces.
Answer: d
49. Which of the means adopted under Self Respect Movement?
1. Violent Protests against upper classes
2. Undermine position of Brahmin Priests by formalizing weddings without them.
3. Boycott of temples and places of Brahmin residence
(a) 1 and 3 (b) Only 2
(c) Only 3 (d) All the above
Answer: b
50. Which of the following statements regarding Raja Rammohan Roy are correct?
(a) Considered as father of Indian Renaissance
(b) Started Brahma Samaj
(c) Set up Atmiya Sabha in Calcutta
(d) Translated Vedas and five Upanishads to Bengali language
a. only 2 and 3 b. 1, 2 and 3 only
c. 1, 2 and 4 only d. All of the above
Answer: d
51. The sentence similar in meaning to ‘if you don’t try, she will take it away’.
(a) Unless you try, she will take it away
(b) Although you try, she will take it away
(c) Despite you try, she will take it away
(d) Even though you try, she will take it away
Answer: a
52. Sorry, he can’t attend the call. He ——— a bath.
(a) has (b) is taking
(c) has been (d) had
Answer: b
53. He filled the glass with water to the ____.
(a) margin (b) edge
(c) brim (d) rim
Answer: c
54. I met — European at the party.
(a) an (b) a
(c) the (d) no article needed
Answer: b
55. I asked the carpenter to repair the broken curtain. The word
‘broken’ is a:
(a) past participle (b) present participle
(c) past (d) infinitive
Answer: a
56. They work ——— night and sleep by day.
(a) by (b) on
(c) during (d) no preposition needed
Answer: c
57. She has not fully recovered ____ the shock.
(a) against (b) of
(c) from (d) off
Answer: c
58. I shall avail _____ of your advice.
(a) him (b) me
(c) yourself (d) myself
Answer: d
59. My book is the old one; _____ is the torn one:
(a) Your (b) Yours
(c) The book of you (d) The book of your
Answer: b
60. ‘Hobson’s choice’ means:
(a) Lion’s share (b) the best choice
(c) The last chance
(d) Choice of taking what is available or nothing at all
Answer: d
61. A Baker’s dozen means:
(a) Twelve (b) Charity
(c) Thirteen (d) Allowance
Answer: c
62. Each of the students _____ done well.
(a) are (b) have
(c) were (d) has
Answer: d
63. I can’t help you _____ you tell me the truth.
(a) unless (b) if
(c) but (d) as if
Answer: a
64. The feminine gender of ‘Colt’:
(a) Filly (b) Hind
(c) Goose (d) Ewe
Answer: a
65. Persisting tirelessly:
(a) indefatigable (b) invincible
(c) infallible (d) impregnable
Answer: a
66. I can write a book ____ grammar
(a) on (b) in
(c) about (d) of
Answer: a
67. You should adapt yourself ____ the conditions of this place:
(a) in (b) on
(c) about (d) to
Answer: d
68. A decision on which one cannot go back:
(a) Infrangible (b) Infallible
(c) Irrevocable (d) Incorrigible
Answer: c
69. A person who treats mental diseases is called:
(a) Physicist (b) Cardiologist
(c) Psychologist (d) Psychiatrist
Answer: d
70. Choose the word which is nearest in meaning to the key word ‘CHARISMA’:
(a) Candor (b) Enormous excitement
(c) Fraudulent use of power
(d) Magnetic appeal
Answer: d
71. Which is correctly spelt?
(a) Adolecence (b) Adolescance
(c) Adolesence (d) Adolescence
Answer: d
72. When the boys _____ in the field, they heard an explosion.
(a) were playing (b) played
(c) have been playing (d) had been playing
Answer: a
73. Leela said ‘I wrote a letter’ (Change into indirect speech):
(a) Leela said that she wrote a letter
(b) Leela said that she has written a letter
(c) Leela said that she had written a letter
(d) Leela said that she was writing a letter
Answer: c
74. The opposite of the word ‘Praise’:
(a) Scold (b) Hate
(c) Condemn (d) Accuse
Answer: c
75. Choose the appropriate word that has the similar meaning
as the word ‘Authentic’:
(a) Brilliant (b) Charming
(c) Accurate (d) Wonderful
Answer: c
76. The opposite of ‘AFFINITY’:
(a) Infinity (b) Love
(c) Hatred (d) Ability
Answer: c
77. They cancelled the tour due to ____ weather.
(a) irrational (b) intermittent
(c) inevitable (d) inclement
Answer: d
78. Mohan has visited all the cities in Kerala since he _____ working in the road transport.
(a) had (b) has been
(c) having (d) had been
Answer: b
79. The first person who _____ the question will be awarded
the prize.
(a) answer (b) answered
(c) answers (d) answering
Answer: c
80. You throw it away,_____?
(a) do you (b) isn’t you
(c) aren’t you (d) don’t you
Answer: d
81. He is ___ for his evil deeds.
(a) famous (b) noted
(c) celebrated (d) notorious
Answer: d
82. A polite or gentle way of saying something nasty.
(a) Idiom (b) Phrase
(c) Euphemism (d) Antonym
Answer: c
83. The word opposite in meaning to the word ‘VINDICATION’:
(a) Justification (b) Exoneration
(c) Accusation (d) Support
Answer: c
84. Which of the following words spelt correctly?
(a) Cermonius (b) Ceremonious
(c) Ceremonius (d) Ceremonus
Answer: b
85. ‘Neck and crop’ means:
(a) Swiftly (b) Profoundly
(c) Totally and completely (d) Softly
Answer: c
86. Arathy could not ———what they were saying.
(a) get around (b) make out
(c) get in (d) put into
Answer: b
87. The synonym of ‘Precarious’:
(a) Nervous (b) Studious
(c) Dangerous (d) Unusually clever
Answer: c
88. The police have made head away with their investigation.
Here ‘head away’ means
(a) made progress (b) met with problem
(c) got into trouble (d) confusion
Answer: a
89. ‘Bon Voyage’ means:
(a) Have a pleasant journey
(b) A false step
(c) A great work (d) Manner of operation
Answer: a
90. The meaning of idiom ‘leave no stone unturned’
(a) examine everything (b) do anything
(c) search everywhere (d) try all means
Answer: d
91. The collective noun for ‘poems’:
(a) Anthology (b) Bouquet
(c) Cluster (d) Garland
Answer: a
92. List of headings of the business to be transacted in a meeting.
(a) Schedule (b) Proceedings
(c) Excerpts (d) Agenda
Answer: d
93. One who does not believe in God:
(a) Pagan (b) Atheist
(c) Charlatan (d) Pedant
Answer: b
94. The phrase ‘Let off’ means:
(a) to excuse from penalty (b) extinguish
(c) refuse (d) to explain clearly
Answer: a
95. The meaning of ‘Brevity’:
(a) Exaggeration (b) Conciseness
(c) Elaboration (d) Length
Answer: b
96. The government rejected all the demands (Replace the
word underlined with the right phrase)
(a) put out (b) made out
(c) turned down (d) gave out
Answer: c
97. Express one’s opinion without evidence or full knowledge:
(a) Specify (b) Speculate
(c) Concede (d) Sensing
Answer: c
98. Last year my uncle ____ a laptop from England.
(a) purchase (b) bring
(c) brought (d) send
Answer: c
99. Metals _____ when they are heated.
(a) contract (b) relax
(c) project (d) Expand
Answer: d
100. Choose the opposite of “Despair”:
(a) Misery (b) Impair
(c) Hope (d) Shame
Answer: c
-Prof. C Achyuthan
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