Selected Q&A for PSC Degree Level Exams

Questions and answers on General Knowledge, Indian History and Constitution based on previous question papers and PSC Question Bank for graduate level exams. our experts, prepared following model questions and answers. You can study and check your efficiency by practicing Mock Examinations in this site that will be helpful to you. You can make enough revisions to obtain qualified marks in the exam easily.
1. According to the Election Commission of India, in order to be recognized as a ‘National Party, a Political party must be treated as a recognized political party in how many states?
a. At least two states b. At least three states
c. At least Four states d. At least five states
Ans: c
2. Which one of the following is the Maximum Age of Joining the National Pension System (NPS) under the NPS-Private Sector?
a. 55 years b. 60 years
c. 65 years d. 70 years
Ans: c
3. Which of the following are the functions of the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC)?
1. Inquiry at its own Initiative on the Violation of Human Rights
2. Inquiry on a Petition Presented to it by a Victim
3. Visit to Jails to Study the Condition of the Inmates
4. Undertaking and Promoting Research in the field of Human Rights.
Select the correct answer using the codes given below.
a. 1 and 2 only b. 2, 3 and 4 only
c. 1, 3 and 4 only d. 1, 2, 3 and 4
Ans: d
4. Which one of the following Indian states has the highest percentage of Scheduled Tribe population to its total population?
a. Mizoram b. Nagaland
c. Meghalaya d. Arunachal Pradesh
Ans: a
5. In the 10th Mandala of the Rigveda, which one of the following Hymns reflects upon the Marriage Ceremonies?
a. Surya Sukta b. Purusha Sukta
c. Dana Stutis d. Urna Sutra
Ans: a
6. According to the law of diminishing Marginal Utility, as the Amount of a Good Consumed Increases, the Marginal Utility of that good tends to
a. Improve b. Diminish
c. Remain Constant d. First diminish and then improve
Ans: b
7. Who is the author of Manimekhalai?
a. Kovalan b. Sathanar
c. Illengo Adigal d. Tirutakkatever
Ans: b
8. Who deciphered the Brahmi and Kharoshthi scripts?
a. Priyadassi b. Colin Mackenzie
c. Alexander Cunnigham d. James Prinsep
Ans: d
9. In the context of elections in India, which one of the following is the correct full form of VVPAT?
a. Voter Verifiable Poll Audit Trail
b. Voter Verifying Paper Audit Trail
c. Voter Verifiable Paper Audit Trail
d. Voter Verifiable Paper Account Trail
Ans: c
10. Which one of the following statements about the ‘ Niryat Bandhu Scheme’ is correct?
a. It is a Scheme for mentoring first generation Entrepreneurs
b. It is a Scheme for Crop Protection
c. It is a Scheme for the Vulnerable Section of the Society
d. It is a Scheme for Monitoring Rural Poor.
Ans: a
11. Where is Hambantota port located?
a. Iran b. SriLanka
c. Japan d. Pakistan
Ans: b
12. Which of the following statements about the ordinance making power of the Governor is/are correct?
1. It is a discretionary power
2. The Governor himself is not competent to withdraw
the ordinance at any time
Select the correct answer using the code given below
a. 1 only b. 2 only
c. Both 1 and 2 d. Neither 1 nor 2
Ans: d
13. Which of the following classes of Animals has/have a Three Chambered Heart?
a. Pisces and Amphibia b. Amphibia and Reptilia
c. Reptilia Only d. Amphibia Only
Ans: b
14. Accumulation of which one of the following in the Muscles of Sprinters leads to Cramp?
a. Lactic acid b. Ethanol
c. Pyruvic acid d. Glucose
Ans: a
15. Which Buddhist text contains an account of the Mauryan Emperor Ashoka?
a.Vinaya pitaka b. Sutta Pitaka
c. Abhidhamma pitaka d. Mahavamsa
Ans: d
16. Name the platform used for ritual purposes by the kings of the Vijayanagara empire?
a. Mahanavami Dibba b. Lotus Mahal
c. Hazra Rama d.Virupaksha
Ans: a
17. Who among the following was the founder of Phoenix Settlement?
a. Mahatma Gandhi b. B.R Ambedkar
c. Rabindranath Tagore d. Swami Vivekananda
Ans: a
18. Consider the following statement:
“A sound body means one which bends itself to the spirit and is always a ready instrument at its service” The above statement is attributed to
a.Sardar patel b. Winston Churchill
c. Mahatma Gandhi d. Baden-Powell
Ans: c
19. Which of the following statements about the Olive ridley turtles is/are correct?
1.They are the smallest and most abundant of all sea turtles found in the world
2. They live in warm waters of Pacific, Atlantic and Indian Oceans
a. 1 only b. 2 only
c. Both 1 and 2 d. Neither 1 nor 2
Ans: c
20. Which one the following became a part of China in 1997 following the Principle of ‘One Country, two system?
a. Tibet b. Hongkong
c. Xinjiang d. Inner Mongolia
Ans: b
21. Under which one the following Amendment Acts was Sikkim admitted into the Union of India?
a. 35th b. 36th
c. 37th d. 38th
Ans: b
22. Consider the following statement: “So much is wrong from the peasants that even dry bread is scarcely left to fill their stomachs”
Who among the following European travellers had made the above statement about the condition of Peasantry in the Mughal Empire?
a. Francisco Pelsaert b. Francois Bernier
c. Jean Baptiste Tavernier d. Niccolao Manucci
Ans: a
23. Which of the following statements about the Attorney General of India is/are not correct?
1. He is the first Law Officer of the Government of India
2. He is entitled to privileges of a member of the parliament
3. He is a whole time counsel for the Govt.
4. He must have the same qualifications as required to be a judge of the supreme court.
Select the correct answer using the code given below:
a.1, 2 and 3 2. 2 and 4
3. 3 only 4. 1 only
Ans: c
24. Which one of the following Amendments to the Constitution of India has prescribed that the council of Ministers shall not exceed 15 percent to the total number of the members of people or Legislative Assembly in the state?
a. 91st Amendment b. 87th Amendment
c. 97thAmendment d. 90thAmendment
Ans: a
25. which one of the following is India’s first indigenously designed and developed long range subsonic cruise missile which can be deployed from multiple platforms
a. Astra b. Akash
c. Nirbhay d. Shankhnad
Ans: c
26. Compared to audible sound waves, ultrasound waves have….
a. higher speed b. higher frequency
c. Higher wavelength d. both higher speed and frequency
Ans: b
27. Radiations coming from the sun are mostly in the form of
a. Light only
b. Light and long wavelength infrared
c. Light and short wavelength infrared
d. both short and long wavelength infrared
Ans: c
28. The rivers of North-West Europe are good examples of
a. Parallel pattern of drainage
b. Radial pattern of drainage
c. Barbed pattern of drainage
d. Trellis pattern of drainage
Ans: a
29. Which one of the following is a nonmetallic mineral?
a. Iron b. Mica
c. Copper d. Bauxite
Ans: b
30. Which one of the following is a Rabi crop in the Northern States of India?
a. Rice b. Bajra
c. Barley d. Ragi
Ans: c
31. Which one of the following ocean currents is a cold current?
a. South Atlantic Drift b. Mozambique current
c. East Australian Current d. Caribbean Current
Ans: a
32. Paradeep port is located on the delta of river
a. Rihand b. Ganga
c. Mahanadi d. Baitarani
Ans: c
33. During the Swadeshi Movement, a National College was started in Calcutta under the Principalship of
a. Rabindranath Tagore b. Aurobindo Ghosh
c. Rajani Kant Sen d. Syed Abu Mohammad
Ans: b
34. The ruins of Vijayanagara (Hampi) were brought to Public light in the year 1800 by the following British Surveyor and Engineer:
a. James Prinsep b. Colin Mackenzie
c. James Rennell d. Charles Metcalfe
Ans: b
35. Which one of the following pairs of Travellers and their Nationally is not correctly matched?
a.Ibn Battuta – Moroccan
b. Duarte Barbosa – Portuguese
c. Jean Beptistic Tavernier – Dutch
d. Niccolao Manucci – Venetian
Ans: c
36. World Humanitarian day is Celebrated on
a. 26th June b. 17th July
c. 19th August d. 27th September
Ans: c
37. Which one of the following is the name given to the lander of Chandrayaan-2?
a. Vigyan b. Anusandhan
c. Pragyan d. Vikram
Ans: d
38. Which one of the following is not a monatomic element?
a. Copper b. Helium
c. Iodine d. Barium
Ans: c
39. Which one of the following statements regarding viruses is not true?
a. Viruses need living cells to reproduce
b. All viruses are parasites
c. Viruses can synthesize their food through photosynthesis
d. Viruses are similar to chemical substances outside the host.
Ans: c
40. Which one of the following statements regarding lenses is not correct?
a. A convex lens produces both real and virtual images
b. A concave lens produces both real and virtual images
c. A Convex lens can produce images equal, greater and smaller than the size of the object.
d. A Concave lens always produces images smaller than the size of the object.
Ans: b
41. The first UDAY (Utkrisht Double Decker Air Conditioned Yatri) Express train runs between
a. Delhi and Kalka b. Bengaluru and Coimbatore
c. Chennai and Visakhapatnam
d. Chennai and Bengaluru
Ans: b
42. SAMARTH is a flagship Skill Development Scheme of which one of the following Ministries?
a. Ministry of Textiles
b. Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare
c. Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship
d. Ministry of Human Resource Development
Ans: a
43. CORAS is a Separate Commando Unit of
a. National Security Guard
b. Central Industrial Security Force
c. Railway Protection Force
d. Central Reserve Police Force
Ans: d
44. Aishwarya Pissay excels in which one of the following sports?
a. Badminton b. Boxing
c. Motorsports d. Chess
Ans: c
45. Who among the following was the first Indian to qualify for the Indian Civil Service?
a. Satyendranath Tagore b. Surendranath Banerjee
c. R.C Dutt d. Subhash Chandra Bose
Ans: a
46. The raw materials used for the manufacture of Portland Cement are
a. Lime, Silica and Sulphur Dioxide
b. Lime, Silica and Carbon Dioxide
c. Lime, Silica and Alumina
d. Lime, Silica and Boric acid
Ans: c
47. Which organization was started at the Haridwar Kumbh Mela in 1915?
a. Sanatan Dharma Sabha b. Dev Samaj
c. Brahmin Sabha d. Hindu Mahasabha
Ans: d
48. Who took over the ‘Eka Movement’ started by the Congress in Awadh during 1921-1922?
a. Bhagwan Ahir b. Madari Pasi
c. Baba Ramchandra d. Shah Naeem Ata
Ans: b
49. The tagline ‘Invaluable Treasures of Incredible India’ is associated with the logo of
a. Archaeological Survey of India
b. India Tourism Development Corporation
c. Geological Survey of India
d. Geographical Indications (GI) of India
Ans: d
50. Which one of the following criteria is not required to be qualified for Appointment as Judge of the Supreme Court?
a. At least five years as a judge of a High Court
b. At least ten years as an Advocate of a High Court
c. In the opinion of the President, a distinguished Jurist
d. At least twenty years as a Sub Judicial Magistrate.
Ans: d
- By Prof. NMC Nair
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