Questions and answers on General English, World History and General Knowledge based on previous question papers and PSC Question Bank. for graduate level exams. our experts, Career Team, prepared following model questions and answers. You can study and check your efficiency by practicing Mock Examinations in this site that will be helpful to you. You can make enough revisions to obtain qualified marks in the exam easily.
1. The active form of ‘He was surrounded by evil advisers’ is
A. Evil advisers surrounded him
B. Evil advisers surround him
C. Evil advisers are surrounded him
D. He is surrounded by evil advisers
Ans: A
2. By the end of next month we ……. here for seven years
A. will have lived
B. would have lived
C. will be living
D. will live
Ans: A
3. Ravi has a strong resemblance ………. his mother
A. with B. to
C. for D. about
Ans: A
4. No one is ready to go,……….?
A. aren’t they B. are they
C. do they D. is they
Ans: B
5. Choose the correct reported speech form of the given sentence
The teacher said, “Maya, if you come late again, I will punish you”
A. The teacher said that if Maya comes late again, he will punish her.
B. The Teacher said if Maya come late again, he will punish her.
C. The teacher told Maya that if she came late again, he would punish her.
D. The teacher told Maya that if she come late again, he would punish her.
Ans: C
6. The passive form of ‘Did the noise frighten you’?
A. Is you frightened by the noise?
B. Are you frightened by the noise?
C. Were you frightened by the noise?
D. Do you frightened by the noise?
Ans: C
7. Name the person who introduced the term pH?
a) Arrhenius b)Sorensen
c) Sidge Wick d) Linus Pauling
Ans: B
8. Munnar is more beautiful than any other place in Kerala The superlative degree form of this is
A. Munnar is the beautiful place in Kerala
B. No other place in Kerala is so beautiful as Munnar
C. Munnar is beautiful than any other place in Kerala
D. Munnar is the most beautiful place in Kerala
Ans: D
9. Consider the following statements and choose the correct statement(s)
I. The term Industrial Revolution was coined by Arnold Toynbee
II. Chartist movement originated in England as a result of the industrial revolution. Its aim was to get voting right for labourers.
A. Only I B. Both I and II
C. Only II D. Neither I nor II
Ans: B
10. What was the consequence of the Battle of Somme (1916) fought during first world war?
A. France defeated Germany
B. Germany defeated France
C. French British force defeated Germany
D. Difficult to assist the Victor
Ans: D
11. Consider the following statements and choose the correct answer
I. The period of military dictatorship under the leadership of Oliver Cromwell in England was known as Common Wealth Period.
II. Oliver Cromwell was known as “The Lord protector ”
III. `Whigs’ and `Torys’ the political parties of England originated during the time of Charles II.
A.Only I and II is correct B. Only II and III is correct
C. Only I and III is correct D. I, II and III are correct
Ans: D
12. Consider the following statements
I. Adolf Hitler wrote his autobiography `Mein Kampf’ (My Struggle) while he was in Jail.
II. Secret Police Force of Hitler was known as `Gustapo’.
III. The supporters of Nazi party were known as Black shirts
A. Only I and II are true B. Only II and III are true
C. Only I and III are true D. I, II and III are true
Ans: A
13. Which of the following options is/ are true?
A. Red Shirts – Garibaldi
B. Black Shirts – Otto Von Bismarck
C. Brown Shirts – Adolf Hitler
D. All are true
Ans: D
14. The participants in the Second World War were grouped as Allied Powers and Axis Powers. Choose the correct option regarding the participants in the Second World War.
List I List II
(Allied Powers) (Axis Powers)
A. Britain, Italy, France, Germany, Austria, Japan, USA, China
B. Germany, China, Soviet Union, USA, Britain France, Russia, Japan
C. USA, Japan, France, Britain, China Germany, Italy, Russia
D. Britain, France, USA, Soviet Union, China Germany, Italy, Japan
Ans: D
15. The slogan `No taxation without representation’ and the `Boston Tea Party’ incidents are related to ?
A. American Revolution B. Russian Revolution
C. French Revolution D. Chinese Revolution
Ans: A
16. Name the ruler of France at the time of French Revolution ?
A. Louis XIV B. Louis XVI
C. Voltaire D. Monstesque
Ans: B
17. Who wrote the book `Social Contract’ which states that `Man is born free but everywhere he is in chains’?
A. Rousseau B. Monstesque
C. Voltaire D. Napoleon
Ans: A
18. Which among the following Nations signed the Munich Agreement on September 30, 1938 to solve the Sudetenland issue ?
A. China, USA, Italy, France
B. Germany, Britain, France, Italy
C. Russia, USA, Italy, China
D. Germany, USA, Britain, China
Ans: B
19. Which of the following environment released organisations are headed by the Prime Minister?
1. National Ganga River Basin Authority (NGRBA)
2. National Board of wildlife
3. National Water Resources Council
A. only 1 and 2 B. 2 and 3 only
C. 1 and 3 only D. All of them
Ans: D
20. Which of the following Articles of the Indian Constitution is / are related to the protection of the environment
1. Article 48 – A 2. Article 51 A (g)
A. 1 only B. 2 only
C. Both 1 and 2 D. Neither 1 nor 2
Ans: C
21. Consider the following statements related to the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural resources (IUCN)
1. Both Govt and Civil Society organisations are members of the IUCN
2. It is one of the World’s largest and most diverse environmental network.
3. Its headquarters is located in Switzerland
A. 1 and 2 only B. 2 and 3 only
C. 1 and 3 only D. All of them
Ans: D
22. The Forest Act was enacted in which of the following year?
A. 1927 B. 1972
C. 1980 D. 1982
Ans: A
23. Which of the following is not correctly matched?
A. The water (prevention and control of pollution) Act 1977
B. The environment (Protection) Act 1984
C. The Wild Life (Protection) Act 1972
D. The Forest (conservation) Act 1980
Ans: B
24. The Environment Protection Act of 1986 (EPA) came into force soon after which of the following disaster in India?
A. Bhopal gas tragedy B. Oleum gas leak
C. Maline Landslide in Pune D. None of the above
Ans: A
25. Biodiversity Hotspot are characterized on the basis of:
A. Endemic flowering plant and threat perception
B. Endemic flowering plant C. Species of flowering plants
D. None of above
Ans: A
26. What is the Carbon Credit?
A. It is the difference between the carbon emission allowed
and actually emitted carbon.
B. Amount of carbon in petrol
C. Amount of carbon present in atmosphere
D. None of these
Ans: A
27. Which of the following is true about the Ecotone?
A. It is meeting place of two different eco systems
B. It is meeting place of two same eco systems
C. Density of species is very low here
D. All of the above
Ans: A
28. What percent of area in the plain should be under forest?
A. 21% B. 25%
C. 17% D. 33%
Ans: D
29. What does the high Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) indicates?
A. High level of microbial pollution
B. Low level of microbial pollution
C. absence of microbial pollution
D. water is fully pure
Ans: A
30. Gas that is released during burning plastics is
A. Chlorofluro Carbon B. Phosgene (COC12)
C. Poly chlorinated biphenyls (PCBs)
D. Methyl isocyanate
Ans: C
31. Which of the following is/are true about blue baby diseases?
1. It causes methaemoglobinaemia particularly in bottle fed infants
2. Areas with ground water as the only source of drinking water is vulnerable to this disease
3. Large use of nitrogenous fertilizers and manures is major cause of this disease
A. only 1 B. only 1 and 2
C. only 2 and 3 D. 1, 2 and 3
Ans: D
32. Which of the following heavy metals are often found in environment and have toxic effects on living organisms?
1. Lead 2. Mercury 3. Arsenic 4. Silicon
5. Benzene 6. Chromium
A. only 1, 2 and 3 B. only 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6
C. only 1, 2, 3 and 6 D. only 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6
Ans: C
33. Deforestation includes which of the following
1. Felling and removal of forest litter 2. Browsing
3. Grazing and trempling of seedlings 4, Repeated lopping
A. only 1 B. only 1 and 3
C. only 3 and 4 D. 1, 2, 3 and 4
Ans: D
34. Which of the following pairs are correctly matched Medicinal Extract Plants
1. Taxol Taxus Brevifolia
2. Quinine Cinchona tree
3. Digitalis Foxglove plant
A. only 1 B. only 1 and 2
C. only 2 and 3 D. 1, 2 and 3
Ans: D
35. Which of the following can be used for controlling Gaseous pollutant ?
A. Arrestor B. Incineration
C. Absorption D. None of the above
Ans: C
36. The Red Panda has been classified as vulnerable by IUCN. It is endemic to
A. Eastern Himalayas B. Western Himalayas
C. Nicobar Islands D. Nilgiri Hills
Ans: A
37. What is the application of Somatic cell Nuclear Transfer Technology?
A. Production of biolarvicides
B. Manufacture of biodegradable Plastics
C. Reproductive cloning of animals
D. Production of organisms free of diseases
Ans: C
38 . In identical twins, where the foetuses share a common chorion, the number of placenta is:
A. One B . Two
C. More than two D. Two and fused
Ans: A
39. Parkinson’s disease is due to the loss of one of the following neurotransmitters?
A. Acetylcholine B. Dopamine
C. Norepinephrine D. Serotonin
Ans: B
40. A change in the observed frequency of a wave occurring when the source and observer are in motion to each other is
A. Warburg effect B. Gibbs effect
C. Doppler effect D. Photoelectric effect
Ans: C
41. The National Institute of Oceanography (NIO) for mapping of ocean is located at
A. Kochi B. Visakhapatnam
C. Goa D. Mumbai
Ans: C
42. The mechanism for transporting components of surrounding medium into cytoplasm is
A. Phagocytosis B. Endocytosis
C. Exocytosis D. Transduction
Ans: B
43. The difference between the energy levels of ground state and transition state is called
A. Transition Energy B. Orbital Energy
C. Activation Energy D. Excitation Energy
Ans: C
44. Two sugars that differ only in the configuration around one carbon atom are called
A. Enantiomers B. Epimers
C. Stereoisomers D Isomers
Ans: B
45. The radioactive element found in our bones is
A. Caesium B. Uranium
C. Platinum D. Strontium -90
Ans: D
46. Which element is used as moderator in reactors?
A. Platinum B. Thorium
C. Graphite D. Cadmium
Ans: C
47. The fuel is used in India in fast breeder test reactor is
A. Uranium oxide B. Plutonium carbide
C. Thorium D. Uranium plutonium Carbide
Ans: D
48. The Dead Sea is the lowest exposed point on earth’s surface. The sea is called dead because
A. The water does not flow
B. It caused for death of many people
C. Of its high salinity, no organism can live in it
D. Of the black colour of sea water
Ans: C
49. The largest fish known today is
A. Blue whale B. Whale Shark
C. Basking shark D. Cyclothone
Ans: B
50. The drug used for work for long hours without sleep is
A. Cocaine B. Amphetamine
C. Caffeine D. Betel nut
Ans: B
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