Here are the selective Top 50 GK Questions with answer for graduate level KPSC and other exams. These top 50 GK question of General Knowledge have been asked in competitive exams and there are chances to ask again in KPSC and other competitive exams.
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1. Who was known by the nickname ‘Lokhitvadi’?
a. Gopal Hari Deshmukh
b. Mahadev Govind Ranade
c. Jyotiba Phule
d. Bal Gangadhar Tilak
Answer: a
2. Who were Polygars of South India?
a. Ordinary Zamindars
b. Mahajans
c. Territorial Administrative and Military Governors
d. Newly enriched traders
Answer: c
3. What was ‘Kamagatamaru’?
a. An industrial centre
b. A harbour
c. A ship
d. An army unit
Answer: c
4. What is the name of the party founded by Saumyandra Nath Tagore?
a. Indian Bolshevik party
b. Revolutionary Communist party
c. Bolshevic Leninist party
d. Radical Democratic party
Answer: b
5. The ‘Cabinet Mission’ ot 1946 was led by
a. Sir Pethick Lawrence
b. Lord Linlithgow
c. Lord Wavell
d. Sir John Simon
Answer: a
6. Who out of the following performed a ritual called ‘Hiranya Garbha’?
a. Mayursharman
b. Harichandra
c. Dantidurga
d. Harsha
Answer: c
7. The policy of liberalisation, privatisation and globalisation was announced as New Economic policy by Prime Minister
a. Rajeev Gandhi
b. V P Singh
c. Narasimha Rao
d. Atal Bihari Vajpayee
Answer: c
8. The ‘Deepavali’ declaration issued in the year 1929 was related to the
a. Communal problem
b. Dominion status
c. Labour leaders
d. Untouchability
Answer: b
9. Which one of the following pairs is not correctly matched?
a. First Battle of Panipat-1526
b. Battle of Khanwa-1527
c. Battle of Ghagra-1529
d. Battle of Chanderi-1530
Answer: d
10. Arrange the following atmospheric zones in terms of the distance from the earth’s surface in increasing order and select the correct answer from the code given below
1. Thermosphere
2. Troposphere
3. Stratosphere
4. Mesosphere
codes: a. 1, 3, 4, 2
b. 2, 3, 1, 4
c. 3, 4, 2, 1
d. 2, 3, 4, 1
Answer: d
11. Which one of the following pairs is not correctly matched?
Industry Location
a. paper – Ontario
b. cotton Textiles – Detroit
c. Chemical – Texas
d. Motor car – Nagoya
Answer: b
12. The name of which of the following countries closely means ‘ Country of 40 tribes’?
a. Kazakhstan
b. Kyrgyzstan
c. Tajikistan
d. Uzbekistan
Answer: b
13. Which of the following is related to the Right to information Act, 2005 ?
a. Lily Thomas V/s Union of India
b. Nandini Sundar V/s State of Chhattisgarh
c. Namit Sharma V/s Union of India
d. None of the above
Answer: c
14. What was the ancient name of Shivalik Hills?
a. Manak Parbat
b. Mahabharata Hills
c. Shiva Parvat
d. None of the above
Answer: a
15. ‘Doodh-Ganga’ river is located in
a. Jammu and Kashmir
b. Himachal Pradesh
c. Uttarakhand
d. West Bengal
Answer: a
16. Which of the following is not a ‘ghost town’?
a. Kuldhara
b. Dhanushkodi
c. Lakhpat
d. Charkhari
Answer: d
17. Which of the following soils of India has been formed due to weathering of basaltic lava?
a. Aluvial soils
b. Laterite soils
c. Red soils
d. Regur soils
Answer: d
18. Which one of the following Articles of the Constitution provides that the Speaker shall have and exercise a casting vote in the case of an equality of votes?
a. Article 99
b.Article 103
c. Article 100
d. Article 102
Answer: c
19. Who can legislate on the subjects which are not included in any of the lists of subjects given in the constitution?
a. Supreme court
b. Parliament
c. State Legislature
d. Regional councils
Answer: b
20. Which one of the following writs can be issued by a High Court to secure liberty of the individual?
a. Mandamus
b. Quo-Warranto
c. Habeas Corpus
d. Prohibition
Answer: c
21. The Provision for the representation of Anglo Indian Community in the Lok Sabha has been made in the Constitution under
a. Article 331
b. Article 221
c. Article 121
d. Article 139
Answer: a
22. Who amongst the following are NOT included in the electoral college for the election of the President of India?
a. Elected Members of the House of People
b. Elected Members of the Council of States
c. Elected Members of the Legislative Assemblies of States
d. Elected Members of the Legislative Council of States
Answer: d
23. By which Constitutional Amendment the number of central Ministers has been limited to 15% of the total number of members of the Loksabha?
a. 91st Amendment
b. 92nd Amendment
c. 90th Amendment
d. None of the above
Answer: a
24. Which of the following makes recommendation regarding fixing of minimum support price for various crops?
a. Indian Council of Agricultural Research
c. Commission for Agricultural costs and prices
d. Indian Agricultural Research Institute
Answer: c
25. In which of the following states, the office of the Lokayukta was first established?
a. Maharashtra
b. Uttarpradesh
c. Bihar
d. Odisha
Answer: a
26. Which of the following is NOT a federal feature of the Indian Constitution?
a. Distribution of power between centre and states
b. Entirely written constitution
c. Single Citizenship
d. Independent Judiciary
Answer: c
27. Read the following and select the correct answer from the code given below:
Assertion (A): The National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) is to be headed by a person who has been a former Chief Justice of India Reason
(R): The chairperson of NHRC holds office for a term of 5 years or till he attains the age of 70 years, whichever is earlier. codes
a. (A) is true, but (R) is false
b. (A) is false, but (R) is true
c. Boths (A) and (R) are true
d. Boths (A) and (R) are false
Answer: c
28. Study the following statements and select the correct answer from the code given below:
Assertion (A): The State Election Commission is a constitutional authority. Reason (R): Elections to rural local bodies are overseen by the Election Commission of India.
codes: a. Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A)
b. Both (A) and (R) are true , but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A)
c. (A) is false, but (R) is true
d. (A) is true , but (R) is false
Answer: d
29. Name an acid which contains both oxygen and hydrogen
a. Oxy acid
b. Hydra acid
c. Dilute Acid
d. Concentrated acid
Answer: a
30. The Hornbill festival is celebrated in
a. Arunachal Pradesh
b. Nagaland
c. Odisha
d. West Bengal
Answer: b
31. World Archery suspended the Archery Association of which among the following countries?
a. India
b. China
c. Pakistan
d. Bangladesh
Answer: a
32. Name the first woman to head a paramilitary force
a. Divya Ajith
b. Archana Ramasundaram
c. Punita Arora
d. Ashwini Pawar
Answer: b
33. Who was elected as the first woman President of Indian National Science Academy (INSA)?
a. Chandrima shaha
b. Aditi pant
c. Shubha Tole
d.Yamuna Krishnan
Answer: a
34. The new union territory of Ladakh has how many districts?
a. Two
b. Three
c. Four
d. One
Answer: a
35. Who among the following is credited for discovering the principles underlying electromagnetic induction?
a. Michael Faraday
b. Volta
c. Coulomb
d. Gauss
Answer: a
36. Shivalik Hills are part of which of the following?
a. Aravali
b. Western Ghats
c. Himalaya
d. Satpura
Answer: c
37. Who launched the Bardoli Satyagraha on 4th February, 1928?
a. Mahatma Gandhi
b. Vallabhai Patel
c, Rajendra Prasad
d. Kalyanji Mehta
Answer: b
38. What is the value of pi (π ) ?
a. 3.14159
b. 3.14358
c. 3.14258
d. 3.14289
Answer: a
39. The system of proportional representation as an electoral mechanism ensures?
a. majority rule
b. Stability in Government
c. Common Political thinking
d. representation of minorities
Answer: d
40. In the solar system asteroids circle between these two planets:
a. Venus and Mars
b. Mars and Earth
c. Mars and Jupiter
d. Jupiter and Saturn
Answer: c
41. The clouds float in the atmosphere because of low…..
a. temperature
b. velocity
c. pressure
d. density
Answer: a
42. An air bubble in water will act like a
a. convex mirror
b. convex lens
c. concave mirror
d. concave lens
Answer: d
43. Standard protein for evaluating the biological values of other proteins is
a) Muscle Protein
b) Egg Protein 2
c) Milk Protein
d) Soya Protein
Answer: b
44. Select the Environmental Pollutant discharged from Data Tapes and Floppy Discs and injurious to health causing Allergic Reactions.
a) Cadmium
b) Chromium
c) Selenium
d) Zinc Sulfide
Answer: b
45. In addition to Plastics and Cadmium, which one of the following is not a content of a personal computer that contributes to Electronic Waste?
a) Lead
b) Arsenic
c) Mercury
d) Silicon
Answer: d
46. Which Indian State Contributes the highest amount (tonnes/ year) of E-Waste?
a) TamilNadu
b) Maharashtra
c) Uttar Pradesh
d) Andra Pradesh
Answer: b
47. The Scientist who said “Chance favours only the prepared mind”
a) Charles Goodyear
b) Jim Schlatter
c) Percy Spencer
d) Louis Pasteur
Answer: d
48. The Lowest Layer of Atmosphere is
a) Stratosphere
b) Thermosphere
c) Troposphere
d) Mesosphere
Answer: c
49. Name the Genetically Modified Maize Variety released not for Human Consumption but as Animal Feed
a) Flavr Savr
b) Star Link
c) Golden Maize
d) Sonora 64
Answer: b
50. The first Remote Sensing based Pilot Project (1970) was carried out to identify which of the following Plant Disease?
a) Coconut root-wilt disease in Kerala
b) Red rot of Sugarcane in Uttarpradesh
c) Brown Spot Disease of Paddy in Tamilnadu
d) Bunchy Top Disease of Banana in Sri Lanka
Answer: a
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