Questions and answers on General Knowledge, Constitution of India, History, Science and Technology, , based on previous question papers and PSC Question Bank, for graduate level exams. Our experts, Career Team, prepared following model questions and answers. You can study and check your efficiency by practicing Mock Examinations in this site that will be helpful to you. You can make enough revisions to obtain qualified marks in the exam easily.
1. National Heritage animal of India
a) Elephant b) Royal Bengal Tiger
c) Lion d) Cheetah
Ans : a
2 . Which of the following is NOT the function of NITI Aayog?
a. To evolve a shared vision of national development priorities sectors and strategies
b. To foster Co-operative federalism
c. To give final approval to the five year plans of India
d. To create a knowledge, Innovation and entrepreneurial support system
Ans: c
3 . Which type of GST will be applicable for the interstate supply of Goods?
c. SGST d. None of the above
Ans: b
4 . The headquarters of Kerala Press Academy is in which district?
a) Ernakulam b) Kottayam
c) Thiruvananthapuram d) Kannur
Ans : a
5. National waterway-2 which connects Sadiya and Dubri is in which river?
a) Brahmaputra b) Ganga
c) West Coast Canal d) Narmada
Ans : a
6. Chatrapati Sivaji International Airport is located in
a) Nagpur b) Pune
c) Chennai d) Mumbai
Ans : d
7. ‘Swarna Kamal Award’ is given to
a) Best National Actress b) Best Film of the Year
c) Best Music Director d) Best Athlete in Olympics
Ans : b
8. Education is included in the Concurrent list by
a) Special interest of the Central Ministry of Education
b) 42nd amendment of 1976
c) The Charter Act of 1813
d) The recommendation of UGC
Ans : b
9. India’s first Defense University is located at Binola in
a) New Delhi b) Bengaluru
c) Khadakvasla d) Gurgaon of Haryana
Ans : d
10. The first Zoo in India to have a conservation breeding center for the endangered wild dog or ‘dhole’?
a) Vizag Zoo in Indira Gandhi National Park
b) Nehru Zoological Park
c) Alipore Zoological Garden
d) Nandan Kanan Zoological Park
Ans : a
11. Which part of the Indian constitution deals with its amendment?
a. Part XIX b. Part VIII
c. Part XIII d. Part XX
Ans : d
12. The Amendment of the Constitution can be initiated in which of the following
1. Lok Sabha 2. Rajya Sabha
3. State Assemblies
Select the correct answer from the codes given below
a. Only 1 b. Only 1 or 2
c. Only 1 or 3 d. 1 or 2 or 3
Ans : b
13. Under Article 368, Indian Constitution can be amended in how many ways ?
a. 1 b. 2
c. 3 d. 4
Ans : c
14. Which among the following reserves the right to initiate the Constitutional Amendment ?
a. Supreme Court of India b. Parliament of India
c. President of India d. Union Council of Ministers
Ans : b
15. Which among the following is true regarding amendments of the Constitution with provisions which affect the federal
character of the Constitution?
a. They can be amended by simple majority
b. They can be amended by a 2/3 majority of both the houses of Parliament
c. They can be amended by not only a 2/3 majority of the Parliament but also ratification by at least half of the States
d. All are Correct
Ans : c
16. Bharatmala project is related to which of the following ?
a. Improving Road Connectivity
b. Interlinking of Railways
c. Interlinking of rivers
d. Interlinking major cities with gas pipelines
Ans :a
17 . Kottiyoor temple, known as the ‘Varanasi of south’ is in which district of Kerala?
a) Wayanad b) Kannur
c) Kozhikode d) Palakkad
Ans : b
18. Puthanpalli, one of the highest christian churches in Asia is located at
a) Ernakulam b) Kottayam
c) Thrissur d) Kollam
Ans : c
19. Which place is called the ‘Holland of Kerala’?
a) Munnar b) Kuttanad
c) Ponmudi d) Lakkidi
Ans : b
20. Which one of the following statement is NOT true regarding Kozhikkode district in Kerala?
a) First Woman Police Station in India is located.
b) The first ‘Water Museum’ in the country is in Kozhikkode
c) Fort Angelo built by the Portugese is at Kozhikkode
d) Pazhassiraja Museum is in Kozhikkode
Ans : c
21. Which one of the following is the example of an Artificial Lake?
a. Kolleru b. Nainital
c. Renuka d. Kodaikanal
Ans : d
22. The census conducted in 2011 is the
a) 13th National Census b) 16th National Census
c) 14th National Census d) 15th National Census
Ans : d
23. ‘Bahujana Hithaya, Bahujana Sukhaya’ is the motto of
a) Air India b) Doordarsan
c) Indian Railway d) Akashvani
Ans: d
24. The longest tunnel in Konkan Railway is
a) Karbude tunnel b) Maliguda
c) Tike d) Nathuwadi
Ans : a
25. Which among the following Dam is located near the “Statue of Unity”?
a. Jawahar Sagar Dam b. Gandhi Sagar Dam
c. Sardar Sarovar Dam d. Shivsamudram Dam
Ans : c
26. Sagar Mala Project is related to which of the following ?
a. Modernisation of Ports b. Oil extraction
c. Roads development d. None of the above
Ans : a
27. Kenaf Plant is associated with the cultivation of …….
a. Sugarcane b. Jute
c. Mustard d. Pulses
Ans : b
28. The Biosphere Reserve Programme was launched in India in which year ?
a. 1988 b. 1982
c. 1986 d. 1995
Ans : c
29. Kaziranga National Park is famous for which of the following Species?
a. Lion b. Crocodile
C. Rhinoceros d. Tiger
Ans : c
30. Which among the following type of soil is internationally known as Tropical Chernozems ?
a. Alluvial Soil b. Red Soil
c. Black Soil d. Desert Soil
Ans : c
31. Which type of iron ore is also called as Lode Stone?
a. Haematitie b. Limonite
c. Siderite d. Magnetite
Ans : d
32. The longest natural urban beach of India, Marina Beach is located in which of the following Coastal Plain of India ?
a. Coromandel Coast b. Utkal Coast
c. Andhra Coast d. Konkan Coast
Ans : a
33. Marari Beach in Kerala was rated as one of the top 5 Hammock Beach in the World. It is in the district of
a. Kollam b. Kannur
c. Alappuzha d. Kozhikode
Ans : c
34. Which of the following was the main reason for the Indian Ocean Earthquake and Tsunami 2004?
a. Rupture between the Australian plate and the Indian plate
b. Rupture between Somali plate and the Indian Plate
c. Rupture between the Eurasian plate and Indian plate
d. Rupture between the Burma plate and the Indian plate
Ans : d
35. Which of the following hill stations is named after the Hindu Goddess , Shyamala Devi ?
a. Shimla b. Manali
c. Kullu d. Satpura
Ans : a
36. ” New Moore” Island is located in
a. Arabian Sea b. Indian Ocean
c. Bay of Bengal d. Pacific Ocean
Ans : c
37. The name of P. Mitra (Pramath Nath Mitra) is associated with the foundation of which among the following
Revolutionary organisations?
a. India House b. Paris India Society
c. Jugantar d. Anushilan Samiti
Ans : d
38. Who among the following has written Ghoolamgiri?
a. Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar
b. Acharya Vinoba Bhave
c. Jyotiba Phule d. Dadu Dayal
Ans : c
39. The Great Bahama Canyon is found in which Ocean?
a. Arctic Ocean b. Pacific Ocean
c. Atlantic Ocean d. Indian Ocean
Ans : c
40. Which among the following landforms are associated with lakes?
a. Karst landforms b. Impact landforms
c. Lacustrine landforms d. Cryogenic landforms
Ans : c
41. Who gave another name of Kolkata as Alinagar?
a. Captain Drake b. Job charnok
c. Alivardhi Khan d. Siraj -Ud- Daulah
Ans : d
42. What are the cold and dry winds that blow from the Alps over France towards the Mediterranean Sea called ?
a. Chinook b. Loo
c. Mistral d. Sirocco
Ans : c
43. Tilak Swarajya Fund was started to finance which of the following movements?
a. Civil Disobedience Movement
b. Non Co-operation Movement
c. Champaran Satyagraha d. Rowlatt Satyagraha
Ans : b
44. Which among the following was the only session in which Mahatma Gandhi elected as Congress President ?
a. Lucknow b. Belgaum
c. Mumbai c. Karachi
Ans : b
45. Who wrote ” Gita Rahasya” ?
a. Gopal Krishna Gokhale b. Bal Gangadhar Tilak
c. Bidhan Chandra Roy d. K M Munshi
Ans : b
46. Hind Swaraj, a book by Mahatma Gandhi in 1909 was originally written in
a. English b. Gujarati
c. Hindi d. Urdu
Ans : b
47. Who Planted the Tree of Liberty at Srirangapatnam?
a. Tipu Sultan b. Haider Ali
c. Chin Quilich Khan d. Murshid Quli Khan
Ans : a
48. Who led the Revolt of 1857 in Mathura?
a. Azhimulla Khan b. Devi Singh
c. Khan Bahadur Khan d. Ahmadullah
Ans : b
49 . Bhagat Singh was hanged in which year?
a. 1929 b. 1931
c. 1934 d. 1941
Ans : b
50 . How many British members were there in the Simon Commission ?
a. 3 b. 5
c. 7 d. 10
Ans : c
- Prof. RK Pillai
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