THOUGHTS … The Building Blocks of Life…

Because with our THOUGHTS we build our personalities, our characters, our lives.
Our THOUGHTS determine what we are and what we will be throughout the future. All great religions,
all great philosophies, all great thinkers, all great achievers, affirm that we actually are the materialization of our
The Bible says, “As a man THINKETH, so is he. ”
Buddha taught, “All (yes, all) that we are is the result of what we have THOUGHT.”
Wrote the great emperor and philosopher of ancient Rome, Marcus Aurelius, “Our LIFE is what our
THOUGHTS make it.”
Eighteen centuries later, the eminent psychologist-philosopher William James, reaffirmed, “Belief (confident THOUGHT) creates the actual fact.”
The American educator, Amos Bronson Alcott, taught, “THOUGHT means LIFE, since those who do not
THINK do not live in any high or real sense. THINKING MAKES THE MAN.”
So we learn from these great sources of wisdom throughout the ages that our THOUGHTS build our lives
and in a very real sense our THOUGHTS ARE OUR LIVES.
THOUGHTS are the building blocks of our
lives and thoughts build upon themselves, for as George Sala wrote, “Thought engenders thought . . . the more
you think, the better you will express yourself.”
THOUGHTS are the building blocks of PERSONAL POWER.
Emerson states categorically, “THOUGHTS rule the world.”
Clergyman William Ellery Channing wrote,
“Secret study, silent THOUGHT, is the mightiest agent in human affairs. What a man does outwardly is but the
expression and completion of his inward THOUGHT.”
Henrich Heine, the much-quoted German poet, turned to concise prose to make it clear that, “The men of
action are, after all, only the unconscious instruments of the men of THOUGHT.”
And back to Emerson, who deeply believed in the power-force of THOUGHT, “There is no THOUGHT
in any mind, but it quickly tends to convert itself into a power.
Jonathan Edwards emphasized it, “The ideas and images (THOUGHTS) in men’s minds are the invisible powers that constantly govern them.”
Then, in addition to providing the building blocks of life, and in addition to being the root-source of
personal power we find that it is THOUGHT by which we attain personal success.
The world-famous, preacher-psychologist writer, Dr. Norman Vincent Peale says, «THINK success,
visualize success, and you will set in motion the power force of the realizable wish. When the mental picture
(THOUGHT) or attitude is strongly enough held, it actually seems to control conditions and circumstances.”
Dr. Walter Scott, famous psychologist and president of Northwestern University taught, «Success or
failure in business is caused more by mental (THOUGHT) attitudes than by mental capacities.”
Disraeli, «Nurture your mind with great THOUGHTS; to believe in the heroic makes heroes.”
And clergyman John William Teal, <‘It is the habitual THOUGHT which frames itself into our life.
Our confidential friends have not so much to do in shaping our lives as THOUGHTS have which we harbor.”
Isaac Taylor, «THINKING, not growth, makes manhood.”
Johann Pestalozzi, the Swiss educator, taught, “Man, by THINKING only becomes truly man. Take away
THOUGHT from man’s life, and what remains?”
Confucius, «Learning without THOUGHT, is labor lost.”
And Emerson, once again, «No accomplishment, no assistance, no training, can compensate for lack
of belief (confident THOUGHT).”
Then, Henry Ford, “Whether you THINK you can or THINK you can’t-you are right.”
So … our THOUGHTS determine what we are and what we will be; our THOUGHTS are our source
of personal power; our THOUGHTS are the principal
means of our successful achievement, and reveal it as William Plumer said, “THOUGHTS, even more than overt
acts, reveal character.”