Get Richer . .. Quicker -1 MR Kopmeyer

For You To Get Richer Quicker,
You Need Do Only Two Simple, Easy, Elemental Things!
Your success in getting richer quicker-or in achieving any life goal-requires, that you do only two simple, easy things:
( 1) You must know how
( 2) Then, you must do it
That’s right, And that’s all,
(1) KNOW HOW and (2) DO it.
That surely is so elemental that it seems like a waste of time to give further consideration to such obvious facts.
Well, it is elemental. It is fundamental to succeeding at anything. It is obvious.
So … most people DON’T do it!
Incredible as it seems, most people don’t bother to learn even the most simple methods of getting richer
quicker. They have plenty of time for life’s trivialities but no time to learn and use the proven success methods which would make them rich . . . or powerful . . . or famous . . . and enable them to get whatever they want in life.
How many people do you know who devote even an hour every night to seriously studying how to be
more successful in doing what they will do the next day … and the next … and the next?
There is an old proverb: “Grumbling makes the loaf no larger.”
Yet people waste their time in grumbling, because they have too little, when that same time could be
used to learn how never to have too little-to constantly “make the loaf larger”.
You, as just one individual, have no control over high prices. Your only solution is to get richer quicker
so that you easily can afford to pay for whatever you want in life-whatever the price. You have to learn and then do
what is required to “make your own loaf larger”.
It is a lot easier to get rich than to remain poor. People who are poor find everything difficult. And, for the poor, everything will continue to be difficult-as long as they will not learn and use the simple, easy, sure methods of succeeding-getting richer quicker.
So, we come back to our first basic requirement for success:
You have to learn how. To the uninformed a molehill is a mountain! But to the person who knows how,
success is easy. Pasteur discovered vaccination more by accident than by the scientific research for which he trained himself. Yet, when his critics chided him, saying that he stumbled on vaccination by mere chance, Pasteur replied,
“True, but chance favors the trained mind.”
So does success!
Only by your learning and using PROVEN SUCCESS METHODS can you actually succeed.
Andrew Carnegie, the great steel tycoon who was the richest man in his time and who gave his millions
to help others, used to say, “There is no use whatever in trying to help people who do not help themselves. You
cannot push anyone up a ladder unless he is ‘willing to climb himself.”
The PROVEN SUCCESS METHODS in the following chapters provide you with easy steps up the
ladder of success. But you, yourself, must climb those steps!
I have provided the ladder. But I cannot make you climb it. And nobody can climb it for you. You must climb
the ladder of success, yourself.
You can start a project by studying it-but you cannot complete it that way.
It has been said that “knowledge is power”.
That simply is not so! Knowledge is not power. Knowledge is only potential power. It is your use of knowledge which gives you power.
Start using every PROVEN SUCCESS METHOD as soon as you learn it. Do not wait until you
have read the entire book. Climb your success ladder one step at a time. Do not wait and then try to reach the top
in one big leap.
Remember … one step at a time!
And your first step is in the next chapter …