Q & A- General English, Kerala History and General Science

Questions and answers based on General English, Kerala History and General Science , based on previous question papers and PSC Question Bank, for graduate level exams. Our experts, Career Team, prepared following questions and answers. You can study and check your efficiency by practicing Mock Examinations in this site that will be helpful to you. You can make enough revisions to obtain qualified marks in the exam easily.
1.’Has your question been answered’? is the passive form of
A. Did anybody answer your question?
B. Has anybody answered your question?
C. Had anybody answered your question?
D. Are your question answered by anybody?
Answer: B
2 .Few students are so bright as Arjun. The Superlative degree form of this is
A. Arjun is brighter than all the students
B. No other student is as bright as Arjun.
C. Arjun is the brightest student
D. Arjun is not the brightest student.
Answer: C
3. Chennai is the biggest South Indian city. The positive degree form of this is
A. Chennai is the biggest South Indian City
B. Chennai is bigger than all other South Indian city
C. Chennai is a big South Indian city
D. No other South Indian city is as big as Chennai
Answer: D
4 . Match list I with list II (idioms and phrases with their correct meanings) using the codes given below
List 1 List 2
a. Hit the hay 1. Be patient
b. over the top 2. A rough estimate
c. Tongue in cheek 3. Go to bed or go to sleep
d. Rule of Thumb 4. Vey excessive
e. hold your horses 5. Humour
ab c de
A. 2 4 3 1 5
B. 3 4 5 2 1
C. 3 2 5 1 4
D. 5 4 1 3 2
Answer: B
5 . Neither the soldiers nor their commander ………… to be blamed
A. is B. are
C. have D. were
Answer: A
6. ………….. rash driving cause many accidents?
A. Does B. Did
C. Is D. Are
Answer: A
7. Without his help I wouldn’t reach …………… I am today
A. where B. when
C. what D. how
Answer: A
8. We will come, ……………. it rains …………….. not
A. either ……… or B. both ……. and
C. neither …… nor D. whether ….. or
Answer: D
9 . The Chief Minister as well as two other Ministers
…………………… visiting the place today
A. was B. were
C. is D. are
Answer: C
10 . ………… ship is not in ……………… condition to make …………
long voyage
A. the, the, a B. the, a, a
C. a, a, a D. a, the, a
Answer: B
11. Consider the following statements.
i. Setu Lakshmi Bai abolished `Devadasi’ system in the temples of South Travancore.
ii. During the reign of Setu Lakshmi Bai, the Nair Regulations of 1925, to Substitute the principle of Makkathayam for Marumakkathayam was introduced.
(A) I and II are true (B) only II is true
(C) only I is true (D) Neither I nor II is true
Answer: A
12. Name the Diwan under the reign of Sakthan Thampuran who issued a new coin called `Puthan’?
(A) Nanjappayya (B) Col. Munroe
(C) Sheshagiri Rao (D) Edamana Sankara Menon
Answer: A
13. The railway line from Shornur to Ernakulam was completed during the Diwanship of
(A) C H Herbert (B) P Rajagopalachari
(C) J W Bhore (D) Col. Munroe
Answer: B
14. A mass Petition known as Malayalee Memorial requested to allot a fair quota of the govt jobs to the educated people of Travancore was submitted before ………….. on Ist January 1891.
(A) Visakham Thirunal (B) Srimoolam Thirunal
(C) Swathi Thirunal (D) None of the above
Answer: B
15. In which of the following Satyagraha K Kelappan was the leader and A K Gopalan was the volunteer captain?
(A) Vaikom Satyagraha (B) Guruvayur Satyagraha
(C) Salt Satyagraha (D) None of the above
Answer: B
16. The Wagon Tragedy took place in connection with which of the following rebellion?
(A) Malabar Rebellion (B) Punnapra Vayalar Revolt
(C) Nivarthana Agitation (D) None of the above
Answer: A
17. Consider the following statements and choose the correct option.
i. The Nivarthana Agitation (1932) or Abstention Movement was staged against the Constitutional reforms of 1932 which demanded the representation of Ezhavas, Muslims and a section of Christians on the basis of population.
ii. The prominent leaders of the agitation were C Kesavan, T.M. Varghese, N V Joseph and P K Kunju.
iii. They formed an organization called Samyukta Rashtriya Samiti
(A) only II and III (B) only I and II
(C) only I and III (D) I, Ii and III are true
Answer: D
18. Sahodaran Ayyappan founded Sahodara Sangam
(A) For promoting brotherhood (B) For eradicating casteism
(C) For promoting literacy
(D) For eradicating social evils like child marriage, dowry etc…
Answer: B
19. Which of the following statement is wrong regarding K Kelappan, the Social reformer in Kerala?
(A) He was the founder President of Nair Service Society
(B) He was the leader of Guruvayoor Satyagraha
(C) he became the first president of KPCC
(D) He was popularly known as Frontier Gandhi
Answer: D
20. With reference to the history of Kerala match the events mentioned in List I with correct year in List II
List I List II
a. Kayyur samaram 1. 1746
b. Kerala Panchayati Raj Bill passed 2.1946
c . Purakat war 3. 1994
d. Death of Sree Narayana Guru 4. 1982
e. Punnapra Vayalar upheavel 5. 1928
f. Vypin Liquor tragedy 6. 1941
a b c d e f
(A) 4 2 1 5 6 3
(B) 6 3 1 5 2 4
(C) 6 1 3 2 5 4
(D) 5 3 2 1 4 6
Answer: B
21. The minerals that maintain cation – anion balance in plant cells are
(A) Cl and K (B) K and Fe
(C) Cl and Mg (D) Ca and Mg
Answer: A
22. Which out of the following does not belong to Brown algae ?
(A) Ectocarpus, Dictyota (B) Gelidium, Batrachospermum
(C) Laminaria, Fucus (D) Sargausm, Ectocarpus
Answer: B
23. Select from the following extinct species, the one was present in Australia.
(A) Dodo (B) Quagga
(C) Steller’s Sea cow (D) Thylacine
Answer: D
24. Surgical removal of gall bladder in human would lead to
(A) Problem in digestion of fat
(B) Increase acidity in intestine
(C) Jaundice (D) Decrease acidity of stomach
Answer: A
25. Which one of the following is a chordate but not a vertebrate?
(A) Sea mouse (B) Sea lion
(C) Sea squirt (D) Sea cow
Answer: C
26. The tendency of population to remain in genetic equilibrium may be disturbed by
(A) random mating (B) lack of migration
(C) lack of mutation (D) natural selection
Answer: C
27. Who among the following was the first to hunt with stone weapons but essentially ate fruits ?
(A) Homo Habilis (B) Homo Erectus
(C) Australopithecians (D) Homo Sapiens
Answer: C
28. Name the enzyme that is responsible for activation of Amino acid during translation
(A) Peptidyl transferase (B) Transpeptidase
(C) Aminoacyl t-RNA synthetase (D) Translocase
Answer: C
29. During sewage treatment, biogases are produced which include
(A) Methane, Oxygen and Hydrogen Sulphide
(B) Hydrogen Sulphide, Methane and Sulphur dioxide
(C) Hydrogen Sulphide, Nitrogen and Methane
(D) Methane, Hydrogen Sulphide and Carbon dioxide
Answer: D
30.In Cellular respiration, which of the follwing processes occur only inside the Mitochondria and not in the cytoplasm ?
(A) Glycolysis and Pentose Phosphate pathway
(B) Glycolysis and Citric acid cycle
(C) Citric acid cycle and oxidative phosphorylation
(D) Glycolysis and Oxidative phosphorylation
Answer: C
31.The ____ productivity result in the accumulation of plant
biomass, which serves as the food of herbivores and decomposers.
(A) Gross Primary (B) Net Primary
(C) Secondary (D) Tertiary
Answer: B
32.Which of the following is a wrongly matched pair about organisms and their common reproductive mechanism ?
(A) Yeast – fragmentation (B) Bacteria – binary fission
(C) Hydra – budding (D) Fungi – asexual spores
Answer: A
33. DNA finger printing, widely used for detecting crimes and solving parental disputes, is referred as
(A) Analysis of profiles of DNA samples
(B) Analysis of DNA samples using a printing device
(C) Technique used for molecular analysis of different samples of DNA
(D) Technique used for Identification of fingerprints of individuals.
Answer: A
34.Adam’s apple in human refers to
(A) Arytenoid cartilage of Larynx
(B) Cricoid cartilage of Larynx
(C) Thyroid cartilage of Larynx
(D) Corniculate cartilage of Larynx
Answer: C
35.Why do we pass more urine in wet and cold season ?
(A) Impairment of water absorption by neurones
(B) Kidney becomes more active
(C) ADH secretion is increased
(D) Sweating is much decreased
Answer: D
36.In human ancestors the one believed to be made cave paintings are
(A) Neanderthal Man (B) Peking Man
(C) Java Man (D) Cro magnon Man
Answer: D
37.Which one of the following is wrongly matched ?
(A) Ribozyme – Proteinaceous in nature
(B) Apoenzyme – Protein part of Enzyme
(C) Co-enzyme – Loosely attached organic cofactor of holoenzyme
(D) Co-factor – Non protein in part of holoenzyme
Answer: A
38.Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) is a measure of
(A) Industrial wastes poured into water bodies
(B) Extent to which water in polluted with organic matter
(C) Amount of Carbon monoxide inseperably combined with haemoglobin
(D) Amount of Oxygen needed by green plants during night
Answer: B
39.Many cells function properly and divide mitotically even though they do not have
(A) Plasma membrane (B) Cytoskeleton
(C) Mitochondria (D) Plastids
Answer: D
40.A Plant having 12 chromosomes in mature gamete cell, will have _________ chromosomes in its root cells
(A) 6 (B) 12
(C) 24 (D) 48
Answer: C
41.Upon examination of a fungal specimen, observed that the mycelium is aseptate and coenocytic and asexual
reproduction by zoospores or by aplanospores. The fungal specimen most likely belongs to
(A) Basidiomycetes (B) Phycomycetes
(C) Ascomycetes (D) Deuteromycetes
Answer: B
42.It is proteinaceous layer in a Monocotyledonous seed and the outer covering of endosperm which separates it
from embryo. Identify the part
(A) Scutellum (B) Tegumen
(C) Hyaline layer (D) Aleurone layer
Answer: D
43.If for some reason, the brush bordered cells of intestinal mucosa are non-functional, which of the following is likely to occur
(A) Emulsification of fat does not occur
(B) Alkalinisation of chyme is affected
(C) Faeces is rich in dipeptides and disaccharides
(D) Faeces is rich in proteoses and peptones
Answer: C
44.Which is the common precursor carbohydrate molecule for the biosynthesis of starch and sucrose
(A) Sucrose phosphate (B) Triose phosphate
(C) Fructose 6 phosphate
(D) Fructose 1,6 diphosphate
Answer: B
45.Which organism of the following is used for the production of single cell protein ?
(A) Lycoperdon (B) Candida utilis
(C) Spirulina (D) Fusarium graminearum
Answer: C
46.Identify the wrongly matched pair
(A) Structural protein – Cellulose, Collagen
(B) Regulatory protein – Glucagon, Insulin
(C) Enzymatic protein – Pepsin, Phospholipases
(D) Trans cellular transport – GLUT
Answer: A
47.Which one of the following statement about genetic drift is not true ?
(A) Selection of allele is random
(B) It occurs purely by chance
(C) Fixation of allele is quick in small population
(D) Genetic bottle neck phenomenon is the outcome
Answer: B
48.What is the outcome when Auxin is increased in Auxin/ Cytokinin ratio of tissue culture medium ?
(A) Adventitious roots will form
(B) Shoot formation accelerated
(C)No root formation
(D) No development in culture tube
Answer: A
49.Besides the Phyla Annelida and Arthropoda, metamerism is exhibited by
(A) Mollusca (B) Cestoda
(C) Chordata (D) Porifera
Answer: C
50.Which statement is not correct regarding Malaria
(A) Malaria fever is caused by Plasmodium
(B) This disease is transmitted by male mosquito bite
(C) Gambusia fish is useful to prevent Malaria
(D) Sickle cell anaemia patients are resistant to Malaria
Answer: B
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- Career Team