Q & A for Degree Level Exams

Questions and answers on General Knowledge , based on previous question papers and PSC Question Bank, for graduate level exams. Our experts, Career Team, prepared following model questions and answers. You can study and check your efficiency by practicing Mock Examinations in this site that will be helpful to you. You can make enough revisions to obtain qualified marks in the exam easily.
1. When is the Global Handwashing Day observed every year?
a. August 12 B. September 6
c. October 15 d. November 20
Ans : c
2. Consider the following statements in the context of the Citizenship Ammendment Act:
1. Citizenship Ammendment Act, 2019 is an amendment to the Citizenship Act, 1956.
2. The Act grants Citizenship to 6 minorities from Afghanistan, Pakistan and Bangladesh who arrived in
India before December 31, 2014
3. These six minorities are Hindus, Sikhs, Christians, Buddhist, Parsis and Jains.
Which of the given statement (s) is/are incorrect?
a. 1 only b. 2 only
c. 1 and 2 only d. 2 and 3 only
Ans : a
3. Consider the following statements.
1. The first case of Coronavirus was reported from China.
2. Coronavirus is officially known as ‘COVID-19’
3. The Coronavirus is highly contagious disease, but does not spread from human to animal.
Which of the above statement (s) is/are incorrect?
a. 1 only b. 3 only
c. 2 and 3 only d. 1 and 3 only
Ans : b
4. Which among the following Medical Universities have become the first government one to successfully launch
plasma therapy for COVID-19 treatment?
a. King George Medical University (Lucknow)
b. All India Institute of Medical Sciences
c. Rajiv Gandhi Medical College
d. Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education
Ans : a
5. Which among the following nations recently ended death penalty for crimes committed by minors?
a. UAE b. Quatar
c. Saudi Arabia d. Oman
Ans : c
6. Which one of the following tribal groups is dominantly found in the Blue Mountains?
a. Lambadas B. Gonds
c. Jarawas d. Todas
Ans : d
7. Arrange the following Tiger Reserves of India from North to South:
1. Dudhwa 2. Panna 3. Pench 4. Indravati
Select the correct answer using the code given below
a. 4, 3, 2, 1 b 2, 1,4, 3
c. 1, 2, 3, 4 d. 1, 3, 2, 4
Ans : c
8. Which of the following lakes is/are situated in Ladakh?
1. Tso Kar 2. Pangong Tso
3. Tsomgo 4. Tso Moriri
select the correct answer using the code given below.
a. 1 ony b. 2 and 3
c. 1, 2 and 4 d. 2 and 4 only
Ans : c
9. Constitutional safeguards available to civil servants are ensured by
a. Article 310 b. Article 311
c. Article 312 d. Article 317
Ans : b
10. Which of the following features were borrowed by the Constitution of India from the British Constitution?
1. Rule of Law
2. Law-making procedure
3. Independence of Judiciary
4. Parliamentary system
a. 1 and 2 only b. 2, 3 and 4
c. 1 and 4 only d. 1, 2 and 4 only
Ans : d
11. Which one of the following Schedules of the Constitution of India has fixed the number of Members of the Rajya
Sabha to be elected from each state?
a. Fifth Schedule b. Third Schedule
c. Sixth Schedule d. Fourth Schedule
Ans : d
12. Which one of the following cannot be first introduced in the Rajya Sabha?
a. Constitutional Amendment
b. CAG Report
c. Annual Financial Statement
d. Bill to alter the boundaries of any state
Ans : c
13. Which one of the following peasant struggles was an outcome of British Opium Policy?
a. Phulagiri Dhawa (1861)
b. Birsaite Ulgulan (1899-1900)
c. Pabna Revolt (1873)
d. Maratha Peasant Uprising (1875)
Ans : a
14. Which one of the following statements about the Sayyid brothers during the period of Later Mughals is not true?
a. They brought Jahandar shah to power
b. They wielded administrative power
c. They followed a tolerant religious policy
d. They reached an agreement with King Shahu
Ans : a
15. Who was the editor of the Journal & Indian Social Reformer’ that was started in 1890?
a. K T Telang b. Veeresalingam
c. N G Chandavarka d. K N Natarajan
Ans : d
16. Which twelth century Sanskrit scholar was first responsible for the compilation of ‘Nibandhas’ or digests
of epic and Puranic texts?
a. Harsha b. Govindachandra
c. Lakshmidhara d. Kalidasa
Ans : c
17. Which river is praised in the fifth century Tamil epic, Silappadikaram?
a. Cauvery b. Godavari
c. Saraswati d. Ganges
Ans : a
18. Harshacharita has references to various presents sent by a ruler named Bhaskara to Harshavardhana. Bhaskara
belonged to
a. Haryanka Dynasty of Magadha
b. Varman Dynasty of Assam
c. Nanda Dynasty of North India
d. None of the above
Ans : c
19 The National Commission for Women was created by
a. an amendment in the Constitution of India
b. a decision of the Union Cabinet
c. an Act passed by the Parliament
d. an order of the President of India
Ans : c
20. The Supreme Court guidelines issued in the Vishaka case pertain to
a. domestic violence
b. rape and sexual violence
c. sexual harassment at workplace
d. trafficking in women
Ans : c
21. Rise in the price of a commodity means
a. rise in the value of currency only
b. fall in the value of currency only
c. rise in the value of commodity only
d.fall in the value of currency and rise in the value of commodity
Ans : d
22. When two goods are completely interchangeable they are
a. Perfect substitutes b. Perfect complements
c. Giffen goods d. Vebien goods
Ans : a
23. Which of the followings not a laid down principle of the Panchsheel?
a. Mutual respect for each other’s territorial integrity
b. Mutual non-agression
c. Mutual support for each other in world forum
d. Mutual non-interference in each other’s internal affairs
Ans : c
24. Demand for a commodity refers to
a. desire for that commodity
b. Need for that commodity
c. Quantity demanded of that commodity
d. Quantity demanded at certain price during any particular period of time
Ans : d
25. In human digestive system, the process of digestion starts in
a Oesophagus b. Buccal cavity
c.Duodenum d. Stomach
Ans : b
26. Which one among the following fuels is used in gas welding?
a. LPG b. Ethylene
c. Methane d. Acetylene
Ans : d
27. Sodium metal should be stored in
a. Alcohol b. Kerosene oil
c. Water d. Hydrochloric acid
Ans : b
28. Which empire did Niccoto de conti, Abdur Razzaq, Afenasy Nikitin and Fernao Nuniz Visit?
a. The empire of Kanauj b. Vijayanagara empire
c. Hoysala empire d. Rashtrakuta empire
Ans: b
29. A metallic plate sticks firmly on the mouth of a water vessel made from another metal. By way of healing one
can detach the plate from the vessel. This is because heat expands.
a. the vessel only
b. both the vessel and the plate equally
c. the vessel more than the plate
d. the vessel and contracts the plate
Ans : c
30. Which one among the following statements is correct?
a. Prokaryotic cells possess nucleus
b.Cell membrane is present both in plant and animal cells
d. Mitochondria and Chloroplast are not found in Eukaryotic cells
d. Ribosomes are present in Eukaryotic cells only.
Ans : b
31. When hard water is evaporated completely the white solid remains in the container. it may be due to the presence of
1. carbonates of Ca and Mg
2. Sulphates of Ca and Mg
3. Chlorides of Ca and Mg
Select the correct answer using the code given below:
a. 1 and 2 only b. 1, 2 only 3
c. 3 only d. 1 and 3 only
Ans : b
32. Match List I with List II and select the correct answer using the code given below the lists .
List I List II
(Industry) (location)
A. Railway equipment 1. Kochi
B. Automobile 2. Ludhiana
C. Ship-building 3. Bhilai
D. Bicycle 4. Jabalpur
a. A-3, B-4, C-1, D-2 b. A-3, B-1, C-4, D-2
c. A-2, B-1, C-4, D-3 d. A-2, B-4, C-1, D-3
Ans : a
33. Creation of something from nothing is against the law of
a. constant proportions b. conservation of mass energy
c. multiple proportions c. conservation of momentum
Ans : b
34. The power of Supreme Court of India to decide disputes between the centre and the states falls under its
a. Advisory Jurisdiction b. Original Jurisdiction
c. Appellate Jurisdiction d. Jurisprudence
Ans : b
35. National Income of India is compiled by
a. Finance Commission
b. Indian Statistical Institute
c. National Development Council
d. Central Statistical Organisation
Ans : d
36. The word ‘Vaccination’ has been derived from a Latin word which relates to
a. Pig b. Horse
c. Cow d. Dog
Ans : c
37. ‘Lady Ratan Tata Trophy’ is related to which game?
a. Basketball b. Hockey
c. Kho-Kho d. Cricket
Ans : b
38. Thermal Electricity is generated by using which of these?
a. Coal Only
b. Coal and Natural Gas only
c. Coal , Natural Gas and Petroleum
d. None of these
Ans : c
39. The large collection of stars, dust and gas held together by gravitational attraction between components is known
a. Cluster b. Atmosphere
c. Galaxy d. Sun family
Ans : c
40. Bauxite is used as raw material by which industry
a. Aluminium b. Iron
c. Steel d. Gold
Ans : a
41. With which religion is Kaivalya associated?
a. Buddhism b. Jainism
c. Hinduism d. Sikhism
Ans : c
42. In whose consultation does the President Convene and Prorogue all sessions of Parliament
a. The speaker
b. The Prime Minister
c. The Prime Minister and leader of opposition in Lok Sabha
d. The Council of Ministers
Ans : b
43. What are Gilt Edged Securities?
a. Securities issued by the Multinational Companies
b. Securities issued by the Government
c. Securities issued by the Private Sector
d. Securities issued by the Joint Venture Companies
Ans : b
44. What is commonly known as ”White plague”?
a. Typhoid b. Malaria
c. Tuberculosis d. Plague
Ans : c
45. Intensity of any wave is proportional to which of the following?
a. Amplitude b. Square of Amplitude
c. Square root of Amplitude d. Cube of Amplitude
Ans : b
46. Gustation refers to the sense of which of the following ?
A. Smell B. Hearing
C. Tacticle D. Taste
Ans : d
47. Which dynasty was started by Khizr Khan?
A. The Sayyids B. The Lodhis
C. The Rajputs D. The Khiljis
Ans : a
48. Scheduled Bank is a bank, which is ……………
A. Nationalised B. Not Nationalised
C. Based in foreign country
D. Included in the second schedule of RBI
Ans : d
49. Leptospirosis is a disease caused by
A. Virus B. Bacteria
C. Fungus D. Protozoa
Ans : b
50. A tropical deciduous plant special to the Deccan Plateau is
A. Teak B. Shisam
C. Sandalwood D. Sal
Ans : c
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