Goa Shipyard Recruitment

Goa Shipyard Ltd. Recruitment 201 for Junior Supervisor & Others- Goa Shipyard Limited has opened a bumper vacancy for various vacant posts of Junior Supervisor, Assistant Superintendent, Painter, Carpenter, Nursing Assistant and others. It’s a golden chance for candidates who have qualified SSC and other degrees in relevant field. GSL is looking talented and enthusiastic candidates who can fairly deal with the responsibilities given to them by their superiors. Candidates you are advised that you should apply for this post because the number of vacant seats is high which is plus point for candidates as the chances them to get recruited is also very high.
GSL is the best Shipyard of the country which is also designated as Mini Ratna by Indian Government. It will be great chance for job seekers to work with this prestigious organization and earn experience.
Candidates must read detailed information of the post given below:-
Last Date: 7th June 2016
Job Location: Goa
Number of Posts: 231 posts
Name, Number, Qualification, Age Limit and Pay Scale of the Post:
Application Fees: Candidates are required to pay Rs. 200/- through Demand Draft in favour of “Goa Shipyard Limited” payable at Vasco-da-Gama, Goa.
How to Apply: Interested and eligible candidates need to apply online first and then take out the printout of application and send it to Chief General Manager (HR&A), Dr. B.R Ambedkar Bhavan, Goa Shipyard Limited, Vasco-Da-Gama, Goa: 403802, along with the Demand Draft and self-attested photocopy of the documents in support of the details entered in the Online Application.
For more : GoaGovt. jobs