Questions and answers based on General Knowledge , Indian History, World History and Science based on previous question papers and PSC Question Bank, for graduate level exams. Our experts, Career Team, prepared following questions and answers. You can study and check your efficiency by practicing Mock Examinations in this site that will be helpful to you. You can make enough revisions to obtain qualified marks in the exam easily.
1. In which occasion Gandhiji gave the slogan ‘Do or die’?
(a) Salt Satyagraha
(b) Non-cooperation movement
(c) Quit India movement
(d) Champaran satyagraha
Ans : c
2. Bhilai Steel Plant is in the state of:
(a) Chhatisgarh (b) Bihar
(c) Madhya Pradesh(d) Jharkhand
Ans : a
3. The region which was ceded from India in 1937 as per the Government of India Act of 1935:
(a) Nepal (b) Bhutan
(c) Myanmar(Burma) (d) Afghanistan
Ans : c
4. The number of states formed as per the State Reorganisation Act of 1956:
(a) 21 (b) 22
(c) 14 (d) 15
Ans : c
5. Who called Buddha as ‘Light of Asia’?
(a) Max Muller (b) Edwin Arnold
(c) Hermen Hesse (d) William Jones
Ans : b
6. The gravitational force of the earth is highest in
(a) Equator (b) Tropic of Cancer
(c) Tropic of Capricorn (d) Poles
Ans : d
7. The slogan “No taxation without representation” is associated with:
(a) French revolution
(b) American revolution
(c) Russian revolution
(d) Industrial revolution
Ans : b
8. What is the importance of 1789 July 14 in the world history?
(a) Fall of Bastile jail
(b) Tennis Court Oath
(c) Execution of Louis XVI
(d) None of these
Ans : a
9. The headquarters of Malabar district during the British regime:
(a) Farock (b) Kozhikode
(c) Thalassery (d) Kannur
Ans : b
10. What is also known as ‘Christmas disease’?
(a) Cancer (b) Leprocy
(c) Haemophilia (d) Tuberculosis
Ans : c
11. Land of Morning Calm:
(a) Japan (b) Korea
(c) Myanmar (d) Bhutan
Ans : b
12. ‘Tsunami’ is a word in …… language:
(a) Japanese (b) Chinese
(c) French (d) English
Ans : a
13. The first five year plan was started in
(a) 1947 (b) 1950
(c) 1951 (d) 1952
Ans : c
14. Which Article of the Constitution of India is related to the joint sitting of both Houses of the Parliament?
(a) 106 (b) 108
(c) 116 (d) 148
Ans : b
15. The Viceroy who was called ‘the Aurangazeb of British India’:
(a) Wellesley (b) Curzon
(c) Dalhousie (d) Rippon
Ans : b
16. In India at the time of election, polling starts at ….. in the polling booths.
(a) 8 A.M. (b) 7 A.M.
(c) 6 A.M. (d) 7.30 A.M.
Ans : b
17. The Rolling Plan concept in National Planning was introduced by
(a) Janatha Government
(b) United Front Government
(c) Rajiv Gandhi (d) V.P.Singh
Ans : a
18. The last play written by Shakespeare:
(a) King Lear (b) Macbeth
(c) Othello (d) The Tempest
Ans : d
19. The Inter-State Council is presided over by:
(a) Vice President (b) President
(c) Prime Minister
(d) Speaker of Loksabha
Ans : c
20. People’s Plan was envisaged by
(a) J.R.D.Tata (b) M.N.Roy
(c) Jawaharlal Nehru
(d) Subash Chandra Bose
Ans : b
21. The Chola king who was known as ‘Maduraikonda Chola’?
(a) Parantaka (b) Rajaraja
(c) Rajendra (d) Karikala
Ans : a
22. In which century the Synagogue at Mattanchery was built?
(a) 15 (b) 16
(c) 17 (d) 18
Ans : b
23. Wart is caused by:
(a) Bacteria (b) Protozoan
(c) Virus (d) Fungus
Ans : c
24. The first to be awarded Bharat Ratna posthumously:
(a) Aruna Asaf Alr (b) Rajiv Gandhi
(c) Lal Bahadur Shastri
(d) Jawaharlal Nehru
Ans : c
25. The distance between the Earth and Sun will be maximum on:
(a) January 3 (b) July 4
(c) March 21 (d) September 23
Ans : b
26. The first European to invade India:
(a) Alexander the Great
(b) Genghish Khan
(c) Timur (d) Muhammad bin Qasim
Ans : a
27. The normal tenure of Panchayats is
(a) one year (b) Two years
(c) Five years (d) Six years
Ans : c
28. The school of thought ‘Scepticism’ was expounded by:
(a) Rene Descartes (b) Zeno of Citium
(c) John Stuart Mill (d) Epicurus
Ans : a
29. ‘The Analects’ are the sacred text of:
(a) Parsi religion (b) Jainism
(c) Confucianism (d) Judaism
Ans : c
30. Geologically Greenland is a part of:
(a) Europe (b) North America
(c) South America (d) Asia
Ans : b
31. The first woman Chief Minister of a South Indian State:
(a) Jayalalithaa
(b) Janaki Ramachandran
(c) Sarojini Naidu
(d) Suchetha Kripalani
Ans : b
32. Which game was invented by William G.Morgan?
(a) Hockey (b) Table Tennis
(c) Volleyball (d) Football
Ans : c
33. Which colour has the longest wave length?
(a) Violet (b) Red
(c) Indigo (d) Blue
Ans : b
34. The first democratic country in the world:
(a) Britain (b) Egypt
(c) France (d) Greece
Ans : d
35. Mother Theresa was born in:
(a) 1917 (b) 1915
(c) 1910 (d) 1929
Ans : c
36. Norman Borlaug is regarded as the father of
(a) White Revolution
(b) Industrial Revolution
(c) Green Revolution
(d) None of these
Ans : c
37. TRYSEM deals with
(a) Training of young women for employment
(b) Training of rural youth for self employment
(c) Training of teachers for literacy programme
(d) None of these
Ans : b
38. The nearest star to the earth:
(a) Moon (b) Proxima Centaury
(c) Sun (d) Alpha centaury
Ans : c
39.The most abundant element in the crust of the earth:
(a) Aluminium (b) Iron
(c) Oxygen (d) Silicon
Ans : c
40. Mariana Trench is situated in:
(a) East Pacific (b) West Pacific
(c) North Pacific (d) South Pacific
Ans : b
41. The word ‘Budget’ literally means a:
(a) Paper (b) List
(c) Bag (d) Room
Ans : c
42. The first space tourist:
(a) Yuri Gagarin (b) Valentina Tereshkova
(c) Dennis Tito (d) Neil Armstrong
Ans : c
43. ‘Sn’ is the symbol of the element:
(a) Zinc (b) Strontium
(c) Silicon (d) Tin
Ans : d
44. The lightest of the Noble Gases:
(a) Hydrogen (b) Helium
(c) Argon (d) Neon
Ans : b
45. Kalasoka, during whose rule the second Buddhist council was held, was a ruler of —— dynasty:
(a) Maurya (b) Gupta
(c) Kushana (d) Shishunaga
Ans : d
46. Some of the powers of the Speaker of Loksabha resemble those of the Speaker of House of Commons of…….
(a) United Kingdom (b) U.S.A.
(c) Ireland (d) South Africa
Ans : a
47. Earth Day is observed on:
(a) March 21. (b) April 22
(c) June 5 (d) October 16
Ans : b
48. The only field or subject in which Indians got Nobel Prize more than one time:
(a) Chemistry (b) Medicine
(c) Physics (d) Economics
Ans : c
49. The unit of energy in MKS system:
(a) volt (b) erg
(c) ohm (d) joule
Ans : d
50. “Kung fu tsu” is:
(a) Name of a martial arts
(b) Real name of Confucius
(c) Holy book of a religion
(d) A tributary of Brahmaputra
Ans : b
- Dr. Venunathan Nair
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